
  1. G

    There is an adaptation, none of your ancestors had; an expectation, you have to wait for

    True, yes, How do I know this? I know this, because God has not created everything that is in His power to Create. God is able to Create more! That God is always able to Create more, means that anyone who believes in Him, is able to live above mere survival. Everything that was Created in...
  2. Tone

    Why do people "do church" in "sanctuaries", which are patterned after the old covenant?

    If the Law is done away with, why are there cathedrals, sanctuaries, and other church edifices wherein religious ceremonies are enacted after the pattern of the old priesthood, or even, pagan rites? Doesn't the book of Acts establish a whole new way of being followers of Messiah?
  3. mreeed

    Is it possible to be *equally* yoked with an unbeliever?

    A friend of mine who prides himself on his research propensities is trying to tell me so. Though in this case I am not quite sure what his research consists of; it seems that he mainly finds nothing conclusive about the traditional view. He seems to put the 613 commandments of Torah first. Do...
  4. MDuce

    Merry Christmas and a question

    Merry Christmas to all of you. My best whishes in this blessed day. A question (I'm afraid this is not the right place for this question but I don't know which is): the bread dipped in wine shared in Orthodox's ceremonies has alcohol? Is that wine alcoholic? I do not mean the Eucharist but...
  5. Zoii

    The value of rituals

    What is the value of ritual. Ritual is such an instinctive thing. In our churches (and not just Christian) our services involve wearing of garments, ritual movements about the alter, use of candles and incense and chants or ritual singing. The singing heightens your emotions and the ritual...