
Am a Christian guy with autism who enjoys God's creation, and learning about our world.

Psalm 111:2 "Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them." This verse expresses admiration for God's great creation and works. Scientists engage with these works through their research and discovery. Faith and science complement each other, as both can acknowledge God's presence and power in the natural world. Scientific inquiry can be driven by a belief in a deeper meaning to the universe and a recognition of God's involvement. The verse affirms that studying God's works deepens our appreciation for and connection to the Divine.

Awesome researchers that followed Jesus: Georges Lemâitre (priest who theorized Big Bang theory in 1920s, showing that universe had a point in time where it was created). Gregor Mendel was a German priest that developed the study of genetics during the 1850s while growing pea plants.

Aircraft: B777 or A310, 320 and 330
Anime: Cowboy Bebop ツ
Automobile: Toyota Mirai or Audi Q5 (don't drive)
Book: Nonfiction, classic sci-fi (1800s-1980s) or historical fiction
City: Pretty much any city in the EU
Clothing: Anything second hand
Country: All of them
Food: Macaroni
Fruit: Bananas
Instrument: Piano (played 2007-2012)
TV Show: Star Trek TNG, Doctor Who
Music: Indie/Folk, '60s - '80s classic rock (except metal), old-school future house (2014-2016)
Movie: Star Wars (1977)
Saint: St. Joseph or St. Albert the Great
Transportation: Bike, elevator or plane
Videogame: Don't own any consoles, but enjoy the local $15 free play arcade and used to play Mario Kart Wii

Have been diagnosed with mild OCD since May 2, 2007.

Pro-life for every life stage from age 0 to the elderly (except for in cases where both mother and baby will both pass), for cheap renewable energy, for free unbiased news, for a community-based society, against fascism, against Trumpism.

Not interested in most sports (except World Cup and Tour de France) creepy individuals, violence, greedy politicians or war. Time to make peace guys.

Member statistics

Reaction score
Sep 16, 1999 (Age: 24)
Region or City
United States
Marital Status