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  1. Wolseley

    Knights of Columbus Sue Biden and National Park Service for Religious Discrimination

    60 years they've been doing this, and nobody had problem until just now??? :rolleyes:
  2. Wolseley

    Attack of the Killer Duck.....

    Along with all of the other hazards that motorists face daily in the State of Michigan, we now must add inflatable poultry that will crush cars on the freeways......
  3. Wolseley

    Spanish Nuns Denounce Pope Francis, Break From Catholic Church Unsettling; but, I'm sad to say, not particularly surprising.
  4. Wolseley

    Apparently, Yellowstone isn't the one we should be worried about

    This thing in Italy is a massive supervolcano, but unlike a "cone" structure, like Mt. St. Helens was, for example, it's more of a "plain" or "plateau" structure: 7.5 by 8.6 miles in circumference, with 360,000 people living directly on top of it.....and another 800,000 living just outside...
  5. Wolseley

    If it flies and stings, I want nothing to do with it....

    Found this on Facebook this morning. Those who now me, know that I hate hornets or wasps of any description. This (shudder) makes my blood run cold...
  6. Wolseley

    Look what I got at a church rummage sale!

    Momma and I went to a city-wide yard sale about a half an hour from where we live today. We hit dozens of sales---I got some cool books, some DVD movies, a lightweight camo jacket, and so on. Two Catholic parishes were part of the event: my parish (St. Michael's), and All Saints parish; most...
  7. Wolseley

    Christians are now the most despised minority in Britain

    Scary stuff. It's only going to get worse as England turns into Britainistan.
  8. Wolseley

    Skynet is about to become self-aware

    Some news items on today's feed....this is scary stuff. We don't need to be afraid of each other. We need to be afraid of the machines. Autonomous, armed robot dogs...
  9. Wolseley

    Woke California High School To Pay $1M To Students Booted Over Alleged Blackface

    Astounding to me that this is a supposedly Catholic school. :(
  10. Wolseley

    Jewish Professor at ASU Resigns, Then Confronts Muslim Student in Hijab

    The background is a little fuzzy, but it sounds to me like the Jewish prof got a little sick of the "Destroy Israel and kill all Jews" mantra that's being vomited all over academia these days...
  11. Wolseley

    Texas Governor Tells Biden on Immigration: "Either Follow Texas' Lead or Get Out of the Way"
  12. Wolseley

    Seven Things That Become Worthless in Case of a Societal Collapse

    In brief: 1. Money 2. Credit cards 3. Electrical power / communications grids 4. Internet / social media 5. Material goods such as furniture, carpeting, etc. 6. College degrees 7. Organized government You could probably add to this list such things as social / economic status, transportation...
  13. Wolseley

    Young, conservative families flee West Coast, tired of taxes, crime, and political oppression
  14. Wolseley

    Then and now

  15. Wolseley

    Satanists not welcome in Oklahoma schools, but are 'welcome to go to hell' says state superintendent

    Good for Oklahoma, sez I. :oldthumbsup:
  16. Wolseley

    Biden's Supreme Court Pick Who Can't Define 'Woman' Objects To First Amendment

    Oh, sure---a Supreme Court justice thinks we should have our First Amendment rights suspended during "emergencies"----just for a the government can choose what we see or hear or read....just to make sure we're getting the "correct" version of things. Another crisis you can't let go...
  17. Wolseley

    Well, well, well.....!

    I was suspicious of this guy right from the get-go; now it appears that he was up to his ears in collusion with the Communist Chinese to deceive the entire world. I hope they throw every book in the law library at him. >:( Fauci Funded Virus Research At Wuhan Which Would Leave No Trace Of...
  18. Wolseley

    Want your student loans paid off?

    Want to buy a house? Want to come here from another country and stay forever? The answer is simple. All we need to do is institute the "Starship Troopers" plan:
  19. Wolseley

    Biden "doesn't understand the Catholic faith," bishop says. "I'm not angry at him, he's just stupid."
  20. Wolseley

    12 Alarming Reasons For Canada's Catastrophic Gun Control Failure

    So, what they're saying is that criminals pay absolutely no attention to gun control laws, they simply ignore them and buy guns on the black market....and the poor dupes who try to abide by the laws are left defenseless, because they can't lawfully own guns for self-protection. Gee, who'da...