
  1. Q

    Is this a good way to think ?

    What helps me make Godly decisions is always thinking God wants what is best for me. Is this a good way of thinking or is it unrealistic
  2. Q

    How much of our lives we actually control ?

    How much of our lives yall think we actually control is it 60% of 50% or less or more ?
  3. Q

    Should we confess every sin to fellow Christians?

    Should we confess past sin we did in the past to people we have wronged or should we just confess it to God and not do it again if it doesn’t affect that person today ?
  4. Q

    How should a Christian deal with a parent that is verbally disrespectful towards them ?

    Should we just be slient or respond in a way that is not sin ?
  5. Q

    Is it me or MOST Churches in America will preach about how Men & kids should honor God specifically but no sermons about how Women should act ?

    I hear plenty of sermons about how children should honor their parents. I hear plenty of sermons about how men should be respectful and not live in lust and be sexual immorality But for women………….. I rarely hear anything specifically about them in most church sermons. I hear more Churches...
  6. IncognitoBurrito

    How Does God Want Relationships to be?

    My boyfriend and I decided to take a break for awhile, as we have been having a lot of problems with our relationship. We're not sure if wwe'll get back together, but if we do, I would like to feel ready. I think our problem when we were together was that we did things our way, not God's way...
  7. steve92

    Complain My Life

    Hi, life is full of problem, failure, and it's always hard to be thankful in that situation. Complaining is a natural thing which happen to you when the failure comes. Is there any reason why I should stop to complain about my life? Honestly, I have write it on my blog, but I think I need more...