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  1. Lukaris

    Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering

    Sometimes I wonder if just trying to instill a sense of purpose for someone to live life ends up neglected. I believe it is attempted but is it discarded prematurely? Maybe just instilling a sense that anyone who can get out there and have a job and, at a minimum, have a sense of mutual respect...
  2. Lukaris

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    Perhaps the mindset of the many campus hero protesters has solidarity with that which was expressed in Malmo Sweden going back to 2012.
  3. Lukaris

    Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering

    It seems possible that a person may end up worse off from antidepressants perhaps to the point of despair thinking death as the only option. Something like this might take years to build up.
  4. Lukaris

    Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering

    I would guess that she had many antidepressants prescribed through the years. It makes me wonder if there were negative side affects that resulted in being counterproductive?
  5. Lukaris

    Justice Alito Flew “Appeal to Heaven” flag at his beach house

    I have relatives who voted for the current POTUS, are registered demo & vote demo. They have flown the Appeal to Heaven flag at their home. This flag was in the 2008 HBO miniseries: John Adams starring Paul Giamatti ( something we agree on as a good program). Is DOJ commissar McGarlic or...
  6. Lukaris

    Understanding the Trinity

    In different parts of the Bible there are accounts of God as distinct Persons. In Daniel 7:13-14, the Person of the Ancient of Days is understood as God the Father while the Son of Man is God the Son, the Son of God the Father. The Lord Jesus Christ is clearly God Personified ( see Colossians...
  7. Lukaris

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    I make no such claim. There are Moslems of decent disposition who might be saved ( Romans 2:6-16) and some Christians lacking conversion who might not be saved ( 1 John 2:1-11 etc.). It is also instructive to know that there Is an intelligent mindset held by some within Islam to be in control...
  8. Lukaris

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    There were ups & downs.,found%20refuge%20in%20Muslim%20lands. Sometimes the situation can change frighteningly fast. For ex...
  9. Lukaris

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    I tend to think the treatment of Christians under Islamic rule is similar to that of Jews under Christian rule. A tense toleration or violent repression. I don’t know much about Arabic culture but my paternal great grandparents were Syrian Christians who emigrated during a time of severe...
  10. Lukaris

    Nancy Pelosi's husband 'violently assaulted' at San Francisco home

    I never knew supporting a general social attitude to promote law abiding behavior had so many assumptions. It seems assumed that such an attitude must obviously oppose mental health treatment, only support creating paramilitary police with no accountability, and that I assume crime would...
  11. Lukaris

    Nancy Pelosi's husband 'violently assaulted' at San Francisco home

    Maybe deinstitutionalizing confused people too fast & too soon was not for the better. Many institutions were bad but could something else have been done? I don’t claim to know.
  12. Lukaris

    Understanding the Trinity

    By definition according to God’s revelation to us, we believe in 1 God ( Deuteronomy 6:4)Who is 3 Persons in the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit ( 1 John 5:7). The Lord Jesus Christ tells us God is our Father in the Lord’s Prayer ( Matthew 6:9). The Gospel of John clearly tells us Jesus Christ is...
  13. Lukaris

    Is the Devil using LGBTQ to destroy Christian churches?

    We are to hate sin ( Amos 5:14-15) not sinners ( Romans 3:23). The Lord preached repentance and remission of our sins ( Luke 24:47. Such sins include carnal sins as St. Paul lists in Romans 1:18-32 as per the Lord in Matthew 15:16-20). If we have confessed to the Lord ( Romans 10:9-13) we...
  14. Lukaris

    Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering

    I pray this woman will know Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and live (!)by His word ( Matthew 19:16-19 etc.). That at least her disposition be inclined to the Lord’s basic commandments ( Matthew 19:16-19 etc.) that might lead her to the light ( John 3:21). That whatever happens that the...
  15. Lukaris

    The Argument for Universal Reconciliation from the Book of Romans

    The Lord says ultimately the good will be saved and the evil condemned in John 5:22-30. How could all souls be saved per the Lord’s judgment? Christians are saved by grace through faith which is to be lived out through good works ( Ephesians 2:8-10). Clearly we should not judge anyone since we...
  16. Lukaris

    The controversial Harrison Butker

    It was government meddling into bad lending policies from the executive branch in the Clinton administration & continued into “dubya” Bush.
  17. Lukaris

    The controversial Harrison Butker

    From post #.149: Quote: “coastal states with unbelievably high housing prices, how many young adults defer marrying until they are over 30 and live with their parents until then because if they had to pay rent they would never be able to afford a home or pay off college.” It was the...
  18. Lukaris

    How can Christians graciously & compassionately argue against homosexuality, adultery, perversion, sexual assualt, rape, abortion alcohol and/or drug

    1 John 2:1-29 gives us guidelines to love of neighbor vs to not love the world. I also realize that the sins referred to in places like Leviticus 18, 19, & 20 etc. are the same as what St. Paul refers to in the later verses of Romans 1. However, Paul was commissioned to preach the Gospel of...
  19. Lukaris

    Morehouse Students Turn Their Backs, Walk Out of Graduation as Joe Biden Gives Speech

    The late President John F Kennedy was known to have mistresses while in office but it was overlooked. Trump is challenging the claims of a porn actress & her testimony is a done deal for many anti Trumpers. Despite his shortcomings, I believe JFK was probably still a good president. Everything...