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  1. Joseph G

    Furry escape artists
  2. Joseph G

    All Because Of Mercy - Casting Crowns

    All Because Of Mercy - Casting Crowns I could stand here And try to tell you I found my way here on my own Brought to life this heart of stone Made up my own mind To change my own life Working my own way to good As if anybody could But the truth is I've been broken since my very first breath...
  3. Joseph G

    Does Luke 14:26 teach literal hate? And more..

    From a commentary found here: Does Luke 14;26 teach literal hate? Would appreciate your responses and insight... The subject here is the word for hate, which is the Greek miseo. One Skeptic is typical of critics when he writes: In line with this comment, Skeptics will stress the meaning of...
  4. Joseph G

    Pray for women in prison please
  5. Joseph G

    Funny animals

  6. Joseph G

    Who are the dogs?

    Matthew 7:6 NIV “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." How do we determine who the dogs are? And how are we to do that without violating His command to not judge? Are the dogs...
  7. Joseph G

    Please pray for my friend Janie

    She has just been through major surgery and will be recuperating in the hospital till Saturday. In addition to healing I would ask that the Holy Spirit send someone special to visit her. I'm unable to unfortunately. She's been rejected by most of her family and it would be great if she knows...
  8. Joseph G

    Which denomination is the right one? Be blessed!
  9. Joseph G

    Please pray for Nigerian sisters

    From Global Christian Relief: This is David Curry reaching out with breaking news from northeastern Nigeria, where authorities have just freed 135 women and 206 children from a Boko Haram terrorist stronghold. We praise the Lord for this incredible news! Yet we know an uncertain future...
  10. Joseph G

    Please pray for Noah

    Noah is a homeless man who has hit rock bottom. He lost his job, his house, all his money, and has been in jail for drug possession. Please pray for the right rehab to take him in, for housing, food and all his needs, and delivery from panic attacks and fear. Most of all please pray for the...
  11. Joseph G

    Your opinions about watching tv

    Right off the bat, I wanna say that whatever you watch is your business. I'm only speaking for myself. I have 200 channels and only watch 2 - sports and the game show channel. I've grown progressively disgusted with the rest. Sex, sex, sex. Immoral situations. Worldly values. And just in...
  12. Joseph G

    Lord Of The Past - Bob Bennett

    Take your wounds from the past to Jesus, friends. HE STILL HEALS! Every harsh word spoken Every promise ever broken to me Total recall of data in the memory Every tear that has washed my face Every moment of disgrace that I have known Every time I've ever felt alone Lord of the here and now...
  13. Joseph G

    He's All You Need - Steve Camp

    When you're alone, your heart is torn, He is all you need. When you're confused, your soul is bruised, He is all you need. He's the rock of your soul, He's the anchor that holds Through your desperate time. When your way is unsure His love will endure, and peace you will find Through all your...
  14. Joseph G

    Walking with the Holy Spirit

    This is a short audio (a few minutes) of Billy Graham explaining the work of the Holy Spirit. It is well worth the investment of time to listen as it will encourage believers that the same Spirit is shared by us all! God bless.
  15. Joseph G

    Without fault before the throne of God

    From: WITHOUT FAULT BEFORE THE THRONE OF GOD “These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God” (Revelation...
  16. Joseph G

    Come Jesus Come - Cece Winans

    This world is not my home...
  17. Joseph G

    Be reconciled

    Romans 5:6-11 NIV "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were...
  18. Joseph G

    A proposition...