Historicity of Mary vs significant inference -- ie not in the Bible?


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The "pillar of Adventism" just ain't in the Bible.
Until you read the actual Bible chapters on those topics.

, when one of the doctrines that I understand to be central to the SDA faith, "Investigative Judgement", is never even hinted at in Scripture.
If one promises never to read Daniel 7, and never to read Rom 2, and never to read 2 Cor 5:10 ... etc then one could say "that doctrine is not in the remaining bits of the Bible I do choose to read".

But if one reads Daniel 7 they see a pre-advent judgment based out of the things written in books ("investigative" for those not opposed to that word, but pick any word you like).

So when the group promoting a given doctrine says - we don't find this in the Bible and it has no historicity in the first century authors - well I think it is worth mentioning.

You might think that such a thing is what all churches do - but I beg to differ.
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So when the group promoting a given doctrine says - we don't find this in the Bible and it has no historicity in the first century authors - well I think it is worth mentioning.

You might think that such a thing is what all churches do - but I beg to differ.
Spare us the posturing, your chucrh embrces extra-biblical doctrines. Quote your "proof texts" and lets see how well they support your dogma; I can't do all the work. Show me where the Bible say your IJ will begin in 1844,. Show us where Jesus comes into your Heavenly Sanctuary. Show us the details, Bob. We'll wait.
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BobRyan said:
So when the group promoting a given doctrine says - we don't find this in the Bible and it has no historicity in the first century authors - well I think it is worth mentioning.

You might think that such a thing is what all churches do - but I beg to differ.
Spare us the posturing,
make a point
your chucrh embrces extra-biblical doctrines
No it does not. But the OP shows us a case of Catholic scholarship making that very claim about their own Marian doctrines.

Going after "me" does not change that fact of life.

How is this even a little bit confusing for you?
. Quote your "proof texts"
I have given them to you three times. Consider reading the posts.

Consider this thread - as per your request --
Daniel 7 Pre-advent, Investigated out of books, Judgment affirmed by Adventist
and lets see how well they support your dogma;
That is a great idea. Though it is not on topic for this thread. Would you like me to start your favorite selection -- the Investigative Judgment?
I am happy to do it.

Are you interested?
I can't do all the work.
ok - I am happy to start the thread.
Show me where the Bible say your IJ will begin in 1844

,. Show us where Jesus comes into your Heavenly Sanctuary
ok - but you will need to read the posts and follow the details.
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I did not say that Catholics don't "believe" the doctrine - I said their own scholarship points out that they believe it no matter that they have no source for it in scripture and no historicity for it in the first century authors.
Catholics believe the Word of God whether passed down orally or in writing. The deposit of the faith ended with the death of the last Apostle. But what the Church can and does do is come to a greater understanding of the deposit of faith over time. The West and East established feast days, the feast of the Assumption started in the East. The understanding of the Assumption has been passed down through the Liturgy.

nope - we accept the 66 books of scripture based on a lot of evidence from the first century and in the NT text itself.
The list of 66 books is not found in the Bible itself, your evidence is extra-Biblical. Nor is there anything in Holy Scripture to indicate it would take 1400 years or so to come up with the "correct" list of books of the Bible.
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The Liturgist

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Catholics believe the Word of God whether passed down orally or in writing. The deposit of the faith ended with the death of the last Apostle. But what the Church can and does do is come to a greater understanding of the deposit of faith over time. The West and East established feast days, the feast of the Assumption started in the East. The understanding of the Assumption has been passed down through the Liturgy.

The list of 66 books is not found in the Bible itself, your evidence is extra-Biblical. Nor is there anything in Holy Scripture to indicate it would take 1400 years or so to come up with the "correct" list of books of the Bible.

Also @Valletta @concretecamper and @chevyontheriver - correct me if I’m wrong, but if a Roman Catholic scholar denied the historicity of the Assumption, contrary to the infallible dogmatic definition of Pope Pius XII, would that not render them excommunicate or perhaps anathema?

