Recent content by Nick Moser

  1. Nick Moser

    Why is Christianity declining?

    Why is Christianity declining both in membership and in clergy? Even the more conservative branches of Christianity such as Orthodoxy and the more conservative branches of Catholicism and Protestantism is declining although not as rapidly as the more liberal and heretical branches. Although...
  2. Nick Moser

    What is Judaism

    No I was saying modern Judaism is Canaanite. Christianity has been in existence of Genesis
  3. Nick Moser

    What is Judaism

    This is a very good video mentioning Judaism. It's also important to note that many of the modern Jews came from the Canaanites and thus the culture and mythology influenced modern Jewish culture and spirituality. For example the Star of David was originally a symbol for Baal and Saturn
  4. Nick Moser

    Are Eastern Catholics and traditional Catholics Orthodox in denial [CONTROVERSIAL]

    I find it very interesting you are a cradle Catholic. Most Catholics later convert to Orthodoxy usually begin from a secular or prostate background then become Latin Mass Catholics only to go back home to the majesty of Orthodoxy
  5. Nick Moser

    Vatican seeks to break new ground in Confucian and Christian dialogue

    Well I do think there is some commonality between all religions I don't think we should be so willing to be ecumenical. The problem is that ecumenicalism will only lead to the watering down of all religions into a primordial stew of modernism and nihilism
  6. Nick Moser

    Are Eastern Catholics and traditional Catholics Orthodox in denial [CONTROVERSIAL]

    I was talking to a traditional Catholic and they recognize the errors of Vatican 2. Byzantine / Eastern Catholics also see the error of Rome such as the filoque. Most of it seems to be over the simplifification of the liturgy by Rome. While l I do NOT harbor any animosity towards Catholics I...
  7. Nick Moser

    What Lent can teach us about Philippians 2:12-13 (Fear & Trembling)
  8. Nick Moser

    What Lent can teach us about Philippians 2:12-13 (Fear & Trembling)

    Because of Christ's sacrifice, we are to take hold of what God offers, accept His grace and work toward becoming mature in Christ. The concept expressed is the synergy between human effort and divine grace in the process of salvation. It emphasizes that humans play an active role in seeking and...
  9. Nick Moser

  10. Nick Moser

    Modernism vs Traditionalism in Orthodoxy

    On the 4th of October, 2023, a high-ranking member of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, affiliated with the Patriarchate of Constantinople, participated in the "Interfaith Harmony Day" at a grand Hindu temple in Robbinsville, New Jersey. This meeting, part of the festivities leading to...
  11. Nick Moser

    Future of Orthodoxy in America: Non-Chalcedonian Churches surge

    Perhaps it's most likely because of mass immigration from Ethiopia which is has the largest congregation of the Miaphysite Church.
  12. Nick Moser

    Orthodoxy on Time

    Dumitru Stăniloae’s illuminates time as a journey on which we may grow in response to the love that God offers us, a journey towards sharing in the eternity of the perfect, interpersonal communion of the Trinity. God, in His Incarnation, shares the journey with us in Christ, so that time enters...
  13. Nick Moser

    Are the creation days literal 24 hours? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa
  14. Nick Moser

    Are the creation days literal 24 hours? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa

    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; One God, Amen. Many viewers requested a video on the literality of the creation days in Genesis 1. But, to be completely honest, I am making this video as a concession as I understand that this is a standard follow-up question to the...