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  1. Grip Docility

    Under Construction Hebrews It! (Legal Study, Chapter 1:3) Pt. 3c Mal'akh Ha Panim the Effulgence

    Link to Table of Contents Under Construction in Real Time Hebrews 1:3 (The Tri-Unity and Messiah, a Deep Scriptural Dive) This OP continues directly from OP 3b of this Series <- Link Here Last Paragraph from Previous OP When Abraham was asked by God to offer his Son of Promise...
  2. Grip Docility

    Hebrews It! (Legal Study, Chapter 1:3) Pt. 3b Mal'akh Ha Panim the Effulgence

    Link to Table of Contents Hebrews 1:3 (The Tri-Unity and Messiah, a Deep Scriptural Dive) (Pt. 3b), Direct Link to Pt. 3a This OP starts where the the 2nd page of yesterday's OP leaves off. <- LInk 6. We will post many of the verses that explain why Mal'akh Ha Panim the Effulgence is not a...
  3. Grip Docility

    Hebrews It! (Legal Study, Chapter 1:3) Pt. 3a Mal'akh Ha Panim the Effulgence

    Link to Table of Contents Hebrews 1:3 (The Tri-Unity and Messiah, a Deep Scriptural Dive) Hebrews is exactly like this. Yesterday, in Pt. 2, we were clipping along at verses 1 and 2, then BANG, CRASH, POW... we ran smack into the single most important verse that reveals exactly WHO Jesus...
  4. Grip Docility

    Hebrews It! (Legal Study, The Jewish Tabernacle) Whiteboard

    Table of Contents This is not an actual OP. This is going to be used throughout this series for reference. These pictures will get copied and used to show a point as it arises.
  5. Grip Docility

    Hebrews It! (Legal Study, Chapter 1:1-3) Pt. 2

    Link to Table of Contents Hebrews 1 1 Long ago God spoke to the fathers by the prophets at different times and in different ways. From Genesis to now, God had spoken to the Lineage of Adam to Noah, Noah to Shem, Shem to Abraham, Abraham to Isaac, Isaac to Jacob, Jacob to Moses, Moses to Joshua...
  6. Grip Docility

    How does Moses Make Tea? HEBREWS it! (Legal study of the book of Hebrews) Pt. 1

    The book of Hebrews. Several facts about the book of Hebrews... 1- We don't really know who wrote it, for sure. It reads with the perfect legal flow of the kind of fellow that would have studied under Gamaliel. But... Peter spent a lot of time around Paul and was very specifically...
  7. Grip Docility

    Non Commentary, Scripture only Tri-Unity of God Doctrine.

    This was actually generated unexpectedly. Enjoy it if you desire. Heckle it if it pleases you. I just wanted to provide an organized recitation of scripture alone, on this beautiful matter. All Love in Jesus Christ to you. I didn't repeat a couple verses on accident. They have been...
  8. Grip Docility

    Institutes of Christian Religion Volume 3 (Indicting Jehan's system with his very own words)

    Intro and reason written Conviction drove this post. This is in Soteriology because the doctrine of Election is composed within four books specifically titled "Institutes of Christian Religion". This is no small title. This is in Soteriology Debate, because it is a "Biased" opinion of...
  9. Grip Docility

    The Spirit of Grace has been Marred by exalting Men's Teachings over The Holy Spirit (Doctrine of Election/Monergism)

    This is Grip Docility's final post for some time to come. It is not righteous to marginalize the intention of Jesus Christ's Blood towards all humanity. Jesus flipped tables for a very similar reason. Paul likens those who empty the cross of it's power and frustrate the Spirit of Grace (The...
  10. Grip Docility

    Misconstrued Implement

    Misconstrued Implement The hilt is chipped and stained. The Handle gripped with pain. In his heart there's slump and fall. The startup bears the initial Call. Now, with blood soaked hands Tear filled Heart and Eyes The fool sheaths meaning and Stance This Jester departs without alibi He walks...
  11. Grip Docility

    John 3:16 (Can John please clear up Kosmou(s) for us?)

    John 3:16 For God so Loved the World, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that Whosoever believes in Him, shall not Perish, but have eternal Life. Do we have any assistance with the Greek word "Kosmon(s)" in this passage? If only the author of the book of John, John the Beloved and Revelator...
  12. Grip Docility

    Blind Election unto 2 Groups refuted in 2 verses (God requires Autonomous Will for Repentance)

    Let's keep this super duper simple.... Ezekiel 33:11 Say to them, As I live, declares the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel? 2 Peter 3:9 The...
  13. Grip Docility

    Colossians 1:15-20 binds Christs blood to all humanity (AND MORE)

    Colossians 1:15 John 14:9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been among you all this time without your knowing Me, Philip? The one who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? First Born per biblical Concordance: 4416 prōtótokos (from 4413 /prṓtos, "first, pre-eminent"...
  14. Grip Docility

    There is only one Dragon/Serpent (Parts 1 - 11 Open for Discussion and Debate)

    I can't promise that I will or will not facilitate discussion... But... By all means... Please feel free to head over to the Dragon OP parts 1-11 and Discuss and Debate any portions of them to your hearts content... or don't. I'll be resting a few days before I generate more parts. All Love...
  15. Grip Docility

    There is only one Dragon/Serpent in scripture (Part 11) (Haman Hangs)

    Esther 7 We have arrived at a very awkward moment. Haman thinks his day is set. He's relishing his high place with the King and Queen at their own private feast... and he is close to watching Mordechai do the dead man's dance. ...... And, boy oh boy is the King taken with Esther! He asks...
  16. Grip Docility

    Romans 9 Unmaligned

    Let's get right to it. I speak the truth in Christ —I am not lying; my conscience is testifying to me with the Holy Spirit — Romans 9:1 - Bible Gateway passage: Romans 9:1 - Holman Christian Standard Bible Paul just made it clear he’s about to be painfully honest, and has bound his words to be...
  17. Grip Docility

    Election's Historicity (Doctrinal Counter Perspective)

    Inroduction to Jehan Cauvin and the Origins of Church History. The Doctrine of Election was contrived by the French Theologian Jehan Cauvin (John Calvin). Jehan had developed it by 1536AD, but continued amending and honing it all the way up to1556AD due to frequent scriptural rebuttal from...
  18. Grip Docility

    There is only one Dragon/Serpent in scripture (Part 10) (Blind to Humility)

    Of all books of the Bible, John reveals the most about Who Jesus is and Why He came. If this passage of scripture is ignored, mankind might charge Old Testament atrocities to God just like Job's wife. If this passage of Sacred Scripture is understood, we realize that the Chaos and Death that...
  19. Grip Docility

    There is only one Dragon/Serpent in scripture (Part 9) (Esther 4-6)

    I am only Linking to the Azazel part of this OP series... because the linking is getting to be extensive. From Part 8, the Azazel OP, you can link to all of the other parts, for reference. Link to part 8 of Op series OK, in part 7, we covered Haman as a type for Satan using Chapters 1-3 of...
  20. Grip Docility

    There is only one Dragon/Serpent in scripture (Part 8) (Azazel The Desert Demon)

    I know, you were all expecting to see more of Esther, today... but there is a very terrible A.D.D. aspect to these OP parts, soooo... why stop now! :tearsofjoy: I was holding out to write this until towards the end of the series, but... there's enough ground work to support it. It will...