Institutes of Christian Religion Volume 3 (Indicting Jehan's system with his very own words)

Grip Docility

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Nov 27, 2017
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Intro and reason written

Conviction drove this post. This is in Soteriology because the doctrine of Election is composed within four books specifically titled "Institutes of Christian Religion". This is no small title. This is in Soteriology Debate, because it is a "Biased" opinion of evaluation of another human beings Extra Canonical writings about their "Biased Opinions" that now motivates and is embraced by some 80 million believers worldwide. "The World Communion of Reformed Churches, which includes some United Churches, has 80 million believers. WCRC is the third largest Christian communion in the world, after the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches."

People that adopt this belief system are not wicked people. They are to be Loved as All Creation that Jesus Bled for. These people that adhere to these ideas are merely under the conviction, that they are true. They need Love and Gentleness by the Body, in response to their very specific belief that they are Proselytizing the Gospel, as they insist that all of Christendom embrace the tenants of Jehan's writings. I dare not even suggest that Jehan, himself was a bad person, but simply that God is his judge, and no other... as it is so, with all of us.

I, in no way, desire to question the authenticity of the Believer's Belief in Jesus, that adhere to these precepts. This is not an indictment of them. This is a specific evaluation of the Author's exact words that establish these precepts.

Citation of source referenced and it's meaning

Institutes: a commentary, treatise, or summary of principles, especially concerning law.
of Christian: Towards ALL of Christendom, that was first named in Acts 11:26
Religion: a particular system of faith and worship.

The very Title of Jehan's writings implies that these four volumes of Jehan's are;
The Principles of Law towards all of Christendom that define it's TRUE system of Faith and Worship.

After reading the first 2 books of Jehan's theological opinions, a reader will eventually arrive at book 3 of Jehan's Institutes. It is at Chapter II, section 11 and 12 that peculiar writing can be found. This is where Jehan attempts to explain how even the Reprobate is reaching out to Jesus, and spoken to, by the Holy Spirit, yet still Reprobated by God's Pre-Creation very design. This passage is a direct result of all scripture that refutes Jehan's writings, thus it is one of his most important writings, in efforts to defend his prolific writings about his presentation of the Gospel, using all books of scripture, that takes over 455,500 words across 1,822 pages.

I have taken the time to exegete this writing per scripture and knowledge of how human extra biblical PROPHETS (Those that proport to clarify scripture for others) reinforce their projected systems of scriptural understanding.

The Exegesis of intention

“FAITH” EVEN AMONG THE REPROBATE? I know that to attribute faith to the reprobate seems hard to some, when Paul declares it the result of election
This is Calvin about to address why some Reprobates appear to have a semblance of “Faith”.

* I am editing this in: Jehan is grappling with this exact passage of scripture, in his heart, knowing that it destroys his entire theology. Romans 11:28 As far as the gospel is concerned, they are enemies for your sake; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs, 29 for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.

It hadn't dawned on me that this single passage of scripture was a very bane to Jehan that made him fear that it would be exploited to the demise of his life's proud work. Everything that Jehan has written is based on taking 4 verses out of Romans 9, abrogated of context, and void of proper supporting scriptural exegesis, because just as Steven's Swan Song, Paul is flying over volumes of scripture, in as few words as possible in the exact passage that Jehan builds his entire view of Scripture and God, from. Jehan knew that the contextual flow of Romans 9 would eventually bring one of his opponents or believers to this very passage of scripture. It forces Jehan to declare this a "Dark Mystery"... and he himself can be quoted as "suggesting" that it is PROUD to look beyond the scope of his theology. Here is a link of Calvin's precepts on matters that go outside of Calvin's writings being shared by a fellow Calvinist, in reference to this very discussed concept. Calvinism is a "closed system of theology", meaning... it defines all scripture and nothing else can be revealed.

There is a word for this exact technique when used in reference to scripture by extra biblical prophets who know that their theological theorem is fragile when compared with all scripture. "Obfuscation" "The action of making something obscure, unclear, or unintelligible."

What this means, is that the following writings are a result of Jehan knowing that his writing was vulnerable by just 2 chapters from the heartbeat of his doctrine. He could suggest that it is to be as a "wild horse" in theology to look past mysteries that "challenge" his doctrine... but not with this very matter that are merely 2 chapters after his thesis built upon 4 verses, in Romans 9.

