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  1. Presbyterian Continuist

    Money Offered For The Holy Spirit

    It is interesting during Philip's ministry in Samaria where there was a mighty revival, and Peter and John came to impart the Holy Spirit to the converts. Simon the Sorcerer offered money to the Apostles for the power of the Spirit, but Peter turned him down flat, and gave him a severe rebuke...
  2. Presbyterian Continuist

    Imperfect Ministry

    There are many videos on Youtube criticising ministries that don't dot all the Is and cross all the Ts in their doctrine. For example, a well known healing evangelist who in later years had a vision of a 90ft Jesus telling him to raise the finance to build a hospital in his city. Yet this...
  3. Presbyterian Continuist

    Using Tongues For Its Intended Purpose

    I was thinking about how I use the gift of tongues, and working out when I am speaking in genuine tongues and when I may not be. I came to the conclusion that the intended purpose of tongues for me is during my private prayer time with God where He is the sole listener to the language I am...
  4. Presbyterian Continuist

    Nightmare After Hearing False Prophet's Prophecies

    I got hold of Pastor Guerin's Documentary Report on the Aberrent Practices of the Kansas City Prophets. As part of the report, there were extensive quotes of the prophecies of Bob Jones, a disgraced Kansas City prophet (sexual misconduct exposed). I downloaded the PDF file, and set it up on my...
  5. Presbyterian Continuist

    A Question About Signs and Wonders

    I have been reading about the resurrectionfd of Dorcas by Peter in Acts 9:32. What happened was the Dorcas died and the disciples who were with her sent for Peter who was living at another town. He came and raised her from the dead. Now if signs and wonders were available for ordinary...
  6. Presbyterian Continuist

    The Message Bible

    Don't trust the Message Bible. It totally trashes the Bible by changing the meaning of many Bible verses. It is a very inaccurate paraphrase based on the author's ideas of what he wants the Bible to say. It is obvious that he has no knowledge of Biblical languages, and certainly has a lack of...
  7. Presbyterian Continuist

    Why I Am A Continuationist

    I am a continuationist according to the gifts of the Holy Spirit because there is nothing in the New Testament that the decline and cease of the spiritual gifts were the result of some decree of God. If God meant for the gifts to be temporary, He would have clearly said so. The two basic...
  8. Presbyterian Continuist

    Content With Who We Are

    One thing that is becoming more and more clear to me is that Jesus loves us who we are, and that even while we were yet sinners, He loved us and gave Himself for us. So if He gave Himself for us while we were yet His enemies, how much more does He love us now that we are His friends? What this...
  9. Presbyterian Continuist

    A Question Concerning a Canadian Catholic High School

    Would someone from the Roman Catholic forum please explain whether the Calgary High School's action against this particular student is indicative of Catholic policy over all. Here is the video:
  10. Presbyterian Continuist

    Does going forward in an evangelical meeting true conversion?

    How is it that in many evangelical meetings, many go forward in response to the invitation to receive Christ, spend a couple of minutes praying the sinner's prayer, but there is no increase in the attendance of the churches? Is it because most who make a verbal commitment to Christ leave the...
  11. Presbyterian Continuist

    True Spiritual Warfare

    After much thought and research, I have come to the conclusion that the definition of spiritual warfare that involves "binding the devil", casting out of demons, dealing with "territorial spirits", and generational curses, is not what true spiritual warfare actually is. Seeing that the devil is...
  12. Presbyterian Continuist

    Is The Modern Filling Of The Spirit The Same As On The Day Of Pentecost?

    The principal characteristic of a church filled with the Holy Spirit is that it has a major impact on the unconverted community around it. The original Pentecostals were totally mission oriented, and early gatherings had a major impact on the communities around them. By the second generation...
  13. Presbyterian Continuist

    Charismatic or "charismania"?

    The problem is that "charismania" groups and Prosperity preachers have departed from the simplicity of the true Gospel of Christ. They no longer have their full trust in the finished work of Christ on the Cross and repentance from sin. They have replaced it with a mystical "experience" they call...
  14. Presbyterian Continuist

    Is Being a NT Prophet What Most Charismatics Think It Is?

    I have already discussed this in the Sign Gifts forum, but I have decided to discuss it here so that a wider range of members can have the opportunity to give their opinions. This is not a criticism of Charismatics, but because prophets and prophecy appear mainly within Charismatic environments...
  15. Presbyterian Continuist

    The Difference Between True and False Prophets In the Old Testament

    The difference between the true and false prophet in the Old Testament is very simple and straightforward. The true prophet was one whose role was to ensure that the nation of Israel remained faithful to God and to keep away from idols. His role also was to warn the nation of the consequences...
  16. Presbyterian Continuist

    How Is A Person Truly Baptised With The Spirit?

    In the face of the many views and opinions surrounding the baptism with the Spirit, we need to give a clear set of principles that ensure that when a person seeks the baptism with the Spirit, he or she is getting the real thing and not some kind of false experience in which they think they are...
  17. Presbyterian Continuist

    Praying in tongues is part of Biblical Christianity

    In recent years there has been an explosion of false teaching and false "experiences" that purport to be the baptism with the Spirit and praying in tongues. Criticism using terms like "Charismania" has muddied the waters and created so much doubt, fear and suspicion that many genuine seekers...
  18. Presbyterian Continuist

    1 Corinthians 13:10

    How come Calvinists teach that 1 Corinthians 13:10 says that the sign gifts passed away when the canon of Scripture was received, when John Calvin himself exposited the verse as the gifts will cease when either we die or when Christ comes again? If you don't believe me, read John Calvin's...
  19. Presbyterian Continuist

    Plants in Extreme Charismatic Meetings?

    I have just heard testimony from an ex staff member of Stephen Furtick's church that a number of staff members were planted on the front row of his meetings to cheer and clap to motivate the crowd when Furtick made his points. When I thought of that, I wonder if there are a number of plants in...
  20. Presbyterian Continuist

    The Five Fold Ministries Cannot Function In Our Current Factionalised Church

    The five fold ministries of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher were designed to function in a church that was totally unified and all the regional churches in the then-known world totally complied with One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism. In our current church environment we...