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  1. Josheb

    Are You Unapproachable?

    Can we amend that to say, "...have our words examined for veracity..."? Paul was willing to have his words examined for their veracity, and those who did so with scripture where praised. That being said, the second paragraph in this op is filled with errors. Are you, @Christsfreeservant...
  2. Josheb

    Are You Unapproachable?

    @Christsfreeservant, I appreciate the response, but I don't have time this morning to reply. I'll come back later but, for now, answering the question with scripture is a good thing but not where the terms are defined. Define "testing." Define it as you intend us to understand it and define it...
  3. Josheb

    Are You Unapproachable?

    How would that qualify as an "unapproachable" person? This op asks if "you" are unapproachable. It then defines the "unapproachable person" as someone who is unwilling to have their words tested, but the word "tested" is not defined, and when asked to define the term and put him/herself in the...
  4. Josheb

    Are You Unapproachable?

    Ummm.... Okay, but Jesus and Paul still submitted their teaching to inquiry but not criticism. Yes, I completely agree, but that has nothing to do with my original inquiry. No, let's not pretend that. Let's not pretend that because that would be outside the example of Christ and the inspired...
  5. Josheb

    Are You Unapproachable?

    What do you mean by "tested"? Do you mean "to have the veracity of their words questioned," or do you mean "to have questions asked in an effort to reveal the already-existing veracity"? Jesus (and Paul) did the latter, but not the former. Jesus' teaching(s) was impeccable. Paul's and Peter's...
  6. Josheb

    Did trees die during Noah's flood

    The implication in the op is that some trees did die, while others did not. It was more than a year, not a few months. The rains began in the second month of one year and ended. Furthermore, it's not merely about whether or not trees (and plants) can survive under water for eleven or twelve...
  7. Josheb

    The "Hole in the Heart" that only God can fill? (God Shaped Hole)

    (...when the answer was already known?) Does Jesus teach it is the Holy Spirit that fills a supposed or implied "void" demons perceive? The term Jesus uses when illuminating the demon's thoughts is "house," not "void." I would agree but not because there is a specific hole or void within a...
  8. Josheb

    The "Hole in the Heart" that only God can fill? (God Shaped Hole)

    Yes, I saw the quote but missed the attribution so please consider Post 2 an affirmation of that content. Are hairs being split? How does do the posts substantiate "the concept has taken on a life of its own"? I question the premise "This implies a vacant space, though not necessarily the...
  9. Josheb

    Need prayers/advice please! Broke up after 15 years

    Ouch! I know that hurts. I had a gf dump me following an argument, and on the way back to her folks' house she picked up a hitchhiker, had sex with him, and moved in with him! This was b4 JC. This stinks but it will pass. Grieve the loss - take whatever time it takes, but not too much time...
  10. Josheb

    The "Hole in the Heart" that only God can fill? (God Shaped Hole)

    The phrase comes from Blaise Pascal's "Pensees" (1670), excerpts from which can be found HERE (including Section VII from which the following quote is taken.... What else does this craving, and this helplessness, proclaim but that there was once in man a true happiness, of which all that now...
  11. Josheb


    Wall of text. Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, a false witness who declares lies, and one who...
  12. Josheb

    Where were the 33 missing fish

    Never happened. That first statement is true regardless of what anyone thinks or feels about it. Because that first statement is true and correct the op is undermined. It is impossible to add to the 153 and still have 153. That's simple logic, not personal opinion. Since it was, observably, and...
  13. Josheb

    God sends them a strong delusion. Is God a deceiver?

    There is a better answer. When we realize everyone after Genesis 3:6 is a sinner who is dead in their sin and transgression and enslaved to sin and destined for destruction apart from Christ then - if we are completely honest and blunt with ourselves - that means what God does to the sinfully...
  14. Josheb

    Where were the 33 missing fish

    The mention of the number does not mean it indicates the number of believers, and nowhere has that case been made in this thread. So far, it looks like an explanation was literally invented out of nothing, and solely for the sake of circularly supporting this op. If the number was added to then...
  15. Josheb

    Where were the 33 missing fish

    . Interesting op. Is it being suggested the 153 fish in the net is indicative of the number of disciples existing at that time? If so, that's seems tenuous at best. How'd you reach that conclusion? I do hope that is not intended to mean salvation by sight exists, or that by merely seeing Jesus...
  16. Josheb

    Possibly Narcissistic Friend is driving me INSANE

    Amen. And do so with the right motive. Paul once told the Corinthian congregations he'd decided turn a marriage defiling man over to Satan. The purpose for doing so is often ignored. If a person can be turned over to Satan for this purpose, then how much more so can someone be turned over to...
  17. Josheb

    The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork

    Is this something unique to Eastern Orthodox? If so, then I'd like to read more about how solar flares, or a sudden increase in their activity is so.
  18. Josheb

    Premarital sex

    Although I would have made the case differently, this is correct. Sex outside of the marital relationship misses the mark of God's standards and His desire for humanity, and we've got about eight decades of research in the social sciences consistently proving the veracity and efficacy of marital...
  19. Josheb

    Possibly Narcissistic Friend is driving me INSANE

    Yes, and I say these next words in reply to both the op and the many other good op-replies.... Those who find themselves captured by a narcissist must not only get away but (later) examine themselves to discern 1) the effects of the toxic relationship, and 2) what it was that made them...
  20. Josheb

    Possibly Narcissistic Friend is driving me INSANE

    ROTFLMBO! :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: And get it off your chest you did! Wow. That's some wall of text ;). Let's assume all the perceptions expressed in the op are true and correct. If the op is correct, then the hope for "peace" is impossible (unless God rends the fabric of time...