He had finally resolved to give some semblance of an acceptable doctrinal defense for Romans 11:28-29... by placing scripture against scripture in a very specifically oppositional way.

Yet this difficulty is easily solved. For though only those predestined to salvation receive the light of faith and truly feel the power of the gospel, yet experience shows that the reprobate are sometimes affected by almost the same feeling as the elect, so that even in their own judgment they do not in any way differ from the elect
This is Calvin saying that Reprobates are “almost” in touch with God, but God doesn't desire them. He goes on to say that they “feel” almost as “The Elect” feel.

Therefore it is not at all absurd that the apostle should attribute to them a taste of the heavenly gifts and Christ, faith for a time; not because they firmly grasp the force of spiritual grace and the sure light of faith, but because the Lord, to render them more convicted and inexcusable, steals into their minds to the extent that his goodness may be tasted without the Spirit of adoption.
This is Calvin saying that God Himself allows the “Rejected Creation” to sometimes have Faith, but because this creation is destined by design for damnation, He makes them feel saved, and “understand” His “Goodness”, but God, refuses to give this person reaching for Him, his Holy Spirit. God is essentially “Tricking” the reprobate, into thinking that they are saved.

Suppose someone objects that then nothing more remains to believers to assure themselves of their adoption. I reply: although there is a great likeness and affinity between God’s elect and those who are given a transitory faith, yet only in the elect does that confidence flourish which Paul extols, that they loudly proclaim Abba, Father
This is Calvin interweaving his belief system into the very place that the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ stands within a human heart. He is setting up to suggest that a believer that doesn't adopt his exact precepts of written statement, that the person is not saved. He demands that any “Believer” that does not follow his theological theorem, is only a “likeness” of the elect, but not a genuine believer.

Therefore, as God regenerates only the elect with incorruptible seed forever so that the seed of life sown in their hearts may never perish, thus he firmly seals the gift of his adoption in them that it may be steady and sure. But this does not at all hinder that lower working of the Spirit from taking its course even in the reprobate.
Here, Calvin is now saying that Repentance has no place in the believers life, because the Holy Spirit will be incorruptibly sown within his “PRE SELECTED” people, due to their ELECTION, ALONE. This also means, that God sows INTENTIONALLY “Corruptible” seed, in place of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, into the Reprobate, to trick them into believing that they are saved. Calvin then calls this “Corruptible seed"... “The lower working of the Holy Spirit, within the Reprobate”

Now, what we have here is Calvin saying that GOD HIMSELF IS INTENTIONALLY BLINDING THE LOST FROM THE SAVING GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST. This is now calling God, “Satan”, per scripture. It is even more so directly confining these acts of The Holy Spirit to a concept of "Lower Workings".

In the meantime, believers are taught to examine themselves carefully and humbly, lest the confidence of the flesh creep in and replace assurance of faith. Besides this, the reprobate never receive anything but a confused awareness of grace, so that they grasp a shadow rather than the firm body of it.
This is saying that God authors CONFUSION within the Reprobate, specifically for the purpose of grasping at a shadow of Grace, rather than it's actual constitute, again demanding that it is God that Blinds men to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Calvin has actually, now Blasphemed the Holy Spirit of God, in these words and associated chicanery with the Abba of all Creation.

For the Spirit, strictly speaking, seals forgiveness of sins in the elect alone, so that they apply it by special faith to their own use. Yet the reprobate are justly said to believe that God is merciful toward them, for they receive the gift of reconciliation, although confusedly and not distinctly enough.
Calvin, here, is associating “KNOWLEDGE” with SALVATION, and in this, he is implying that the words he is writing within these volumes, is that Knowledge. Calvin is not only exalting Gnosticism in this passage, but it is the very Gnosis, that “HE” is imparting, in place of the Holy Spirit, with Calvin now sub-textually insinuating that his very understanding IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. He is passively implying that Christians that don't believe in his system of salvation are missing the Sealing of the Holy Spirit and the necessary Gnosis to have genuine RECONCILIATION with God.

