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  1. R

    Prayers requested for man who attempted suicide

    An in-law of my sister's family tried to commit suicide today. He hung himself but a family member got there in time that he is still breathing and in the hospital. Pray he receives salvation and that he would live through this and get the help that he needs to make a full recovery mentally and...
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    Advice on fellowshipping

    I recently found out that my unmarried friend is having a sexual relationship. (Prayers are appreciated for her). My question though is about not eating with a fornicator. 1 Corinthians 5:11 (KJV) 11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a...
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    Please pray for this Pastor that has COVID

    This is a true man of God, who walks in love. Pastor hospitalized with coronavirus
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    Democrat Sen Zell Miller's Speech at the 2004 GOP convention

    As the Republican, Kasich is speaking at the Democratic party convention, I thought this was a great example of a democrat, Sen. Zell Miller who spoke at a Republican convention. Here is a partial excerpt that I find interesting. Ironic too, that Bush who he was speaking for, later had U.S...
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    Pre-Trib Only Last call for offerings?

    As it seems the rapture is imminent, I think we have to understand that this may be the last call for laying up treasure in heaven. I know I have been a bit behind and am going to try to give forward. It is a great time to be faithful, to be a cheerful giver. Also, a great time to stash or give...
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    Unmasked, Texas Congressman exposes Attorney General to COVID

    Rep. Louie Gohmert, who spurns face masks, barred from Air Force One after positive COVID-19 test I'm beyond giving comment other than noting there are people at the top who still do not take COVID seriously.
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    Masks can help you stop the virus

    Wearing a mask cuts own risk of novel coronavirus by 65 percent, experts say Though I had read research that masks do help the wearer, many still insist that masks only help one not infect others. Like many things with COVID this is a myth. "We've learned more due to research and additional...
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    Fake news of Tulsa's race riot of 1921?

    It is still unknown if a Tulsa newspaper advocated for the lynching of a Tulsa Black man for an alleged rape. Many believe this inspired the Tulsa race riot that burned down a section of Tulsa and murdered up to 300 Blacks. For decades, no copy of the Tulsa Tribune of May, 31, 1921 existed. The...
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    The rule reason you were told masks do not work

    Fauci said US government held off promoting face masks because it knew shortages were so bad that even doctors couldn't get enough (Sorry for the typo in the title) Early on we were told that masks do not work. Now we are told they do. If you are young this is an example of what some refer to...
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    Armed ‘Patriots’ patrol

    Just thought I would share how one smaller city is handling any potential rioters. Should we condone or condemn such action? Notice, in the article that a local pastor was on hand as well. Armed ‘Patriots’ patrol Coeur d’Alene "Later, they were joined by hundreds of citizens packing rifles...
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    Anyone ever convert a typical fridge into a freezer?

    As some meat plants are closing temporarily because their workers are contracting CVID-19, it looks like there may be more and deeper shortages of all types of meats. Today I shopped for a freezer and stores like Home Depot have them backordered at least until July. What I was wondering is if...
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    Spiritual leader in DC answers: Is God judging America Today?

    Many of us have been grappling with this and related questions concerning the Coronavirus and God's judgement. Here is a must read for anyone on this subject. Not only does the author categorize 5 different types of judgment, he offers a sound biblical framework, that is the best that I have...
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    Could this pandemic be related to Eli's judgement?

    Thanks for hosting this forum. I was not sure where to put this question, but since it deals with history, I thought this forum would work best. 1 Samuel 2:31-35 (KJV) 31 Behold, the days come, that I will cut off thine arm, and the arm of thy father's house, that there shall not be an old...
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    Could the ten kings be companies, not countries?

    Thanks in advance for any serous discussion on this end-time topic. “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast...
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    re-imagining your church due to pandemic

    Today, I was thinking of ways to continue having church during this time of crisis. I would not consider cancelling a good option. I would think long and hard too of holding a church service as some still do in the states that allow this. Loving your neighbor should include not spreading COV-19...
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    Anyone have experience operating in the gift of faith?

    My understanding of the gift of faith is that God can utilize this gift to drop in someone extraordinary faith that goes far beyond personal faith. Some might say it is needed in order to raise someone from the dead. If anyone has experience in this gift could they please share? I assume like...
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    Why no calls for repentance to stop the Coronavirus?

    Perhaps I have missed it, but other than Trump calling for a national day of prayer, there has been little leadership of the church to call the world to repentance to stop many of the ills our society has. The root of COV-19 is spiritual, most (myself included) have been too complacent, worldly...
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    Ideas on repentance to stop corona virus (Coronavirus)

    I am taking some liberty in this forum to bounce some ideas I have about the current state of America in regards to the coronavirus and other happenings. Several years ago, I posted some threads concerning a hurricane in SW Florida. That incident, has furthered my thoughts on other chastisements...
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    Adventist end time beliefs?

    I recently received a mailer about a 3 night session called "prophecies of hope" on the book of Daniel and Revelation that is being held in several 7th Day Adventist churches in my area. While I am of a different denomination, if I decide to attend, what might I expect to find in such a conference?
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    Election results quite normal

    That the House flipped party leadership was to be expected. The dems lost some 60 seats in Obama's first term. Typically 30 or more seats change to the party out of power in nearly every midterm. The long term implications could actually favor the Republicans. This will occur if the House...