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  1. Nagomirov

    Question: Does the Catholic Church teach the possibility of achieving dispassion in this life?

    Can a believer, at the very heights of holiness, achieve dispassion? What does the Catholic Church say about this?
  2. Nagomirov

    An Introduction to Theosis (w/ Jay Dyer)

    Hold up, did someone say we become GOD?? If you're like me, the first time you heard this, you were a bit concerned. As an evangelical, the concept of theosis can seem more than a bit foreign. In this video with Orthodox apologist Jay Dyer, we talk about what theosis is (and isn't) and in doing...
  3. Nagomirov

    How do you Ubi Petrus?

    Do you know about him? The American apologist Ubi Petrus is widely known among the English-speaking Orthodox as a polemicist against Roman Catholicism
  4. Nagomirov

    Why aren't American believers protesting

    Я имею в виду, против ЛГБТ, против трансгендерной политики Байдена? И я имею в виду не только простых верующих, но и католическую иерархию, протестантских лидеров. Почему молчат? Почему бы им не выйти на улицу и не провести пикет? Почему бы католикам не организовать масштабное шествие как акцию...
  5. Nagomirov

    Mount Athos

  6. Nagomirov

    Georgian Orthodox Church

  7. Nagomirov

    Romanian Orthodox Church

  8. Nagomirov

    It is pointless for Lutherans to claim episcopal succession (Бессмысленно лютеранам заявлять о епископском преемстве)

    I am not an English speaker, so through an online translator: My message to one person who is interested in Lutheranism: "@centurion1067, for Protestantism, technical continuity does not play a special role, this is facilitated by the Protestant doctrine of universal priesthood. Well, Lutherans...