From an Orthodox perspective, the Assumption, which in Eastern Orthodoxy is more commonly called the Dormition, but it refers to the same event, and in Oriental Orthodoxy the word “Assumption” is used, is extremely important to our faith and has been since the very early years of the Church. Indeed I am not aware of any sect other than the Antidicomarianites challenging its authenticity. I don’t think someone who denied that the Assumption happened would be allowed to receive the Eucharist in most Orthodox parishes, and scholars who taught that would not be able to teach courses at our seminaries, or receive an imprimatur for their writings, and clergy who took such a view would be making a career-limiting move.

And I suspect, as our Anglican friend @Jipsah has eloquently expressed, that an SDA theologian or pastor who denied the literal truth of the doctrine of the Investigative Judgement could look forward to a flourishing career in that denomination, either. I suspect they would need to move over to the Seventh Day Baptists.
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BobRyan said:

I did not say that Catholics don't "believe" the doctrine - I said their own scholarship points out that they believe it no matter that they have no source for it in scripture and no historicity for it in the first century authors
Catholics believe the Word of God whether passed down orally or in writing.
I did not say "Catholics don't believe the word of God" -- I said "their own scholarship on the subject of the historicity of Marian doctrine - points out that they believe it no matter that they have no source for it in scripture and no historicity for it in the first century authors" - as we all can see in the OP.
The deposit of the faith ended with the death of the last Apostle. But what the Church can and does do is come to a greater understanding of the deposit of faith over time. The West and East established feast days, the feast of the Assumption started in the East. The understanding of the Assumption has been passed down through the Liturgy.
I did not say that there is no tradition created after the first century by various groups -- I said "their own Catholic scholarship on the subject of the historicity of Marian doctrine - points out that they believe it no matter that they have no source for it in scripture and no historicity for it in the first century authors" - as we all can see in the OP.
The list of 66 books is not found in the Bible itself
Which is not a "funny kind of license" to make stuff up that is not in the Bible and has no historicity in actual first century NT teaching.

Rather "they studied the scriptures daily to SEE IF those things spoken by the Apostle Paul - WERE So" Acts 17:11 (And were blessed for doing so according to the text lauding them as "more noble minded than those in Thessalonica"
Nor is there anything in Holy Scripture to indicate it would take 1400 years or so to come up with the "correct" list of books of the Bible.
There is no scripture and no first century historicity in the speculation that they were saying "we have no clue what scripture is I guess we should wait a few centuries before reading it" -- as we all know.
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I said "their own Catholic scholarship on the subject of the historicity of Marian doctrine - points out that they believe it no matter that they have no source for it in scripture and no historicity for it in the first century authors" - as we all can see in the OP.
Also @Valletta @concretecamper and @chevyontheriver - correct me if I’m wrong, but if a Roman Catholic scholar denied the historicity of the Assumption
Ok so actual research and published Catholic scholarship ON the very subject (the historicity of Marian doctrine) should be ignored if someone waves their hand away from it? Seriously??

Raymond Brown --

"An American Sulpician priest and prominent biblical scholar. He was a specialist on the hypothetical Johannine community, which he speculated contributed to the authorship of the Gospel of John, and he also wrote studies on the birth and death of Jesus.

"Brown was professor emeritus at Union Theological Seminary (UTS) in New York City, where he taught for 29 years. He was the first Catholic professor to gain tenure there, where he earned a reputation as a superior lecturer.["

"Brown was appointed in 1972 to the Pontifical Biblical Commission and again in 1996. He was the Auburn Distinguished Professor of Biblical Studies at the Union Theological Seminary in New York City"

(IE not considered a heretic by the Catholic Church - for those who were trying to grasp that sort of straw)
, contrary to the infallible dogmatic definition of Pope Pius XII,
Nothing the Pope says is considered infallible unless it is spoken "ex Cathedra" and Pius XII did not say he was speaking "ex Cathedra". IN fact no Pope ever claimed that - but the one that comes the closest is Pope Clement XIV July 21, 1773.

", we do, out of our certain knowledge, and the fulness of our apostolical power, SUPPRESS AND ABOLISH THE SAID COMPANY"

From an Orthodox perspective, the Assumption, which in Eastern Orthodoxy is more commonly called the Dormition,

an SDA theologian or pastor who denied the literal truth of the doctrine of the Investigative Judgement could look forward to a flourishing career in that denomination
Our doctrines are based in scripture and have historicity in the actual teaching of Bible authors.

