Recent content by Diamond7

  1. Diamond7

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    White people are rapidly becoming a minority. There are 20 large cities that are more than 50% black.
  2. Diamond7

    How do you politely turn away a Jehovah Witness at your door?

    We have sat down and studied with JW's and Mormons. They have both failed to convince me that their teachings line up with the Bible.
  3. Diamond7

    About other "dimensions"

    I was recently in the emergency room where they wanted to give me fentanyl to euthanize me. The reason being that it would have been too much work for them to keep me alive. I had an abrasion for vetch scheduled the next morning so I wanted to give that a try first.
  4. Diamond7

    Was polygamy a sin?

    Yes God hates divorce and in the case of David it cost him his first born son with Bathsheba. What I am talking about is Genesis 2:24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh". I think Jesus is talking about marriage...
  5. Diamond7

    A Godly Marriage

    Just as the husband is to sacrifice himself for his wife.
  6. Diamond7

    Was polygamy a sin?

    Jesus tells us that Moses allowed this because of the hardness of peoples hearts. From the beginning it was not so. Marriage between a man and a women is a type of the relationship between Christ and His Bride or Church. It is difficult to get a marriage to work if God is not a part of it.
  7. Diamond7

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    I investigated long and hard Noah and Adam. Noah has to do with the flood and Adam has to do with evolution and genealogy. I started off YES and Noah's flood was world wide. The evidence 100% shows otherwise. I researched and studied this for a long time. I have an open challenge for anyone to...
  8. Diamond7

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    Blacks and Hispanic do not want to be white. Well maybe Michel Jackson but that is another story. I am very glad that Blacks hate racism and are diligent NOT to be racist themselves.
  9. Diamond7

    Genesis 1:28 KJV Replenish the Earth.

    Yes, that is why I became a christian, I needed answers and solutions. With God we have answers to every question and solutions for every problem. I was not expecting this good of an answer to the question.
  10. Diamond7

    Genesis 1:28 KJV Replenish the Earth.

    Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. If this were any other translation we...
  11. Diamond7

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    I told you the evidence is Geology and Ice Core samples. The father of Geology was a Christian.
  12. Diamond7

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    We would not have fossils, we would not have evidence if God had not preserved it for us. He wants us to know the work He has done. If you do not want to do a google search you can just look to see what Wiki has on this subject. The "Big Five"...
  13. Diamond7


    You die to self and live for God. You wash your garment in the Blood of Jesus. You live in the Spirit and not the flesh. Grace does a work in us to cleanse us and transform us into the Children of God. I attended a church called Grace because the pastor felt it was essential for the grace of...
  14. Diamond7


    In this case we have to determine who is not saved. We are told those who do not have oil in their lamp. They do not have the Holy Spirit of God. So only Spirit filled Christians are qualified. Some people say they will be left behind during the tribulation period and they will have to be...
  15. Diamond7

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    Where did the gentiles come from?