Not that they are partakers of the same faith or regeneration with the children of God, but because they seem, under a cloak of hypocrisy, to have a beginning of faith in common with the latter. And I do not deny that God illumines their minds enough for them to recognize his grace; but he so distinguishes that awareness from the exclusive testimony he gives to his elect that they do not attain the full effect and fruition thereof.
God, by Calvin, working within men, via the Holy Spirit, is now saying that God within the Reprobate, Partially ILLUMINATES the Reprobate with his Grace, but because the Reprobate is pre-selected to be Damned, the Rep is only given Partial testimony of salvation, on purpose by God, so that the Reprobate is not saved.

This is where that other half of the “ILLUMINATION” becomes important. This means that Darkness is cast into the mind of a Reprobate, by God, through the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, for the purpose of Damning a soul. Calvin is now saying that God, through His Holy Spirit is intentionally blinding a Reprobate Believer from the Gospel, and thus has the Holy Spirit actively deceiving a believer. This is actually worse than saying that Jesus is casting out Demons by the power of Demons. This is literally saying that to uphold God's predestined Decree of lottery based selection unto Damnation of a Reprobate, that The Holy Spirit is not only hiding Salvic Grace and Faith from a person reaching out to Jesus, but that The Holy Spirit is actively BLINDING A SOUL to the Gospel of God. This tramples the very blood of Jesus Christ and mutilates the Person of the Godhead we know as The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Olive Oil that Revelation speaks of. The Wine is the Blood of Jesus Christ that Revelation speaks of. These are demanded to not be harmed, within apocalyptic warning!

He does not show himself merciful to them, to the extent of truly snatching them from death and receiving them into his keeping, but only manifests to them his mercy for the time being.
This is Calvin doubling, tripling and quadrupling down that God refuses to save the Reprobate, even if they reach out to Him. This is Calvin saying that God only shows his MERCY to the reprobate for the purpose of deceiving the Reprobate into “Believing” they are saved, but unknowingly being withheld Salvic KNOWLEDGE (Gnosis) by God Himself, to whom they are reaching towards.

Only his elect does he account worthy of receiving the living root of faith so that they may endure to the end. Thus is that objection answered: if God truly shows his grace, this fact is forever established. For nothing prevents God from illumining some with a momentary awareness of his grace, which afterward vanishes.
Here, Calvin binds his writings and perception of the Gospel through the two preceding volumes to this THIRD volume that we find this writing and then saying in a very sub-textual manner, that God only reveals CALVIN'S understanding of God to the ELECT (Saved).

The questions that this very section of Calvin's institutes would make a person who adopts them think, would be along the lines of; “Am I reprobate?”, “How do I know for sure that I'm not one of those that God would only, purposely, partially reveal Himself to?”, “How do I plug in to God's Salvation and KNOW that I am Elect?”.

I removed Calvin's use of scripture from these writings, because they were abysmally written in a distinctly eisegetic way! These writings are online, and anyone is welcome to reassemble the scriptural quotations that Calvin believed bolstered his writings. In my opinion, They were consistently employing abrogation of contextual meaning. The only answer to those above questions that a person who has waded through 2 proceeding, monstrous in size writings of Calvin, by this point, would be to reconcile that ONLY CALVIN'S Gospel interpretation is correct and ANYONE who denies it, is a reprobate. The answer to the questions that Calvin subliminally imparts to the readers of this passage can only be stringent adoption of Calvin's writings, with a conviction to hold on to them as their very seal of salvation.

Section XII of these writings is so very simple that it answers the most asked question of all Non-Reformed Christians. Why does Calvin trample the Omnibenevolence of God?

Calvin starts this out by citing God's Benevolence... and then associating it with the "Lower revelation of the Holy Spirit" in a round about way. He touches on it for a mere sentence, then continues forward to essentially build a case against a person that dares to believe that God is All Loving. His following rhetoric in the remainder of Section XII is specifically a very delicately written...

God's Benevolence? Yeah, sure.... BUT.......
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Grip Docility

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2017
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An * has been added to the initial exegesis to address a post OP completion understanding that occurred when proof reading the Opening Post. All thoughts edited in, by that * are contained after and before the next quote of Jehan.
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