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  1. Bobber

    Overcoming Guilt and Condemnation

    This is meant to encourage ones who struggle with a sense of guilt of condemnation for any sense of sin or wrong doing. Of course we're to seek to live a holy life and not to miss the mark and sin.....unfortunately I don't know any of us that have walked in total perfection although we are that...
  2. Bobber

    Fallen Nature/New Nature

    So what's possible assuming mankind has a fallen nature. Can beings have a fallen nature and yet not of the type Calvinists would put forth......Total Depravity? Then people get arguing about what exactly is TOTAL. I've thought about this often and believe a certain type of analogy might be...
  3. Bobber

    The Most Important Parable?

    I'm going to quote Mark 4: 13, 20 Then Jesus said to them, “Do you not understand this parable? Then how will you understand any of the parables?14The farmer sows the word. 15Some are like the seedsb along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the...
  4. Bobber

    The Victory Zone!

    I've done a inspirational series what I call the "The Victory Zone" In a nutshell is looks at the spiritual drive, the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul sought to build within the hearts and minds of the saints when he spoke of the Olympic Games in how the athletes in Paul's day give it...
  5. Bobber

    Did God Ordain Everything?

    Let me ask you something here. On a Calvinists web site a well known Calvinists wrote an article where he relates an email that was sent him from a dear lady who says she was raped and had a child that was conceived because of it. In order to comfort her the Calvinist stated it was very wrong...
  6. Bobber

    Is There Faith In Calvinist System?

    Is there faith in the Calvinist system? A Calvinist poster stated they tell a sinner that Jesus came to save his people from their sins. I'd say that right there demonstrates they're not giving the sinner by what they say as an ambassador any real FAITH. They're giving them HOPE but not FAITH...
  7. Bobber

    Cancer Labels on Alcohol?

    Quite interesting in a time where warning are put on a lot of would this go over? Would people view is as an attempt to take away from people from having what they consider to be their good time? Alcohol should have cancer warning labels, say doctors and researchers pushing to...
  8. Bobber

    Turning Down Medical Care For Unvaccinated?

    Now watch what Canadian CTV is now reporting and makes me wonder if they're supporting. A Nano Reseach poll comes to this conclusion, Nearly two-thirds of Canadians say they support health-care workers refusing treatment to threatening or disrespectful patients who are unvaccinated against...
  9. Bobber

    Healing: God Has More Mercy Than Man

    Many debate as to whether God desires to heal. Here's one thing that needs to be considered and I think it answers various questions. In Luke 13:14 we read, Indignant because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath, the synagogue leader said to the people, “There are six days for work. So come and...
  10. Bobber

    Most Evil Need To Repent??

    I was reading the following scripture Luke 13:1 where is says, There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. 2And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the...
  11. Bobber

    UFO's About To Be Revealed?

    Tucker reacts to video of UFO confirmed by Pentagon - YouTube (Just released the other day) Folks look there was a time when this type of thing would cause smirks and laughter. Are things though getting a lot more serious now? I got my own world view on just what might be occurring but what...
  12. Bobber

    The Precious Blood of Jesus Demolishes Your Guilt of Sin

    A more developed title would have been "The Consciousness of Precious Blood of Jesus Sets Aside Your Guilt of Sin" Many become discouraged because of past mistakes, sins or failures. They just can't seem to get over things they may have done even since becoming a Christian. They wallow around...
  13. Bobber

    Tears of a Resturant Owner

    Strong title for an OP I agree. (about closing the businesses) Sometimes I wonder if maybe not all people but some people could care less about their tears though who make light the pain, sorrow that some of these people are going through. Restaurant and businesses are desperate. They're...
  14. Bobber

    Gore's Date of Conceeding....Dec 13th

    The date I'm doing this OP is November 22. Some are saying it's absolutely outrageous and almost UN-Constitutional that Trump won't concede. Help me out here will somebody. Gore didn't concede until Dec 13th 2000. Did people say at that time the Republic was going to collapse or the sky...
  15. Bobber

    Trump Won The Cookie Count

    A bakery in Pennsylvania, (Hatboro, Pa) had a cookie poll. They were right the last three elections on who won. This time Trump cookies outsold Biden cookies by a staggering 28,000 to 5,000. Actual numbers Trump 27,903.....Biden 5,114 What I find interesting is that Hatboro, PA is said to be...
  16. Bobber

    Michael Moore Doesn't Belive Biden is Ahead.

    Don't care for Moore's politics BUT he tells it like it is generally speaking when he talks about polls. The Dems like to spread their delusion that everything is fine and great but Moore KNOWS better. I think what he's saying here to Dems is don't drink the Kool Aide and it's a false narrative...
  17. Bobber

    Candidate's Energy

    So on this date Biden has done a campaign in Birstol, Pennsylvania. From the point he walked up to the mic he spoke for 25 minutes. Trump did a campaign in North Carolina and from the point he walked to the mic he spoke for 61 minutes. Actually Obama campaigned for Biden today and did a...
  18. Bobber

    Trump Prosperity--Biden Depression?

    I'm just curious. Trump has done a rally today and said the following, "This election is a choice between a Trump super recovery and a Biden depression" He's warned about this throughout the campaign but what if he's right? As I do this OP, one part of the stockmarket the Dow is at 28, 335.57...
  19. Bobber

    Biden's Scheulue Vs Trump's

    It seems Joe is staying home for a few days or not being active. Preparing for the debate I suppose. But here it is Harris in Florida, Monday.... Jill Biden in Pennsylvania Monday, Tuesday Jill Biden in Michigan Tuesday, Obama in Philadelphia, Wednesday, And Biden stays home? Trump is...
  20. Bobber

    Biden's 15 Million an Hour Min Wage?

    15 Million and Hour Min Wage??? Sound like a good deal? Where do I sign up? Obviously really bad at reading from a teleprompter but you wonder why he even bothers with the thing. You wonder with just simple concepts like talking about his basic economic plan does every word, I mean ever word...