As this thread shows -- created at Jipsah's request -- Daniel 7 Pre-advent, Investigated out of books, Judgment affirmed by Adventist

A lot of Churches stand on that position and still differences exist. But this thread is about the case of a denomination's own scholarship admitting that some segment of their doctrines do NOT have basis in scripture or historicity in first century sources. Which is a "special case" of those groups of differences between denominations.
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Which is not a "funny kind of license" to make stuff up that is not in the Bible and has no historicity in actual first century NT teaching.
My point being is that you give a pass to your own beliefs that are not explicitly in the Bible even though you are Bible-only. Yet you are finding fault with those who never claimed to be Bible-only because they believe truths that are not explicitly in the Bible, and Sola Scriptura is a belief that didn't take hold in Christian religions for well over a thousand years later. The Holy Trinity, which is not explicitly in the Bible, is not made-up stuff, it is a truth what was contained in the deposit of faith which ended with the death of the last Apostle, as was the Assumption. As time passes, as history shows, we can come to a deeper understanding of that deposit of faith. Let me ask you, where in the first century do you find the exact list of 66 books that you believe are the entirety of Holy Scripture?
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Blood Drinker
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Until you read the actual Bible chapters on those topics.

If one promises never to read Daniel 7, and never to read Rom 2, and never to read 2 Cor 5:10 ... etc then one could say "that doctrine is not in the remaining bits of the Bible I do choose to read".
Or one could, more likely, say that other judgement and books, nothing about IJ is there at all. Daniel 7, for instance, abounds with references to judgement and books... and war, and all manner of fabulous and wholly symbolic creatures like flying lions, leopards, beasts with iron teeth and a great many horns. But there;'s nothing that really pertains to the SDA doctrine upon which it is presumably based.

Lookee here:

"There is a sanctuary in heaven, the true tabernacle that the Lord set up and not humans. In it Christ ministers on our behalf, making available to believers the benefits of His atoning sacrifice offered once for all on the cross. At His ascension, He was inaugurated as our great High Priest and, began His intercessory ministry, which was typified by the work of the high priest in the holy place of the earthly sanctuary. In 1844, at the end of the prophetic period of 2300 days, He entered the second and last phase of His atoning ministry, which was typified by the work of the high priest in the most holy place of the earthly sanctuary. It is a work of investigative judgment which is part of the ultimate disposition of all sin, typified by the cleansing of the ancient Hebrew sanctuary on the Day of Atonement. In that typical service the sanctuary was cleansed with the blood of animal sacrifices, but the heavenly things are purified with the perfect sacrifice of the blood of Jesus. The investigative judgment reveals to heavenly intelligences who among the dead are asleep in Christ and therefore, in Him, are deemed worthy to have part in the first resurrection. It also makes manifest who among the living are abiding in Christ, keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, and in Him, therefore, are ready for translation into His everlasting kingdom. \

That's the SDA explanation of Investigative Judgement. There doesn't seem to be much there that derives from Daniel, and much that seems not to have anything to do with anything in the Bible at all. Maybe you'd care to explain how that works.

But if one reads Daniel 7 they see a pre-advent judgment based out of the things written in books ("investigative" for those not opposed to that word, but pick any word you like).

Yeah, did that. And yes both books and judgement are mentioned. Pretty tenuous connection there, IMO.
So when the group promoting a given doctrine says - we don't find this in the Bible and it has no historicity in the first century authors - well I think it is worth mentioning.
Again, y'all need to take the 2X4 from your own eye before you set out to worry about others.
You might think that such a thing is what all churches do - but I beg to differ.
Begging is undignified, but you're free to differ all you like. Fact is that SDAs have doctrines, notably that one, that have no basis in Scripture. "Book look, there are places in Scripture where some of the very same words are used!" is an afterthought used to give a novel doctrine an appearance of legitimacy.
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I said "their own Catholic scholarship on the subject of the historicity of Marian doctrine - points out that they believe it no matter that they have no source for it in scripture and no historicity for it in the first century authors" - as we all can see in the OP.
Holy Tradition, Bob. SDAs don't accept it, duly noted. Then again, SDAs believe in a good bit of stuff that very few other Christian groups accept at all. It kind of evens out, dosn't it?
Ok so actual research and published Catholic scholarship ON the very subject (the historicity of Marian doctrine) should be ignored if someone waves their hand away from it? Seriously??
Truth is, almost no one cares, and you care only insofar as it seems to you like a stick to beat the Catholics with.

