
  1. T

    Sex and Gender friendly discussion

    I must admit that while I had a good idea of what the word sex referred to, I was not so sure about how gender played into that. So I would like to start with the bare definitions: Sex - "either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are...
  2. Henry Dalcke

    Biblical "Kinds" are actually a thing! Here's why

    Hello my fellow Christians, I'm a programmer of genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks from Germany and I found out something quite problematic for the theory of evolution. I describe it in the following three papers. Please read and share your thoughts on it. towards an extended...
  3. oSitez

    The Genetic Code

    The genetic code is a literal digital and arbitrary code. The only observed cause capable of producing this is intelligence. We only know of intelligence producing what our very bodies contain. Anyone arguing against design being the best conclusion and reasonable inference is doing it merely...
  4. public hermit

    $14.5 Million for Philosopher-Led Project on Agency in Biology

    Wow. That's a chunk of change. "Alan C. Love, professor of philosophy at the University of Minnesota and Director of the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science, has won a $14.5 million grant to support the interdisciplinary project “Agency, Directionality, and Function: Foundations for a...
  5. The IbanezerScrooge

    AI Solves 50-year-old Science Problem in ‘STUNNING ADVANCE’

    ...Could Dramatically Change the Way We Fight Disease. AI solves 50-year-old science problem in ‘stunning advance’ that could change the world This is YUGE! I mean really huge. Big, big deal. I really hope the paper pans out in peer-review and this is legit. In 10-20 years we could have the...
  6. SummerMadness

    Can Biology Class Reduce Racism?

    Can Biology Class Reduce Racism?
  7. joinfree

    The Adam and Eve are in devorce, so it is time to revise the Methodology of Science

    The author has completed school with Gold Medal, the Tartu University with Cum Laude, was published in top academic journals, including Physical Review, was university lector, first part of the CV is in {abstract} I have presented PhDs my Theology Journal papers, but they were not...
  8. Anguspure

    Design in Living Things Goes Far Beyond Machines

    Seventeenth-century French philosopher René Descartes conceived of living things as complex machines, a concept now known as the “machine metaphor.” In 1998, Bruce Alberts (who was then president of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences) wrote that “the entire cell can be viewed as a factory...
  9. Anguspure

    More Information Found in DNA: The Shape Code

    We may have yet another code to add to Jonathan Wells’s growing list of information systems in the cell that challenge the Central Dogma. A new discovery hints at a “shape code” in the double helix..... ....Recognition of this new source of epigenetic information suggests a “new way of...
  10. Warden_of_the_Storm

    Humans aren't apes... but biologically how?

    This is a common claim I see, and I'm sure everyone on this forum sees, very often from creationists/ID proponents that goes: "Humans aren't apes". Even though: Humans are in the family Hominidae which puts us in with the other great apes (orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees and Bonobos). We...
  11. SummerMadness

    First modern Britons had 'dark to black' skin, Cheddar Man DNA analysis reveals

    First modern Britons had 'dark to black' skin, Cheddar Man DNA analysis reveals I wonder if a story like this will change the minds of the race is biological crowd... nah, old habits die hard.
  12. Blessed Each Day

    Good Creationist Biological/Biochemistry/Genetics Reading?

    Can someone well-versed in the science of creationism provide me with a good reading(s) to combat common evolutionist claims? I stumbled across this site CCC No. 3: "Horizontal Evolution vs. Vertical Evolution" – Jack Scanlan which is basically some kid saying something to combat creationist...
  13. C

    A debate on when the "One Flesh" union occurs, it's effects, and meaning.

    In this debate, I will attempt to prove that while fornication is a sin, it does not necessarily equate to a union of the flesh and what does achieve that union is the irreversible transfer of genetic materiel, its efficacy, and its consequences. To do this, I will run through 5 points: 1. What...
  14. C

    A debate on when the "One Flesh" union occurs, it's effects, and meaning.

    In this debate, I will attempt to prove that while fornication is a sin, it does not necessarily equate to a union of the flesh and what does achieve that union is the irreversible transfer of genetic materiel, its efficacy, and its consequences. To do this, I will run through 5 points: 1. What...
  15. Non sequitur

    Ligands, agonists, affinity & efficacy

    x receptor affinity (Ki) for substance y is 30nM, and substance y is a full agonist a receptor affinity (Ki) for substance b is 6nM, and substance b is a partial agonist Does the full or partial agonist term come from the inherent properties of the substance, or is it concluded/arrived at...
  16. DeerGlow

    My Four Tests

    They are tomorrow (Literature), Thursday (Government), Monday (Biology), and Wednesday (Macroeconomics). I will study but I am afraid for my short term sanity being locked in a cold white room with a test I have to focus on for several hours at a time. Please pray God will protect me from...
  17. Radrook

    Which three of these Ten Animals would yu restore from Extinction?

    Given a choice to restore three of these ten creatures from extinction, which two would you choose? 1.The Dodo 2.The Great Auk 3.Stellar's Sea Cow 4.The Aurochs 5.The Western Black Rhino 6.Passenger Pigeon 7.The Giant Moa 8.The Bubal Hardebeest 9. Caribbean Monk Seals 10.The Heath Hen I...
  18. Radrook

    Amazing Biological Nanotechnology

    Just posting this as a reason why we conclude intelligent design.