
  1. T

    Foods which correlate with CVD risk

    Global Correlates of Cardiovascular Risk: A Comparison of 158 Countries. The study is from 2018, but I discovered it today. The aim of this study was a large-scale ecological analysis of nutritional and other environmental factors potentially...
  2. Quid est Veritas?

    Large Diet study finds raised stroke risk in plant-based diets

    Risks of ischaemic heart disease and stroke in meat eaters, fish eaters, and vegetarians over 18 years of follow-up: results from the prospective EPIC-Oxford study They did a 48000 subject dietary study with meat-eating, pescetarian, and vegetarian/vegan subgroups. Following them up over a...
  3. PsychoeDial

    Actor Kevin Sorbo - Three strokes from a sub-clavicle aneurysm [posted because it may save a life]

    I found this browsing about and especially since my wife sent me one of his Christian films, "What if...." . Good movie btw. These type symptoms are something any one of us may dismiss. He was truly blessed to survive. God bless Mr.Sorbo and his family. Kevin Sorbo Reclaims His Life After...