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  1. BBAS 64

    Who Decides - God or Us?

    Good day, CoreyD You may find this series helpful, Knowing Scripture with RC Sproul IN Him Bill
  2. BBAS 64

    Trump Found Guilty

    Good day, Faith In His mind he got what he needed.... There is a fair amount of people who think it was a political stunt and appeals will take 8-10 months to before they start. The more appeals the longer it will take. People he had in the court room will start to speak... In His mind it...
  3. BBAS 64

    Trump Found Guilty

    Good day, Glad that is over... Trump being a classic hard core narcissist Look for Him to pivot quickly, he will get to the stump, and on to the convention, then the election. Let the lawyers work on the appeals. Let Trump be Trump because he will: and really nothing will stop him. Let...
  4. BBAS 64

    What do you want to be saved from?

    Good day, The just wrath of a holy God. In Him, Bill
  5. BBAS 64

    Kept By the Power of God

    Good day, Adding John Gill: Who are kept by the power of God,.... This is a description of the persons for whom the inheritance is reserved in heaven; they are not only chosen to salvation, and begotten again to an inheritance, but they are preserved unto it; their happiness is very great...
  6. BBAS 64

    Who decided what would be in the Bible?

    Good day, Valletta Thanks! I thought this was about the council of Rome and it's history. Just for some Historical accuracy Athanasius included a list of the OT as well. I also write, by way of remembrance, of matters with which you are acquainted, influenced by the need and advantage of the...
  7. BBAS 64

    “We are all fundamentally good ... the heart itself is good,” says Pope Francis

    Good day, Absurd statement like this from the Roman Church Bishop remind me of the historical warning: Huggucio- teacher of Innocent III. “if the pope is a heretic he would harm not only himself but the whole world, especially because simpletons and...
  8. BBAS 64

    Who decided what would be in the Bible?

    Good day, Akita I would submit that there is no primary historical evidence that the Roman Council ever did such a thing. See- Council of Rome lists a canon Historically problematic Now I find the name it claim it fallacies of the Roman Catholic denomination to be lacking in so many ways...
  9. BBAS 64

    Supreme Court Upholds South Carolina House Map

    Good day, Now that is a face-slap to the lower district court... Snip: The Supreme Court reversed that ruling Thursday, with Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote for the court’s majority, arguing the district court’s decision was “clearly erroneous” and the evidence it relied on was “seriously...
  10. BBAS 64

    The Triumph of Bidenomics!

    The one thing I like is when I buy a service cash is being accepted with a good sized discount. Even at the small town center store.
  11. BBAS 64

    God grants repentance to life

    Good day, Yuppers And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape...
  12. BBAS 64

    Council of Rome lists a canon Historically problematic

    Good day, I guess I would say that the origin of the Canon we have today seeing they are God breathed out, would show they have always been known by God and find their origin there. Michael J. Kruger has a book on the " Question of Canon" I would highly recommend it to you. In Him Bill
  13. BBAS 64

    Council of Rome lists a canon Historically problematic

    Good day, So I have looked though a number of lists of the canon in history and I have yet to find one single instance where the council of Rome is used as a point of historical reference. Historically there is zero evidence that the council of Rome said anything about the canon of scripture...
  14. BBAS 64

    John 3:16 (Can John please clear up Kosmou(s) for us?)

    Good day, Grip Yes Jesus did propitiate for every sin in the world, but not for every sinner. If there where only 10 sins in the world... and one person had committed all ten of them then Jesus would have died for every sin in the world ( all ten of them). Thayer Definition: 1) an appeasing...
  15. BBAS 64

    Total Depravity

    Good day, J. Wesley "And he hath quickened you - In Eph 1:19-20, St. Paul spoke of God's working in them by the same almighty power whereby he raised Christ from the dead. On the mention of this he, in the fulness of his heart, runs into a flow of thought concerning the glory of Christ's...
  16. BBAS 64

    Historicity of Mary vs significant inference -- ie not in the Bible?

    Good day, Bob I would say one would have to accept the name it claim it fallacy of the Roman denomination before one could agree to be a member. In Him, Bill
  17. BBAS 64

    Do we choose to repent?

    Good day, Yes Eze 36:26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you; and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and you shall keep mine...
  18. BBAS 64

    Romans 9 Unmaligned

    Good day, James Whites has an exegesis to share.... Romans 9 – An Exegesis to Share Pipers Book: The Justification of God. In Him Bill
  19. BBAS 64

    Is the Eucharist cannibalism?

    Good day, XOA That would be your understanding.... And we know that the Roman catholic denomination has it's own: Roman Catholic scholar Yves Congar wrote: "But it does sometimes happen that some Fathers understood a passage in a way which does not agree with later Church teaching. One...
  20. BBAS 64

    Is the Eucharist cannibalism?

    Good day, Nope Miracle: an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause. Physical Contradictions—Conflict between Two Desired Values for One Parameter Nonsense- something that makes no -sense...