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  1. The Liturgist

    Worldly Churches: A Checklist

    The church at which I was baptized put a surfboard on the altar for a “surfing” themed service in the summer of 2002 I think. It was all rock music and no traditional hymns. This was a UMC church of course. And then in the case of the UCC, it was the widespread embrace of liberalism, which...
  2. The Liturgist

    About other "dimensions"

    That’s not correct, and also, I am pretty sure OxyContin is no longer prescribed to my knowledge. Basically, it was a formulation of slow-release OxyCodone with a high dose of acetaminophen. Now, the commercial brands still prescribed in the US are are Percocet, which has less...
  3. The Liturgist

    Historicity of Mary vs significant inference -- ie not in the Bible?

    Unfortunately there are many preachers who regard the Ethiopian Orthodox and other Orthodox Churches as heathen.
  4. The Liturgist

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    Forgive me, bur I think @ViaCrucis and @prodromoe have provided strong evidence. The only possible alternative theologoumenon (considered theological opinion that does not contradict established doctrine) is that proposed by @HTacianas. For my part, I think the text makes it obvious that St...
  5. The Liturgist

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    Orthodox churches don’t even have pulpits! Indeed they never have, going back to the early church. The Pulpit is an innovation of the Western Church.
  6. The Liturgist

    A summation of "Progressive" Christianity beliefs.

    Indeed, the Orthodox reject penal satisfaction theology but are also the most conservative and traditional church, one where epic schisms, which are still ongoing nearly four hundred years later, have resulted from minor changes to the liturgy which even I can’t explain in fewer than five...
  7. The Liturgist

    A summation of "Progressive" Christianity beliefs.

    It is also one of the most difficult for me to remember; if it were not for the auto-complete feature I would be out of luck. That said, I do like it, but imagine if we had voicechat - your name would be an absolute tongue twister!
  8. The Liturgist

    Prayer requests post here!

    Lord have mercy!
  9. The Liturgist

    A summation of "Progressive" Christianity beliefs.

    Yes that works but you have to get the username right, for example, my username is “The Liturgist” which I realize in retrospect is pretentious and it would have been better to go with “Liturgist” or “A Liturgist” but I will have to live with that I suppose.
  10. The Liturgist

    A summation of "Progressive" Christianity beliefs.

    To mention someone, you type the @ character followed by the first few letters of their username and it should prompt you with a list of usernames, unless you are in BBCode editing mode. By the way, you just successfully mentioned a user with the name “person” and the ID 101654. Otherwise, you...
  11. The Liturgist

    A summation of "Progressive" Christianity beliefs.

    That is a mischaracterization of the Eastern doctrine which does deny Progressive Revelation but also does not claim to know everything God will reveal to us Eschatologically. It is also the case that many traditional Catholics and most Eastern Catholics reject the idea of Progressive...
  12. The Liturgist

    A summation of "Progressive" Christianity beliefs.

    It’s a pity Luther never had the chance to try this, because I think he could have made progress where his successors failed. By the way, he also had a high regard for the Oriental Orthodox: it was the realization or the Coptic and Ethiopian Orthodox under the Pope of Alexandria, completely...
  13. The Liturgist

    A summation of "Progressive" Christianity beliefs.

    Because what @Ain't Zwinglian writes is broadly in accord with the views of the Early Church. As an Orthodox Christian, I agree with the majority of what our Confessional Lutheran members have to say, as well as our more traditional Catholic members such as @chevyontheriver . They both...
  14. The Liturgist

    A summation of "Progressive" Christianity beliefs.

    If she were an Orthodox nun, she would be packing her bags about now, unless she immediately recanted such a heretical position, which denies Divine Immitability and the Coeternality of the Uncreated Persons of the Trinity.
  15. The Liturgist

    A summation of "Progressive" Christianity beliefs.

    Well Process theology is purely heretical; if anyone is aware of anyone outside of the UUA, for example, a mainline parish pastor, who is teaching Process theology, please let me know.
  16. The Liturgist

    Is it true that Evangelical Churches (for example, Baptist and Pentecostal) are becoming more conservative?

    That’s not really the case; there is no smooth gradient between Roman Catholicism and the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Assyrian churches, which despite historical differences, are much closer to each other than to Rome. Roman Catholicism is more like a hard detent on a throttle...
  17. The Liturgist

    Is it true that Evangelical Churches (for example, Baptist and Pentecostal) are becoming more conservative?

    Here I think you are confusing the Oriental Orthodox and the Assyrian/Ancient Church of the East with the Eastern Orthodox, although the Oriental Orthodox had their own ecumenical councils, and their doctrine is extremely close to Eastern Orthodoxy, indeed, the Oriental Orthodox St. Severus of...
  18. The Liturgist

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    I do hope that in saying that, you do not deny the doctrine of the Dormition or Assumption of the Theotokos. So are you saying that those raised from the dead, which is Biblical, (but there is no indication that they were assumed, the only persons the Church has historically believed were...
  19. The Liturgist

    A summation of "Progressive" Christianity beliefs.

    If I were you I wouldn’t take it altogether personally, since aside from the issue of human sexuality in many of its parishes (but not all; conservative Episcopalian parishes do exist and are surprisingly common), the Episcopal Church, thanks to its weekly recitation of the Nicene Creed, is much...
  20. The Liturgist

    A summation of "Progressive" Christianity beliefs.

    Yes, this is a good point. By the way, Tritheism originated among the Monophysites, the real ones founded by Eutyches, who was excommunicated by the same Oriental Orthodox who have been falsely accused of Monophysitism due to their refusal to accept the Tome of Leo and their desire to retain...