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  1. theoneinsidethezero

    If you were the Antichrist, how would you know it. A theory. PT 2

  2. theoneinsidethezero

    If you were the Antichrist, how would you know it: A Theory. PT 1

  3. theoneinsidethezero

    Man is in No Way Separated From God

    Whose image are we made in? God's (Genesis 1:27) Who is the image of God? Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:15). Who is Jesus Christ? The Word (John 1). Where is the Word? Heaven (Mark 16:19). Where is heaven? Within you (Luke 17:21 kjv). Who is in heaven? The Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost and...
  4. theoneinsidethezero

    BiPolar Disorder, The Mind and the Tree of Life

    "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds: and when he finds he will become troubled, and when he is troubled he will be astonished and he will reign over the all!" (Gospel of Thomas) In 1999, I both found and experienced something deeply troubling when I set my focus to understanding...
  5. theoneinsidethezero

    The Word is very near you

    IMAGINE a world without words. You can't read. You can't write. You can't speak. You can't know anything. You can't understand anything. You can't even form a simple thought. And because of that you can't learn to walk. In fact you can't learn anything. Life would be completely void of meaning...
  6. theoneinsidethezero

    Is Christianity True or False?

    What is true is that which is and what is false is that which is not. So, here is the fundamental question, are beliefs true or false? If you say all beliefs are true, then what do you do with all the conflicting beliefs in the world and even within Christianity itself? Something can't be true...
  7. theoneinsidethezero

    Can the cipher decipher himself?

    Where do I start? Where do I begin? In my deepest self I delight in truth but stand in amazement where it lies. As in heads or tails but three sides to every coin i have learned that as with all polarity the truth is found inside the illusion of duality! Truth is that which cannot be...
  8. theoneinsidethezero

    Life is a death sentence: Predestination vs Freewill

    Up until about a month ago I had always struggled with this age old debate but now would like to tell you what I have discovered in my studies to resolve it. As predestination goes I think we would all agree that being born into this world is a death sentence and I would say the Bible in ecc...
  9. theoneinsidethezero


    Hello everyone! My name if Paul. I am almost 44. For the first 27 years of my life I was a die hard Christian until I found some very disturbing contradictions in the Bible. Such as God is not the author of confusion but yet authored the confusion of our language at the tower of Babel. God is so...