Search results

  1. Paidiske

    Anglican Primates enjoy historic meeting with Pope Francis

    Don't know if anyone else is following news from the Primates' meeting, but this sounded positive: "The Pope said: "Only a love that becomes gratuitous service, only the love that Jesus taught and embodies, will bring separated Christians closer to one another. Only that love, which does not...
  2. Paidiske

    Thirty years’ experience of women priests — and advice for the next generation This is from the English church, but well worth a read, I think. Not least...
  3. Paidiske

    Honour thy church mothers

    Note: this is in the Egalitarian forum. This is an interesting piece on how women's ministry tends to be valued less by churches. While I'm personally not a fan of gender-segregated ministry to start with, if you're going to have it, it only seems reasonable to invest in it properly...
  4. Paidiske

    "We live by hope, not biology." I did appreciate this article looking at how people in...
  5. Paidiske

    How to treat an archbishop (even if she is a woman) A rather nice little reflection on how humility, hospitality, gentleness and generosity might shape how we treat one another...
  6. Paidiske

    "Capitalism is killing the small church" A very interesting read. Does it resonate for you? How might we, as church leaders, best respond?
  7. Paidiske

    What's it like to be an Anglican priest?

    Elsewhere on the forum, @AlexB23 asked me, "So, what is it like to be an Anglican priest in general Mother Paidiske? How does that differ from say Protestantism, Catholicism or Orthodoxy?" I couldn't answer properly there, so I thought I'd come and start a thread, and maybe others might like to...
  8. Paidiske

    Anglican perspectives on concelebration

    Does anyone have any resources on Anglican thinking on concelebration (perspectives either in favour or not)? I've had a bit of a search, but haven't been able to find anything specifically Anglican addressing the question.
  9. Paidiske

    Supervision for those in ministry

    A fascinating piece on the importance of supervision for those in ministry, here: Professional supervision after the Royal Commission I think the key paragraph is probably this one: "Supervision makes visible practices of power and influence, and guarantees a conversation about power in a...
  10. Paidiske

    The danger of forcing forgiveness

    An excellent article, setting out some principles which all of us in ministry should bear in mind (not just for abuse of children, but more generally too)...
  11. Paidiske

    Coronation liturgy

    For those of you who might be interested, the C of E has put out a commentated order of service.
  12. Paidiske

    International women's day

    This popped up on my FB today. I must admit, technology doesn't strike me as the heart of the problem, and therefore I'm not sure it's going to be the solution... (any more, than, say, inventing a washing machine but still thinking all things laundry are "women's work"). But it's an...
  13. Paidiske

    A fascinating piece on challenges in India

    Note: this is in the Egalitarian forum. Well worth a read...
  14. Paidiske

    Vicar guilty of ‘antisemitic activity’ banned until 2030

    Link here:'antisemitic-activity'-banned-until-2030-2rbzY4eVbQjoLmCIIsByOV?utm_source=CT+Daily+Briefing+Newsletter&utm_medium=Newsletter&utm_term=829446&utm_content=12176&utm_campaign=email I found this interesting because it's the first time I've...
  15. Paidiske

    Why are female clergy cheering for a bishop who doesn’t believe in female priests?

    Note: this is in the Egalitarian forum. An interesting piece coming out of the Church of England, but the problems it describes are by no means confined to that context. Why are female clergy cheering for a bishop who doesn’t believe in female priests? | Martine Oborne The "open wound" is...
  16. Paidiske

    Common misconceptions about egalitarianism

    From Marg Mowczko: Common Misconceptions about Christian Egalitarianism I particularly liked this bit: "at least some of the status, privileges, responsibilities, and opportunities that our culture and churches have assigned to only or mostly men, especially in the past, have been unhealthy and...
  17. Paidiske

    Pastoral expectations

    A conversation I had today left me wondering what most people expect. When someone has a pastoral need and wants prayer or a conversation with their minister, do they expect their minister to initiate that? Do they expect to have to reach out and indicate their desire? Do they expect...
  18. Paidiske

    New posts - able to go to where you have read before?

    So far, there's a lot to like about the new format, but one small thing is bugging me. I often look at new posts to see what discussions are happening, but there doesn't seem to be the "dot" that used to be there, to allow you to pick up where you'd left off reading a thread. For very long...
  19. Paidiske

    Lambeth conference

    Is anyone else following (or trying to) how events are unfolding around this? Most of what I can find is gleaned from FB feeds, so it's more than a bit selective. It was at least lovely to see this pop up: women bishops at Lambeth, 24 years ago, and today.
  20. Paidiske

    Boundaries self-assessment

    This came across my email inbox today, and given how often our discussions here touch on (or revolve around) boundaries in ministry, I thought it worth sharing. I'm not sure this is exactly how I'd structure such a thing, but as a starting point for reflection it might be helpful. (Originally...