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  1. TeddyKGB

    Illegal Drugs!

    Which laws would legal cannabis-users start breaking? No one has suggested that a campaign of government-sponsored pro-cannabis advertisement ought to accompany legalization. I have a good sense that non-users don't generally consider marijuana undesirable merely because it is illegal; the...
  2. TeddyKGB

    Illegal Drugs!

    Please turn in your libertarian card at the nearest convenient dumpster.
  3. TeddyKGB

    How DOES a Christian help a homosexual deal with their homosexuality?

    And Jesus's point was that everyone does that no matter how hard they try not to.
  4. TeddyKGB

    Have you ever changed your mind...

    Perhaps less important than changing how a person feels about someone or something is critically analyzing how he or she seeks to convince everyone else that his or her feelings are right. Casting the public debates in that light, then, takes us from the absurdist, "Everyone should deem gay...
  5. TeddyKGB

    Areolaphobia in the Unted States

    Where have you been? Those societies are still around: We openly lament the way their patriarchal religions degrade women and blame them for producing all the terra-ists. Worse how? Surely urination doesn't trip our sex-detectors like female breasts?
  6. TeddyKGB

    Areolaphobia in the Unted States

    Hard to believe that in the internet age we still can't eradicate this bloated myth about Rome falling because they fell away from Puritan sexual standards. That's a fantastically dumb question. "Ultra conservative" compared to whom?
  7. TeddyKGB

    Areolaphobia in the Unted States

    Your teenage son does not need broadcast TV to experience female nipples. Our attitudes toward potentially sexual imagery are largely what we tell ourselves they are. This discussion does not occur in France or even England.
  8. TeddyKGB

    The Soul

    The "can't prove either way" position that implies that without deductive certainty, we have no way of reasonably deciding between options.
  9. TeddyKGB

    The Soul

    Except your blanket statement is false. At the very least, the various -asias and -osias associated with site-specific brain damage are strong evidence that the 'soul' is not meat-independent.
  10. TeddyKGB

    The Soul

    If my immaterial soul contains all the stuff that makes me me, why do I need this fragile, resource-hogging, meat brain?
  11. TeddyKGB

    School Prayer

    So one minute of Catechism per semester is going to counteract the hours of Catholic-bashing that fundamentalist Baptists and Church-of-Christers encounter at home and elsewhere? One minute of Koranic prayer will set right all the anti-Islam propaganda? Right.
  12. TeddyKGB

    Discussing Abortion Without Reference to Religion

    Metaphysical or ontological.
  13. TeddyKGB

    Discussing Abortion Without Reference to Religion

    No, according to philosophers. Y'know, those guys that do philosophy for a living?
  14. TeddyKGB

    Discussing Abortion Without Reference to Religion

    I mean that legal definitions and philosophical definitions are not always in perfect harmony. Atheism is not philosophically defined as a religion.
  15. TeddyKGB

    For all you atheists

    What's the substantial difference between, "I know all atheists are X" and "I know everything about everything"? Aw, look who's self-important. How adorable. Personally, when you make credibility-killing statements, I no longer feel any obligation to offer sophisticated counterarguments. I...
  16. TeddyKGB

    Discussing Abortion Without Reference to Religion

    Except legal definitions are not always properly philosophical, as the example you omitted demonstrates.
  17. TeddyKGB

    For all you atheists

    I don't know if you had any credibility before this, but you surely have none now.
  18. TeddyKGB

    Discussing Abortion Without Reference to Religion

    Should be or are? After all, atheism is classified as a religion for purposes of constitutional protection.
  19. TeddyKGB

    Discussing Abortion Without Reference to Religion

    A fetus has measurable brain activity at 12 weeks; that threshold seems to make sense as an indicator of personhood for many otherwise pro-choice people. The more difficult question is: Other than the potentiality argument, what could possibly argue in favor of personhood for undifferentiated...