Recent content by FredVB

  1. FredVB

    Puritan Pub (2)

    I have had coffee for many years, I had stopped drinking alcohol a couple of decades ago, but it was several coffees in the morning early on. It was too much, and I stopped, and had the unpleasant consequences, I went back to it but since limited it to one drink of it for each day, and generally...
  2. FredVB

    Response for warning that comes

    Deseradar asked, "How would that involve our choices? What can we do about what others in later lifetimes do?" Jecharon said, "I mean we can choose to build just a little for what we really need, and we do not have to plan ambitiously to have more, that will involve building more. We then could...
  3. FredVB

    Establishing Secular Morality

    I know that not limiting care and compassion is right. Can you tell me you know that? So I know this would not contribute to me doing wrong things. So I am not wrong with that, I can know that. But if you do not know what I asked if you do, how can you know who is right? This is why the...
  4. FredVB

  5. FredVB


    That's what I do, I speak for getting ready. It isn't assuming we should leave everything to God and make no changes ourselves. We have responsibilities and things to do, and God calls for changes, if we are alert and watch for everything God tells us, for there to be change with our...
  6. FredVB

    Will you let the bible ...

    If we follow Jesus Christ we would be showing kindness and compassion without limiting it, there would be no greater way than that. We are forgiven much, there is basis to be forgiving to any others. With being a Christian who is vegan, not choosing to limit kindness and compassion to other...
  7. FredVB

    Establishing Secular Morality

    If... If that was so, you are right that I might be wrong to do what your conscience says is wrong. But if my conscience says what is wrong that I don't do is what you still do, am I doing something wrong? I might as it happens to not eat things from animals that do not want things happening...
  8. FredVB


    Yes. All the coming events of prophecy in the Scriptures will happen. Some are to happen later than others, some may happen much later. The fall of Mystery Babylon would happen sooner. So it is there would be great following after one, who is a great beast in prophecy, who would give promise to...
  9. FredVB

    The Book of Enoch?

    Yes, the Book of Enoch has passages like some in the new testament, that really seem to have been using them as there is close correspondence. And that book is recognized in the new testament. It really should not then be dismissed. Yet it is possible that passages had been added onto it since...
  10. FredVB


    Jecharon said, "I think I understand. This is a trend from people such as us. We are from a place of neighboring people who grew greater in numbers and built up their forces, becoming aggressive to other people. Bonahlem was from other people and knew about that. As they grow greater in number...
  11. FredVB


    Why are God's people there where they must be called out? They have to actually be told to come out, they can't see it already that they shouldn't be there. They don't know what to see. God hates the destructiveness to the earth. They shouldn't even be involved with any of that. Real repentance...
  12. FredVB

    Post-tribulation Rapture Believers Safe House

    Yet, I do not speak to whether believers are in the time of the great tribulations. Believers have gone through tribulation already, through history, and would still be believers going through tribulation. There will be great things happening before the time of what is poured on the earth...
  13. FredVB

    Earth in hot water? Worries over sudden ocean warming spike

    I know there are those who say everything is fake so they can dismiss evidence, which they don't want.
  14. FredVB

    Post-tribulation Rapture Believers Safe House

    Wrath from God would be on those who are unrepentant, and not in Christ. Would that not be so? But collapse will still come, Mystery Babylon will fall, God's people should come out, they need to do so themselves, God hates the destructiveness to this earth and they should not be involved with...
  15. FredVB

    Verses of Praise/Encouragement

    Psalm 30:11-12 You have turned my mourning into dancing for me. You have removed my sackcloth, and clothed me with gladness, to the end that my heart may sing praise to you, and not be silent. Yahweh my God, I will give thanks to you forever!