
  1. AlexB23

    Fear Not of the End Times

    Hello folks. Guys and gals, fear not of the End Times (whether we are in the end or not), as God is with us, every step of the way. Date May 29, 2024 | Fear Not of The End Times Verse Exodus 14:13-14 (NIV): "Moses answered the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the...
  2. AlexB23

    Rejected by the World for our Faith

    Hello folks. Today, we will be covering rejection, as many Christians may be rejected by society for their unwavering faith in Christ. This is a companion post to: Christian Figures who were Rejected for their Faith Date May 27, 2024 | Rejected for our Faith Verse John 5:18-19 (NIV): "If...
  3. AlexB23

    Christian Figures who were Rejected for their Faith

    Hello folks. Who is an example of a Christian historical figure who was rejected or blackballed by the world to fulfill God’s mission instead of their own desires? Let this thread be a list of Christians who were rejected by society because of their faith in God. These figures can be Biblical...
  4. By_the_Book

    Truth Tellers - Are you one? Not what you think.

    There are those individuals who tell the truth, and the world hates them for it. If you are a true Christian, who truly loves God and desires to see His Will done, you have no choice but to tell the truth to a decaying and dying society. If you are one of those Christians who sold out Christ...
  5. Keeping Work In Its Proper Place: Spiritual Counsel For Today's Orthodox Christians

    Keeping Work In Its Proper Place: Spiritual Counsel For Today's Orthodox Christians

    Fr. Daniel Sysoev, the New Martyr, with his wife, Matushka Julia Today I happened to find a website dedicated to making available the life and written works (in eBook formats) of Orthodox Christian missionary priest Fr. Daniel Sysoev, who was executed in his Church by a masked gunman in 2009...
  6. Alistair_Wonderland

    Does Christian marriage culture cause materialism?

    I am single, and have always been so. I am also unemployed, and have been for some time; extreme depression from loneliness makes it difficult for me to find motivation to live, let alone work. To have somebody in my life to love me would certainly motivate me, as in the past the prospect of a...
  7. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    How to avert negative futures?

    We all have the remarkable ability of imagination. We can picture the future, bleak & grim. We can also picture it cheery & beautiful. With varying levels of accuracy, we can say which way it will be, depending on what exactly we're talking about. Let's take an example: Politics! Is the...
  8. Totodile386

    I'm Too Weak To Survive In Society! God Save Us!

    I'm active, I can walk supernatural distances . . . but I hate working for the man 90% of the time. I have basically been fired from Walmart because I'm too weak to keep up with everyone else -- minimum wage Walmart O_O! I hate working because I'm so weak, but I hate working more because it...
  9. Totodile386

    ☩ Change The Food We Eat! The Clothes We Wear! The Children's Toys! And More.

    Good day. As many are aware of, people need to be supporting and investing in organic, pesticide-free, renewable, and sustainable development. What is the "alternative"? More pesticide-bloody, unsustainable decadence? Think about the word "unsustainable" for just a minute. Let's consider...
  10. Osmotik

    Trying to avoid being jaded about marriage

    Hope everyone is doing alright during the current state of affairs. As the title suggests, I am weary about getting married in this day and age. I'm a college student and I've always wanted to have kids, but growing up with divorced parents/single mother as well as seeing all of the propaganda...
  11. public hermit

    Should public officials be forgiven for past misdeeds?

    Should the past misdeeds of elected officials, or those running for office, be forgiven? I realize this is a very general question and that it does depend on the "misdeed" in question. But, there seems to be a growing lack of mercy when it comes to past failures, at least in US politics. I am...
  12. superm4n

    Asperger's Cartoon And Video

    Really intriguing cartoon and video here. I stumbled on it last night and wanted to share.
  13. Lybrah

    Not Preaching for fear of being fired--a viable excuse to the Lord?

    I made a thread about this before, a long time ago. I am a teacher in a public school, and I am not allowed to talk about Jesus, ever. The other day, we were learning about Martin Luther King, Jr. One of the questions was "Who inspires you?" and some of the quotes in the lesson were by MLK...
  14. E

    Why are Mormons generally disliked by society?

    A lot of people are against the religion, and honestly I don't really know why. For as much as I've looked into it, it is still a religion like any other, still Christian even, and doesn't seem to raise a red flag for me. My boyfriend of two years is Mormon and I am a Protestant Christian...
  15. Zoii

    What does being a patriot mean to you

    What does patriotism mean to you. Is it a good thing or negative. Things to think about are: · Are patriotism and nationalism connected and if so is that good or bad. · The impact by or on media. · Economic effects · Societal dynamics · International...
  16. Tom 1

    Intellectual constructs

    Re. This image, what it reminded me of was discussions I’ve either had or listened to with militant atheists who doggedly insist that their views are absolute, rational and fundamentally reflect reality. Pushed for detail however what I’ve usually come across are underlying arguments that...
  17. Camila Smith

    what can i do to help society?

    lookin for a way to help as many people as i can, any ideas?
  18. R

    Academic research survey: How religion interacts with views on ecology and human-animal relations.

    Hello friends, I am an academic researcher at a university in Georgia and I am conducting a survey on the interaction of religion with views about ecology and human-animal relations. I wanted to reach out to this community because I believe you have a unique and necessary perspective that we...
  19. Lostbreed_ofchampion

    Church Girls vs Girls from the World

    Hello brothers in Christ, First of all, my english is far from being perfect. I am from Montreal where french is the first Language we learn at school. I am also hispanic, so before english turned into a linguistical obligation, i had two languages interfering with the natural process of...