Raymond Brown --

"An American Sulpician priest and prominent biblical scholar. He was a specialist on the hypothetical Johannine community, which he speculated contributed to the authorship of the Gospel of John, and he also wrote studies on the birth and death of Jesus.
That's nice. I'm sure he's an erudite and thoughtful man.

Our doctrines are based in scripture and have historicity in the actual teaching of Bible authors.
..and Ellen White, who is where Investive Judgement comne from.

Better expound on Daniel 7, for us. I'm not seeing IJ there. Maybe I just lack imagination.
A lot of Churches stand on that position and still differences exist. But this thread is about the case of a denomination's own scholarship admitting that some segment of their doctrines do NOT have basis in scripture or historicity in first century sources.
Holy Tradition, Bob. Your lot doesn't accept it, except as it establishes the Canon of Scripture (and then you have to claim you don't, because, well, you have to.)
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Holy Tradition, Bob.
You have a tradition that you follow - my OP does not deny that you follow some tradition.
SDAs don't accept it, duly noted.
yep we agree on that.
Then again, SDAs believe in a good bit of stuff that very few other Christian groups accept
And Noah did as well - with no one joining him
And Christ was rejected by the majority of the Jews
And .. the majority is seldom the indicator of perfect Bible truth.

But that is not what this thread is about.

BobRyan said:
Ok so actual research and published Catholic scholarship ON the very subject (the historicity of Marian doctrine) should be ignored if someone waves their hand away from it? Seriously??
Truth is, almost no one cares
The idea that no one cares that certain doctrines you hold have no historicity in the first century NT church and no basis in scripture sounds like wishful thinking on your part.

But WERE it TRUE -- then posts such as yours would be saying something like "I say YES indeed to your OP - THANK you for posting it. Thanks for this thread. Because that is exactly our point!

Instead - notice that your almost every post - is a form of complaint.

How "instructive" for the unbiased objective reader
, and you care only insofar as it seems to you like a stick to beat the Catholics with.
You claim that affirming a well honored Catholic Scholar is to "beat the Catholics" has yet to have an ounce of logic associated with it as to how such an odd idea even comes about.
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My point being is that you give a pass to your own beliefs that are not explicitly in the Bible
That Judgement doctrine is in fact from the Bible alone as we saw in the thread Jipsah asked to be created in association wit this one -
-- Daniel 7 Pre-advent, Investigated out of books, Judgment affirmed by Adventist

It's one thing to say "I don't agree with your doctrine"
It is another to say "your argument is using some source other than the Bible to state it" even when shown the sola-scriptura case for it.

Or are you talking about the fact that I read the book of Matthew or that I know as Peter stated that Paul's writing are included in scripture.???

even though you are Bible-only. Yet you are finding fault with those who never claimed to be Bible-only
IN the case of the OP - I actually agree with the Catholic statement that the Marian doctrines have no historicity in the first century NT church nor in scripture. Rather it comes from later tradition.
Sola Scriptura is a belief that didn't take hold in Christian religions for well over a thousand years later.
Until you read Is 8:20, Acts 17:11, Mark 7:7-13 -- like the rest of us.
The Holy Trinity, which is not explicitly in the Bible, is not made-up stuff
And is in scripture

ONE God Deut 6:5
In THREE persons Matt 28:19

ChristianityToday stated that the Adventist church is the fastest growing and fifth largest Christian denomination in the world and when we do evangelism for both Christians and non-Christians we DO NOT argue the trinity FROM ANY other source than the Bible and we do NOT appeal to "OURSELVES" the the authority upon which the Bible students are to accept the doctrine.

According to your statement that should be impossible for us to do at all - let alone result in our being one of the fastest growing Christian denominations in the world

The facts do not support your speculation on that point.

it is a truth what was contained in the deposit of faith which ended with the death of the last Apostle, as was the Assumption.
No historicity in the first century NT church for the Assumption of Mary into heaven and most certainly nothing from the Apostle John on that idea.

