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  1. FreeinChrist

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    Just a reminder that a grand jury heard evidence and handed up the indictment for 34 charges. It was tried in a court with a jury of his peers, including some that got their news from Truth social and FOX news. They were given instructions that had been debated and cleared by both the...
  2. FreeinChrist

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    A large percentage of the US population disagrees with me that the Democrats care about the rule of law? I was responding to a comment (an insult actually) that Democrats don't care about the rule of law. Are you responding to that line of conversation? A large percentage of the...
  3. FreeinChrist

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    Well, that and Trump was insistent about how it was going to go. He is the one that wanted Costello.
  4. FreeinChrist

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    He had done work for Trump but wasn't receiving a monthly paycheck. He was paid for specific things. Trump's lawyers never gave a good answer to that.
  5. FreeinChrist

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    Trump and his lawyers already took the gag order to the court of appeals, and was denied:,of%20witnesses%20and%20potential%20witnesses.%E2%80%9D A state...
  6. FreeinChrist

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    That is all just sour grapes. There has to be evidence that is going to hold up in court, and a case that prosecutors feel can be won. Complaining that the FBI is corrupt and the justice department is corrupt for not prosecuting Hillary is just sour grapes. In contrast, there...
  7. FreeinChrist

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    His rights weren't violated. Gag orders have been used in a wide variety of cases to prevent damage to the overall law case and to the people involved that cannot be undone. Trump's modus operandi is to attack people rather than actually answer or counter things he is challenged on...
  8. FreeinChrist

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    I probably insulted Trump but haven't been rude to MAGA folks. If mentioning Trump University, and the Trump foundation, and a long running tax fraud scheme is insulting MAGA folks, then the skin is very thin. I didn't even mention the 6 bankruptcies, or the 30,000+ lies in his term. :)
  9. FreeinChrist

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    YES! Who cares what you think? Really, is that all you can come up with? I guess when one doesn't have a good response, insults and snark is all that one can come up with, huh?
  10. FreeinChrist

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    I have to wonder if some folks have any idea what the rule of law is.
  11. FreeinChrist

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    Exactly HOW did the judge 'manipulate' the jury? What did he say exactly? And back it up.
  12. FreeinChrist

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    Trump's defense really failed to provide any believable alternative to why Cohen was paid that money. They didn't counter the testimony of Pecker or Hope Hicks, or McConney, or Rhona Graff or Madeleine Westerhout. They didn't do a good job with Daniels either. Cohen just tied all the...
  13. FreeinChrist

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    I was going to just monitor this thread.....but this begs a response: As you later clarify that "they" are "Democrats", then you are insulting a group. It is not that Democrats "don't care about breaking laws" but that they care about the rule of Law. That all are equal under the Law...
  14. FreeinChrist

    Feds secretly knew for years Joe Biden met with son’s Chinese partners on official trip

    The emails do not show anything. The bank records do not support the House GOP claims. On October 20, House Oversight Committee chairman Rep...
  15. FreeinChrist

    Man accused of driving without licence, appears in court whilst driving!

    The look on his face when he realized what he did was priceless.
  16. FreeinChrist

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    ADVISOR HAT FOLKS!! This is a real emotional issue for many on both sides. Let's keep it civil and remember the flaming rule.
  17. FreeinChrist

    Trump Found Guilty

    ADVISOR HAT A clean up was done. Folks, this is a real emotional issue for some on both sides. It would be easy to over-gloat on one side and to over do it when responding in anger on the other side. Keep it civil. Remember, God is in control. That is something a wise pastor of...
  18. FreeinChrist

    ALERT! Time to Break Out the Foil Hats!

    The Northern lights were beautiful!
  19. FreeinChrist

    Trump greeted by 100,000 in New Jersey (very blue state)

    It was way less than 80,000 and many were there for the amusement park. There there are the MAGA supporters that travel around to rallies.
  20. FreeinChrist

    "Happy" Memorial Day?

    Checking his watch may not be about boredom but about responsibilities related to being the President. It is a busy job when done appropriately.