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  1. fide

    Dehumanization of Palestinians Is Being Normalized Among Western Christians, Palestinian Analyst Claims

    What do Palestinian Christians and any peace-loving human beings in Gaza expect Israel to do, in the harsh light of the reality of the hatred of Hamas? Hamas has the sworn goal of the death of every Israeli, man woman and child, their horrific massacre of Israelis in the midst of a mutual...
  2. fide

    Pope apologizes for using ‘homophobic’ slang

    It may sound counter-intuitive, but it is not unusual for people to have a love-hate relationship with significant aspects of their personhood. A homosexual might be strongly defensive of "gay rights and equivalence" while at the same time hating gayness in himself and others. I have heard...
  3. fide

    Why do so many Catholics use contraception? Experts weigh in

    My conclusion is that it's not a crisis of catechesis, but a crisis of faith - that is to say, more specifically, supernatural faith. Many Christians, in my opinion, operate on merely natural "faith." Faith itself - the theological virtue of faith, infused in Baptism - is a supernatural...
  4. fide

    The myth of progressive Catholicism Not even the will of God can keep the culture wars out of the Vatican.

    I guess your answer to my question - "Surely you are not saying that the problem of division among Christians is solved in the words written in that link - are you? The problem is a bit deeper and harder than mere talk about it. right?" - was yes, the problem of division among Christians is...
  5. fide

    The myth of progressive Catholicism Not even the will of God can keep the culture wars out of the Vatican.

    Surely you are not saying that the problem of division among Christians is solved in the words written in that link - are you? The problem is a bit deeper and harder than mere talk about it. right?
  6. fide

    The myth of progressive Catholicism Not even the will of God can keep the culture wars out of the Vatican.

    Does Scripture resolve the final "bottom line" question, which I was trying to put on the table in my post? Namely: "What is Truth?" What does Scripture actually, truly teach? What is, actually and truly, the Gospel? To phrase it another way, Why isn't every Christian a believer in one Truth -...
  7. fide

    The myth of progressive Catholicism Not even the will of God can keep the culture wars out of the Vatican.

    Love of money is a key indicator for discerning which "slippery slope" - among the many possible - a given person or group is dangerously dancing near. But I would place the ultimate value that I would seek to guard, not exactly " the authority of Scripture and the Gospel message," - because...
  8. fide

    Synod boss Cardinal Hollerich claims infallible Church teaching “can be changed” but it has to be done “one step at a time”...

    Democrat words and structures weaponized to bring the chaos that welcomes dictatorship?
  9. fide

    Strange Phenomena and Spiritual Warfare: A Catholic Convert’s Testimony

    Yes, the evil one does not "give up" on a soul easily. I hope the author of the Register essay has gotten some spiritual advice to not only persevere, and seek to remain in the state of grace, but to see that the Lord wants us to grow in grace. We need to remain, and to grow - to mature - to...
  10. fide

    We don’t have a vocations crisis, we have a crisis of faith

    A rhetorical question is: Which is better, growing membership in the "Church of Part-Time Catholics", or members in the Body of Christ growing in the Life of Christ? I was a former Catholic, until I learned from the outside what I had missed on the inside. Now, it is horrifying to me that I am...
  11. fide

    We don’t have a vocations crisis, we have a crisis of faith

    A major factor in the present sad state of the institutional Church is well-described by Bp. Strickland, in terms of a falling into the natural - the worldly - and away from the essential spiritual supernatural truths of the Faith. Emphasis added, below, by me: !
  12. fide

    We don’t have a vocations crisis, we have a crisis of faith

    The priest-author of this essay reveals some clues to the problem imho: He writes, "Monthly confession. Weekly Mass. Daily prayer. That’s the program." That program sounds excellent, to me, for the formation of part-time Catholics. Such a formation is hardly the way of Jesus, who called...
  13. fide

    Priest in UK Spreads Vulgar Sermon [Article recommended for ages 17+]

    I hope you will take this response in the right way, Alex. Supernatural faith is exactly that: supernatural. It is not acquired by reasonings, by human advice or discussions, by logic, by human relationships or feelings or decisions or wishes or any act of man in his fallen human nature...
  14. fide

    Priest in UK Spreads Vulgar Sermon [Article recommended for ages 17+]

    Yes, that is so like our Blessed Mother! This is the beautiful and relevant Novena Prayer to Our Lady, in the "darkness and sin which ever more envelop the world and menace the Church":
  15. fide

    Priest in UK Spreads Vulgar Sermon [Article recommended for ages 17+]

    He did not "overcome" any of what we understand as temptations - The Greek word for it, interestingly, is translatable as "temptation" and/or "trial" or "test". Jesus was tried by the devil, with what would have been for us a trial and a temptation because in us is concupiscence (an inclination...
  16. fide

    Priest in UK Spreads Vulgar Sermon [Article recommended for ages 17+]

    I recommend that this entire thread be erased. Satan is doubling his work - first a blasphemous homily, then this insulting "discussion" on the matter.
  17. fide

    What is the Holy Spirit like?

    I'm sorry (not really) to be an irritant in a Good News Only Evangelist's Conference, but grace brings the strong word first, repent. "Repent and believe the Gospel! You are dead in your servitude to lies and your love of self - repent! Believe in the One who died in love for you on a rough...
  18. fide

    A (possibly THE) key to understanding this pontificate

    I was greatly helped in understanding Francis in a deeper and (more) reasoned way by the confluence of three papers, which I'll suggest: 1) Pope Benedict XVI's (1st) encyclical Deus Caritas Est, on the (developing) human embrace of Love, 2) the latest Vatican document (DDF's) on apparitions, as...
  19. fide

    A step back in time': America’s Catholic Church sees an immense shift toward the old ways

    I'm sorry, but this thread is resolved as far as I'm concerned. Personal subjective preferences, in the matter of worship, in a minor factor. God's absolute will settles the matter.