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  1. MarkRohfrietsch

    Historicity of Mary vs significant inference -- ie not in the Bible?

    Well, no. The stain of original sin condemns us to death no differently than actively, pre meditated sin. This is why Jesus had to die for us all.
  2. MarkRohfrietsch

    Historicity of Mary vs significant inference -- ie not in the Bible?

    Some Lutherans are of the opinion that Mary was sanctified from the moment Jesus was conceived. Being physically connected via an umbilical cord to Jesus somehow kept her sinless during her pregnancy. Sinless or not, she would have offered the doves out of her obedience to God's laws, just as...
  3. MarkRohfrietsch

    "Reformed" "Reform" in name of church always mean the Pastor is Calvinistic in doctrine?

    Thank you sir; much appreciated! That does not mean that some of our partner Churches and even local parishes don't occasionally slip down a rabbit hole. One of LCC's partner Churches is possibly heading down one with no exit; one of their Pastors as recently accepted a call to a LCC Parish as...
  4. MarkRohfrietsch

    "Reformed" "Reform" in name of church always mean the Pastor is Calvinistic in doctrine?

    Which is why the LCMS/LCC only look to Luther's works outside of the BoC for context and reference.
  5. MarkRohfrietsch

    Is 30-30 Adequate for Black Bear and Wild Hog?

    If you are not used to hand-guns, you will be better off with the .30-30 or a 12 ga. Actually, a 7.62 Tokarev pistol would be a great choice; not easy to shoot well; very snappy recoil; but lots of penetration.
  6. MarkRohfrietsch

    Is 30-30 Adequate for Black Bear and Wild Hog?

    Yes, lots for them to eat with all the farm land. Those who advocate for .223 for deer hunting are promoting long, heavy bullets with a high sectional density, and a much faster twist to stabilize them. I bought a 17 HMR for ground hogs. I was not getting the clean kills I had come to expect...
  7. MarkRohfrietsch

    Is 30-30 Adequate for Black Bear and Wild Hog?

    .223 has became very popular for deer too; not my choice for sure.
  8. MarkRohfrietsch

    Is 30-30 Adequate for Black Bear and Wild Hog?

    Not much of a hunter anymore either (except ground-hogs and the odd coyote). It is doubtful that I will ever take game with it, but it is a fun range toy. Next owner might. :) The slower moving 30-30 is actually pretty good for bear/hog sized tough animals. In bear, and I expect hogs too...
  9. MarkRohfrietsch

    How many synods?

    Confessional Synods which have Episcopal governance sometimes call themselves a Diocese; this would be the same as a synod. Not all Confessional Synods are in fellowship. International Lutheran Council is a group of confessional synods, not all in full fellowship LCMS and LCC are members...
  10. MarkRohfrietsch

    Is 30-30 Adequate for Black Bear and Wild Hog?

    Here in Canada, more black bear taken with the .30-30, 12 ga. slugs and .44-40 (not even kidding. Bigger stuff stared fairly recently and mostly due to marketing hype. .45-70 up until about 20 years ago was all but dead. Grandfather had a .38-55 winchester which was a "big rifle" back in the...
  11. MarkRohfrietsch

    I'm not sure I like the changes "pope" Benedict made to the Nicene Creed (I think it is)

    Actually, there was no desire to leave the Catholic Church; one need only to read the Augsburg Confession and the Apology (Explanation) of the Augsburg Confession. It becomes very clear that the desire was to remain within the Catholic Church even under the Authority of the Pope (as far as his...
  12. MarkRohfrietsch

    Historicity of Mary vs significant inference -- ie not in the Bible?

    No, no issue at all. We consider it a matter of pious opinion; if she was assumed bodily into heaven, she would not be the first by scriptural record. Were she not, and those of pious opinion believed she was; such would have little or no effect on the fate of one's immortal soul. Such...
  13. MarkRohfrietsch

    Would you be more likely to join…

    Personal interpretation that deviates from Scripture is indeed a question of wisdom; in 1 Corinthians 1:20-31 20Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21For since in the wisdom of God the world through...
  14. MarkRohfrietsch

    Would you be more likely to join…

    Using human reason to interpret Scripture is risky at best, and more often a grievous error. What does Scripture tell us about the wisdom of men vs the wisdom of God?
  15. MarkRohfrietsch

    Would you be more likely to join…

    A bit of shock and awe to get the thread back on track. Fun to watch the SDA damage control.
  16. MarkRohfrietsch

    I'm not sure I like the changes "pope" Benedict made to the Nicene Creed (I think it is)

    For me, Pope Francis and the College of Cardinals would need to accept the unaltered 1580 edition of the Book of Concord. Sorry, I could not resist. ;)
  17. MarkRohfrietsch

    Most annoying misbeliefs about Christianity?

    Having been the person who created the "Traditional Theology" forum here at CF, such was indeed the purpose; a place where all "traditional" christians could come together outside of their individual church/faith group forums. Shuch was and does allow for freer discussions than could be had in...
  18. MarkRohfrietsch

    Would you be more likely to join…

    Staying on topic regarding female ordination and Catholicism, I think we need to stay on track. It is understandable that Seventh Day Adventists feel obliged to advocate for female clergy and leadership in the Church. When St. Paul's writings are accepted at face value it negates the...
  19. MarkRohfrietsch

    Does the Lutheran Church ordain women?

    Who says? So, as we have known all a long time; the answer is: Don not allow female servers. Period. Nothing to worry about.