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  1. O

    Does the day of Christ resurrections tell us to change the worship of Sabbath?

    because you quoted St Paul's usage of the present tense, which coming from him (and many others) doesn't only have one usage. Take care.
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    How do I evangelize to my parents?

    Very interesting nuance you've noticed! I'm (single and) now 10 years older than the next oldest in my church and he is 10 plus years older than all the rest. I'm not sure whether my implicit perspective is an object of obliviousness or suspicious discomfort . . . Anyway, with a continual...
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    Top Irish clinicians file formal complaint over dangerous care of gender-confused kids

    Fear is struck in inarticulate family members who find that quango culture has turned their own into memes, and that is mistaken for hostility. (The loved ones are human shields for the quangoes.) I remember when we all knew we were original and officialdom was (more or less) content to leave...
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    Top Irish clinicians file formal complaint over dangerous care of gender-confused kids

    In a completely different milieu some of the people I have something in common with call themselves non binary for a variety of very good reasons and in their case it is not about letting themselves be used against others.
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    Top Irish clinicians file formal complaint over dangerous care of gender-confused kids

    The alleged criteria for gender identity promoted by these contractors were fashion statements invented by prayerless theologians of the body. Before them, people were too busy living like they had to. Lots of boys and girls wore similar clothes (with a bit of attention to fit). These...
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    Kid's Corporal Punishment - a Risk to Mental Health

    the Wisdom of the age parabolically is that Christ wants to guide the church. Parables have their respective literal truths too in various ways. When believers pray, church leaders will pray, and this will help all and not only some of the meanings of Scripture to be fulfilled. When ordinary...
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    What comes next?

    I'm very happy to go to that church as part of my act of worship. Furthermore, that church do do some work for others. But their contrived descriptions or implying of their relation with me was disorientating. Prizing apart your many combined thoughts: I don't think my church have...
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    How do I evangelize to my parents?

    the best way to help keep people's "evangel" quotient up is prayer life especially generic prayers. When and as you gain insight beyond the initial basics, you can share that with them and it will help them along / reassure them.
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    Does the day of Christ resurrections tell us to change the worship of Sabbath?

    St Paul uses the present tense of general theory, and also any nominally overarching statements don't deny that there were believers in heart.
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    Does the day of Christ resurrections tell us to change the worship of Sabbath?

    Not following your earlier syntax but addressing your last sentence: The OT continually says God didn't attach moral importance to meat and grain sacrificing. People who came unstuck all had a moral problem. The ceremonies were intended as mnemonics for the transmitters of the repository of...
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    Is Jesus God?

    Unless I've linked to the wrong post the poster said that we were pre-existing this life which is why I grouped it with any other form of pre-incarnation also. That there is no reincarnation doesn't mean we weren't created at the time of our conception. Of course God pre-knew about us, we are...
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    Does the day of Christ resurrections tell us to change the worship of Sabbath?

    1 - We are not bound by ceremonial law, only moral law, and indwelling and re-infilling with Holy Spirit helps us fulfill that. 2 - Prior to 130 AD, some christians did synagogue member things with synagogue members one day, and all the christian believers did their thing the next day.
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    How do I evangelize to my parents?

    I've observed the trend, hopefully it didn't impact grandvizier1006 or his parents. Lately I found I can't discreetly visit a smattering of churches in turn, they pry unasked. Grandvizier1006 didn't do wrong, neither from his account did his parents. The best way of evangelising fellow...
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    ones views on the Jews are not a salvation issue

    I didn't state that we can unharden our own hearts. We let them get hardened, often against our will. Of course my God accepts His responsibilities.
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    Kid's Corporal Punishment - a Risk to Mental Health

    Some of my family members knew there were some people around who couldn't be trusted when it was just about the world's biggest city. Some of my family members lived in very vulnerable places. What size hamlet do you live in? The viewpoint within your sequence shifts. What should be the...
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    Kid's Corporal Punishment - a Risk to Mental Health

    The last reply from me: - disproportionate space using in everybody else's thread, instead of slowing yourself down to think better, shows low esteem for families, and there are colloquial and formal names for your method. - why not summarise your own argument so far, then you could gauge for...
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    Kid's Corporal Punishment - a Risk to Mental Health

    Diachronically, yours is the very correct snapshot. There were periods and geographical pockets where / when a partial level of genuine belief across several denominations relieved this to some extent, which Steve is trying to cheaply make capital for himself out of, because he wouldn't...
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    Kid's Corporal Punishment - a Risk to Mental Health

    I hope you will speak for yourself as I have my specific personal policy. I'm not always clear what is the tenor of your generalising. I believe in the integration of brain and body and know people who are thankful for the opportunity to put work into it to benefit relations between them and...
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    Kid's Corporal Punishment - a Risk to Mental Health

    A crucial criterion in God's eyes also includes emotional abuse, and a very high number of very high profile international household names among preachers / pastors have inflicted controlling behaviour in their own families. Also in terms of spiritual household they have inflicted it on their...
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    Kid's Corporal Punishment - a Risk to Mental Health

    You two do live in different countries, and one is even clergy with standards, and isn't to blame for parallel sections within the same denomination that don't have standards. Did you try to minister in that kind of calling? I didn't but I read a lot of testimonies from those that do. I...