I assume you agree with your own Catholic scholar regarding that fact in historicity
Let me ask you, where in the first century do you find the exact list of 66 books that you believe are the entirety of Holy Scripture?
We accept "The scriptures" as known to the first century church - a term often used in the NT texts -- as you and I both know.
We accept Josephus' statement that the Hebrew Bible was canonized and unchanged for over 400 years by the time of the first century
We accept Luke's statement in Luke 24 that "starting with Moses and all the prophets He (Jesus) explained the things concerning Himself in ALL THE SCRIPTURES"

We accept Peter's own statement that Paul's writings were already accepted as scripture.
We accept Paul's statement that his teaching was being accepted as "the Word of God"

The idea that even one ounce of confusion, about what is in the NT, exists between Christian denominations today - is hard to take seriously.
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Our doctrines are based in scripture and have historicity in the actual teaching of Bible authors.

As this thread shows -- created at Jipsah's request -- Daniel 7 Pre-advent, Investigated out of books, Judgment affirmed by Adventist
..and Ellen White, who is where Investive Judgement comne from.

Better expound on Daniel 7, for us. I'm not seeing IJ there. Maybe I just lack imagination.
Step 1 - read the actual thread on that topic that you asked for repeatedly so far on this thread,
Step 2 -- point to some place where the Bible texts cease to explain the point from your POV ,, then post your response.

I don't see how this is even a little bit confusing.
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Or one could, more likely, say that other judgement and books, nothing about IJ is there at all. Daniel 7, for instance, abounds with references to judgement and books... and war, and all manner of fabulous and wholly symbolic creatures like flying lions, leopards, beasts with iron teeth and a great many horns. But there;'s nothing that really pertains to the SDA doctrine
Read the actual thread and try to make your case if you think that your conclusion holds up.

There is a thread for that discussion - that you are avoiding.

In the meantime the OP for this thread stays on topic.
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The Liturgist

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Ok so actual research and published Catholic scholarship ON the very subject (the historicity of Marian doctrine) should be ignored if someone waves their hand away from it? Seriously??

I didn’t say that. Please stop putting words in my mouth. This is like the third time in the course of this thread that you have either attributed to me something I did not actually write, or otherwise misquoted me (for example, when you truncated a sentence I wrote, so that it looked like I wrote something other than what I actually posted). I told you then that i would require you not to do that, and now I must tell you that I insist you not misquote me at all, or otherwise impute meanings to my post other than what I literally wrote. If in fact I am using a figure of speech, I will make that clear when we debate for your convenience.

As it happens, the reason why I asked our Roman Catholic friends @Valletta @chevyontheriver and @concretecamper the question that I did, that being, whether or not if a scholar denied a doctrine pronounced by the Pope as ex cathedra, if that might cause them to become excommunicate or anathema, had nothing to do with suggesting that we delete such research of theirs, of ignore it in an ecumenical context, which I would be opposed to.
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You have a tradition that you follow - my OP does not deny that you follow some tradition.
Which apparently you would pretend that you do not. Then again, the prophetic pronouncements of Ellen White may not strictly be considered traditions, although they are most certainly extra-biblical.
But that is not what this thread is about.
So we've been over. The purpose was to accuse the Roman Catholics of embracing doctrines not found in the Bible. Which, of course, they freely admit, since they honor Holy Tradition. What you're unwilling or unable to admit is that what the SDA counts as one of the "Pillars of Adventism" is a doctrine that does not appear anywhere in Holy Writ.

BobRyan said:
Ok so actual research and published Catholic scholarship ON the very subject (the historicity of Marian doctrine) should be ignored if someone waves their hand away from it? Seriously??
Can SDA belief in the wholly non-scriptural doctrine of "Investigative Judgement" be ignored because they claim that it's supported by Scriptures that say nothing of the kind?

