Search results

  1. JEBofChristTheLord

    Remission of Sin

    Because the life is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11 among others). When we sin, we incur death; and the Father has placed life in blood, the Blood of the Lamb of God, for this purpose. Almost everyone went down to Sheol after death, until the Lamb of God was sent, because only His blood had the...
  2. JEBofChristTheLord

    I am starting to hate free will

    I find it most relevant, that the word-pair "free will" does not exist in Holy Scripture. And I also find it most relevant, that we do have it written that God has sent spirits into people, to get them to behave in certain ways, both good and evil.
  3. JEBofChristTheLord

    On The Risen Christ

    I believe in Jesus Christ, because His Father has given me many, many thoughts of Him and the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, that was sent after His resurrection. These thoughts were all given as responses to direct prayer from me, as ways to manage anything and everything which I need to manage...
  4. JEBofChristTheLord

    I'm twelve years older than her

    If your faith is really that weak, your problem is yourself. Ask the Lord to deliver His thoughts into you. Wait until you have thoughts which are different than the mess you have right now, before doing anything.
  5. JEBofChristTheLord

    Losing their religion: why US churches are on the decline

    I'll suggest that many of the statements so far do apply...and this one too: quasichristian nationalist religion, is finally being weakened profoundly in the U.S., after four hundred years of domination. When the Father brought knowledge of the Son to me in 1996, and for some years just...
  6. JEBofChristTheLord

    The Messy Demise Of “christian” Nationalism

    One hundred and twenty-five years ago, it was expected that the USA was to be called a “Christian” nation. Speakers and readers within were generally churchgoers, and were taught in churches, in public schools, and from other pulpits, that the so-called “American way” of the time was very much...
  7. JEBofChristTheLord

    Broken Theology?

    God is both Lamb and Lion of Judah. When the Son returns, He will return as the Lion, and will not love His enemies. He has commanded us, who must walk in the path of the Lamb for our obedience to Him, to love our enemies, because that is His will for us now. But He does not always love His...
  8. JEBofChristTheLord

    The Lamb Or The Insurrection

    Recently, They who are God are doing more to force choice in this world. There are those that believe that the Holy Spirit forces nothing and no one. Please let us not forget the book called Acts of the Apostles, chapter 5, verses 1 through 11. People died by the Holy Spirit Himself, directly...
  9. JEBofChristTheLord

    Confessions Of A Lord's Musician

    My name is Jonathan Brickman, and I am one of the Lord's many musicians. I play piano and keyboards on Sunday mornings with the rest of the praise teams, and we have a great time, the Lord gives wonderful input to all of us. He has also put together another band, outside of the church, which is...
  10. Happy Baseball and the Lord's Church!

    Happy Baseball and the Lord's Church!

    The original full text is here:
  11. Towards Peace in a Nation of Nations

    Towards Peace in a Nation of Nations

  12. Honorable is Not Normal.  Goodness is not common!

    Honorable is Not Normal. Goodness is not common!

  13. Is Your Life Important?  What is it for?

    Is Your Life Important? What is it for?

  14. Freedom is free - credit is due

    Freedom is free - credit is due

    Freedom comes from God, not guns and death and money.
  15. And I Will Give You Rest - a better kind of life

    And I Will Give You Rest - a better kind of life

    A most important promise, a wonderful way of life.
  16. Don't Bother Keeping the Faith

    Don't Bother Keeping the Faith

    A way to be happy. Trust is a far, far better word.
  17. God and A Man, a personal journey

    God and A Man, a personal journey

    Some video.
  18. Of the God of both Love and Anger

    Of the God of both Love and Anger

    Some video.
  19. JEBofChristTheLord

    Concerning Conspiracy

    I imagine everyone reading this has observed the dramatic uptick in the discussion of conspiracy. This seems to be happening across most of the bands of society, whether there is espoused belief in God or not. He gave commandment, when this came up a very long time ago: Indeed this is what the...