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  1. Christ the Conqueror: Conclusion.

    Christ the Conqueror: Conclusion.

    CONCLUSION Jesus met the great enemy of truth in the wilderness when His physical energies were at their lowest ebb, and showed that the spiritual weapon of the Word of God was far superior to the infernal powers of evil. Then throughout His ministry He overcame the world order, the...
  2. Christ the Conqueror: The Believer`s Armour in Christ.

    Christ the Conqueror: The Believer`s Armour in Christ.

    The Believer`s Armour in Christ. `take up the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the...
  3. Christ the Conqueror: The Believer`s Weapons in Christ.

    Christ the Conqueror: The Believer`s Weapons in Christ.

    The Believer`s Weapons in Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Mighty Conqueror. He has overcome sin, death, hell, the devil, and the world system. Now as Head of the Body, He leads us in triumph as He enables us to overcome also. `Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in...
  4. Christ the Conqueror: Christ Rose from the Dead and Ascended to the Highest.

    Christ the Conqueror: Christ Rose from the Dead and Ascended to the Highest.

    Christ Rose from the Dead and Ascended to the Highest. Under every possible cruelty Christ changed a dishonoured death into a dignified diadem of higher life, and by the steps of a painful crucifixion at the rough hands of haughty men, He ascended to a preeminent coronation at the right hand...
  5. Christ the Conqueror: Christ Suffering and Dying.

    Christ the Conqueror: Christ Suffering and Dying.

    Christ Suffered and Died Overcoming Satan and the World System were only trials along the way, for it was death that Christ needed to defeat, for man to be set free. `Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death...
  6. Christ the Conqueror: Christ rejects the Offer of Political Leader.

    Christ the Conqueror: Christ rejects the Offer of Political Leader.

    Christ rejects the Offer of Political Leader. Just before the feast of Passover Jesus went to His friend`s place in Bethany. It was the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Jesus had previously resurrected Lazarus and His fame had gone out into the land. `Then, six days before the Passover...
  7. Christ the Conqueror: Christ rejects the Offer of Economic Leader.

    Christ the Conqueror: Christ rejects the Offer of Economic Leader.

    Christ rejects the offer of Economic Leader. After the disciples had gone out preaching and healing, Jesus took them to a deserted place near Bethsaida. However, the people found out where He was, and the multitudes followed Him. Jesus preached and healed all those needing healing. Then as...
  8. Christ the Conqueror: Christ rejects Satan`s Offer of Religious Leader.

    Christ the Conqueror: Christ rejects Satan`s Offer of Religious Leader.

    Jesus was also tempted by offers from people and Satan to take a position in the World System – Political, Economic and Religious. Christ rejects Satan`s Offer of Religious Leader. Satan, the devil, took Jesus to a high mountain and showed Him the kingdoms of the world and what they have...
  9. Christ the Conqueror: People trying to Influence Christ.

    Christ the Conqueror: People trying to Influence Christ.

    People trying to Influence Christ. When Jesus Christ was on earth, He knew that His mission was to give Himself as a sacrifice for mankind. However, there were many people that tried to stop Him or even to kill Him. But Jesus never got deflected from His purpose. When Jesus returned from the...
  10. Christ the Conqueror: Overcoming Desire for Self-Glory.

    Christ the Conqueror: Overcoming Desire for Self-Glory.

    Overcoming Desire for Self-Glory. Finally, Satan, the devil tempted Jesus to receive rulership and glory of the world systems by going against what the Father has written. `Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world (system) in...
  11. Christ the Conqueror: Overcoming Desire for Self-Preservation.

    Christ the Conqueror: Overcoming Desire for Self-Preservation.

    Overcoming Desire for Self-Preservation. Again, Satan tempted Jesus to show that He is the Son of God by being protected from harm and thus death by throwing Himself off the Temple. `Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, “If you...
  12. Christ the Conqueror: Overcoming Desire for Self-Needs.

    Christ the Conqueror: Overcoming Desire for Self-Needs.

    Overcoming Desire for Self-Needs. When Jesus started His ministry, He was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness. He fasted for forty days, and then Satan, the devil came to Him. He tried to tempt Jesus to use His position as the Son of God for self-interest and not according to the...
  13. Christ the Conqueror: Satan`s Schemes.

    Christ the Conqueror: Satan`s Schemes.

    Satan`s Schemes. When God created man, Satan was right there to interfere and try to control man. He tempted Adam and Eve to act apart from God – to be self-seeking. Once they did Satan continued to influence humanity. Over time the wickedness of man came to a head and God judged them with the...
  14. Christ the Conqueror: The Character of the World System.

    Christ the Conqueror: The Character of the World System.

    The CHARACTER of the World System. This World System is the sphere dominated by the prevalence of sin and is separated from God. The character of those in this World System is after Satan – proud and self-seeking. `…men….lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers...
  15. Christ the Conqueror: The World System.

    Christ the Conqueror: The World System.

    THE WORLD SYSTEM The Origin. When God created the angels He made a special angel called Lucifer. He had such beauty, splendor, with great wisdom. He was the anointed one that brought forth the praises and worship from the myriads of angels by the music that was created within him. Lucifer was...
  16. Christ the Conqueror: Introduction and Contents.

    Christ the Conqueror: Introduction and Contents.

    INTRODUCTION Christ the Conqueror in Glory. In the near future, the Lord Jesus Christ will leave His Father`s throne, gather His believers together and go to His own throne in the third heaven. There, amid the acclaim of myriads of angelic host and His Body of believers, the Lord is...
  17. Christ the Conqueror.

    Christ the Conqueror.

    INTRODUCTION Christ the Conqueror in Glory. In the near future, the Lord Jesus Christ will leave His Father`s throne, gather His believers together and go to His own throne in the third heaven. There, amid the acclaim of myriads of angelic host and His Body of believers, the Lord is...
  18. Kingdoms: Conclusion.

    Kingdoms: Conclusion.

    Conclusion. `Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of your kingdom.` (Ps. 45: 6) God is not the author of confusion; everything He does is ordered and controlled. The divine pattern of the heavenlies will survive time, into eternity. `For by...
  19. Kingdoms: The Kingdom of God in Eternity.

    Kingdoms: The Kingdom of God in Eternity.

    The Kingdom of God in Eternity. When the Lord Jesus Christ has put down all rule, authority, and power He will deliver up the kingdom rule to God the Father. Jesus had been carrying out the Father`s will and executing His judgments upon the rebellious. Then when all that is finished then...
  20. Kingdoms: The Kingdom of Heaven in Eternity.

    Kingdoms: The Kingdom of Heaven in Eternity.

    The Kingdom of Heaven in Eternity. This is the rule of (God in) heaven through the New Jerusalem. This was promised to the Old Testament saints – a heavenly city. `These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them...