And can going out of your way to find fault with someone else's doctrines as unscriptural, when you consider an unscriptural doctrine a backbone of your own faith, not be more than a bit hypocritical?
The idea that no one cares that certain doctrines you hold have no historicity in the first century NT church and no basis in scripture sounds like wishful thinking on your part.
Speaking of wishful thnking, do you really expect to sell the idea that IJ is somehow found in Scripture? For crying out loud, man, even you haven't offered to expound on how Daniel 7 supports your claim by mentioning judgement and books being opened. That looks amazingingly like it was a product of a word search, where the context of those words was wholly ignored! Have you read Daniel 7?
But WERE it TRUE -- then posts such as yours would be saying something like "I say YES indeed to your OP - THANK you for posting it.
And if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. But the fact is that, as usual, you're badmouthing Catholics, and failed to consider that: while Catholics have no problem at all basing a dogma on Holy Tradition, you lot loudly declare your devotion to sola scriptura. That, while one of the very pillars of your faith is a doctrine that has little or no support in Scripture at all, and appears to have come straight from a revelation from your very own prophet.

Think "glass houses", Bob. Think "motes and beams". Think "physician, heal thyself". Think "hoist on your own petard".

Instead - notice that your almost every post - is a form of complaint.
Seems that this thread began with you complaining about a Roman Catholic dogma that offends SDA sensibilities. Your complaint is duly noted, as is its hypocritical nature.
How "instructive" for the unbiased objective reader
I'm sure this thread will persuade multitudes to flee the Catholic Church and run headlong to the SDAs for refuge. Or not. <Laugh
You claim that affirming a well honored Catholic Scholar is to "beat the Catholics"
Nope, he simply noted that the Assumption has no Biblical or 1st Century basis. The belief is based on tradition (we've been over this a time or three, haven't we?), which, for Catholics, Roman and otherwise, can be a perfectly fine basis for a doctrine. You share that belief as touching the Canon of Scripture, which you accept as the Catholics have given it to you, so your objections to other doctrines based on tradition ring pretty hollow. It's all just the same old "them bad Catholics..." that seem to be another of Adventism's nonscriptural "pillars".
has yet to have an ounce of logic associated with it as to how such an odd idea even comes about.
I'm sure all of the world's roughly 1,350,000,000 (latest figures) Catholics (which for some reason doesn't include the world's 110,000,000 Anglicans) will be desolated to hear that.
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Blood Drinker
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Read the actual thread and try to make your case if you think that your conclusion holds up.
I did, it does.
There is a thread for that discussion - that you are avoiding.
Hey, you chose the topic, and I haven't strayed from it.
In the meantime the OP for this thread stays on topic.
I think that subject has been addressed quite succinctly; you just don't like the answer.
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Blood Drinker
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I don't see how this is even a little bit confusing.
It isn't. You thought you'd found fodder for some good old "them bad Catholics..." posturing, and it went south on you. Sorry mate, you chose poorly.
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Does it make sense that a sinful corrupt body is not the vessel the Lord would choose to come to Earth through? Also, were you aware that Christianity existed almost 400 years before the Biblical NT Canon was set? Did they have no idea what they were talking about those first 4 decades? Excuse Me centuries?
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I didn’t say that. Please stop putting words in my mouth. This is like the third time in the course of this thread that you have either attributed to me something I did not actually write, or otherwise misquoted me (for example, when you truncated a sentence I wrote, so that it looked like I wrote something other than what I actually posted). I told you then that i would require you not to do that, and now I must tell you that I insist you not misquote me at all, or otherwise impute meanings to my post other than what I literally wrote. If in fact I am using a figure of speech, I will make that clear when we debate for your convenience.

As it happens, the reason why I asked our Roman Catholic friends @Valletta @chevyontheriver and @concretecamper the question that I did, that being, whether or not if a scholar denied a doctrine pronounced by the Pope as ex cathedra, if that might cause them to become excommunicate or anathema, had nothing to do with suggesting that we delete such research of theirs, of ignore it in an ecumenical context, which I would be opposed to.
I met Raymond E. Brown. Talked with him. Read almost every book he ever wrote. I’ve got a copy of his PhD thesis. He was very careful in his words and his positions. It’s mostly the people not careful enough in reading him that try to make him say what he would never have intended to say. I am not a disciple of Raymond E. Brown by any means but I find the use of him in this thread to be specious silliness.
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