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  1. Lukaris

    What happens when gay pride and queers for Palestine meet together?

    Yes, understand the friends of Hamas who chant, “now, now, now burn Israel to the ground” between 1:30-1:45 in the video linked in post # 10 in this thread.
  2. Lukaris

    Squad Member Cori Bush Claims She Performed Miracles And Cured Diseases In Autobiography

    She professes her faith as Christian. If so, she is a believer in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. She belongs to the Lord and He knows the ultimate truth on this. In the world secular system she is a liberal; liberalism is a catastrophe. She needs to be voted out of office.
  3. Lukaris

    What happens when gay pride and queers for Palestine meet together?

    “Now now now burn Israel to the ground” is heard from the “humanitarian” protesters. So if they had all the firepower I bet nuclear war soon follow from them.
  4. Lukaris

    Trans Christian school shooter's leaked diary reveals anti-Christian, perverse, pro-LGBT sentiments

    Where did a so called “Christian” extremist shoot people at an lgbt etc. club? The Orlando shooting was motivated by Islamic extremism & the Colorado shooting by scramble brained insanity. In fact, the Colorado perp had gender issues...
  5. Lukaris

    Which book of the New Testament would you choose to do a "discipleship" bible study class on?

    I believe Colossians 1:1-32 ( chapter 1) is a good start. It is an excellent summary of the Savior, salvation & faith. I think different chapters from the Gospels & epistles could be linked together for brevity as long as they are consistent. Sometimes the Lord or the apostles are giving...
  6. Lukaris

    If you believe that marxism and wokeism is evil...

    Is it so difficult to teach the Lord’s commandments of love of God and neighbor and that what is sinful is still wrong (Amos 5:13-15)? Are we not to be wise as serpents but harmless as doves?
  7. Lukaris

    Staying Orthodox

    I believe the situation with I am speaking on a broad basis. I believe cultural differences can make human failings seem more intense especially in cliquish aspects. There are friendly & unfriendly Orthodox parishes in America where ethnicity or being more “American” is actually secondary to...
  8. Lukaris

    Prayers TO the dead

    In the Old Testament the prophet Elisha prayed for the life of the son of a Shunnamite woman who had died. Elisha proceeded to resuscitate the son but still the prayer for the life of a departed person took place. While the cultic account of Saul & the Witch of Endor is a warning against seance...
  9. Lukaris

    Staying Orthodox

    Personally Orthodoxy has not made me uptight towards Catholics or Protestants. To me the same positive & negative human aspects are found in all Christian groups & congregations. While I believe Orthodox Christian faith is the truth, I believe individuals of all Christian confessions will either...
  10. Lukaris

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    This was such a fair trial with a judge who forbids the defense from calling a hostile witness. Of course, a lawsuit originated from the law firm of Michael Avenatti must be the gold standard also. In...
  11. Lukaris

    US B-1B Drops Live Bombs in Firepower Warning to North Korea

    Only the demos are allowed to do that like the late leftist Senator George McGovern called for in the 1970s.
  12. Lukaris

    Best Books for Conservative Christians
  13. Lukaris

    Help me find a denomination!!!

    While this is not my confession, years back I interacted with a Landmark Baptist confession. Their beliefs were those linked here which seem very close to what the OP.
  14. Lukaris

    'Star Wars' spinoff 'The Acolyte' pushes LGBT ideology: 'Get ready for pronouns in Star Wars'

    So he was gay; he didn’t identify as anything other. JK Rowing apparently had no other identity intended. I know the Hogwarts “legacy” has been allegedly updated for the agenda & she opposes it.
  15. Lukaris

    'Star Wars' spinoff 'The Acolyte' pushes LGBT ideology: 'Get ready for pronouns in Star Wars'

    I guess we could read into the Harry Potter series and imply some sort of “trans” character except that JK Rowling opposes the agenda. I suppose the Narnia stories will be taken into the agenda. I doubt it if Clive or Warnie were still alive though ( they would be over 120 if so).
  16. Lukaris

    Being depressed and sad in church and how to deal with people

    I am now 60, solitary, have light depression & have never really been able to bond with people in general. Certainly I believe traditional family, fellowship etc. is the way for believers for good witness & a healthy congregation. Still, I find ways to serve like in janitorial work which...
  17. Lukaris

    US B-1B Drops Live Bombs in Firepower Warning to North Korea

    The thing is Trump had an isolationist policy which was aimed at keeping the US strong and foreign alliances to a minimum. Trump wisely distrusted Iran and was pragmatic to maintain the status quo with Saudi Arabia. The enemy camp distinctly referred to the Trump foreign policy as...
  18. Lukaris

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    The judge gave $15 bucks to the demos and the demopravda media chortles about skepticism towards it. Is it possible skepticism may have other origins? Yes, but that should just be water under the bridge...
  19. Lukaris

    I’m not sure if I should try anymore

    If your problem is just like an attitude issue this can be coped with on an extended basis. There may be ups & downs in how we feel on different days but the key is balancing the big picture of our salvation within even our slightest good works ( within the proper context of Ephesians 2:8-10)...
  20. Lukaris

    Did the Founding Fathers get anything Wrong?

    Lost my post… forget it.