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  1. seekingHiswisdom

    Do members get disciplined for abstaining from an "ordinance"?

    As a Presbyterian I dont know. Why would you want to sit it out? If you find it offensive in some way, ya need to get out of that church I think
  2. seekingHiswisdom

    Pennsylvania Governor to Veto His Own Campaign Promise

    As a Pennsylvanian I cringe at the thought of Shapiro running for president. As to his school voucher back off..... All I can say he is a typical democrat.... and when the party speaks, he salutes.
  3. seekingHiswisdom

    Totally off topic ~ general chit chat, not necessarily grounded in Christianity.

    Yes, but the trouble is that former members often change their user name when joining another or new forums. I did... But thanks for the idea. GC is the Grace Centered Magazine Forums that within the past 6 -8 weeks is no longer online. They had gone down in the past for a few days needing...
  4. seekingHiswisdom

    Totally off topic ~ general chit chat, not necessarily grounded in Christianity.

    I would like to see a forum or thread dedicated to cabbages and kings.... IOW just any brain airings one might have. For instance, I would like to be able to look for old friends from the former GC forum that may have gotten here at last, and I see no other area appropriate
  5. seekingHiswisdom

    Donald J. Trump: I Know That Everybody Will Soon Be Marching Over To The Capitol Building, To "Peacefully and Patriotically" Make Your Voices Heard

    Right.... absolutely do not believe your lying eyes. It must have been all staged... but how did they get back into the capitol to do such for a "fake" video after the dust cleared from the real 1/6? Nancy would never have permitted that. Nor would AOC. And the squad had to be standing...
  6. seekingHiswisdom

    Donald J. Trump: I Know That Everybody Will Soon Be Marching Over To The Capitol Building, To "Peacefully and Patriotically" Make Your Voices Heard

    Really???? Then be smart enough to understand that this is brought forward... for such a time as this... to Overshadow the treason and selling out of this country by Joseph Biden. It is just now that The information, memorialized in an FD-1023 form documenting interactions with a confidential...
  7. seekingHiswisdom

    Donald J. Trump: I Know That Everybody Will Soon Be Marching Over To The Capitol Building, To "Peacefully and Patriotically" Make Your Voices Heard

    No... and you are not the Sahman that the Capitol Police escorted and led to the Senate Chambers... The video is in the link . ALBEIT very small. But it is curious to know the FBI was present...
  8. seekingHiswisdom

    Donald J. Trump: I Know That Everybody Will Soon Be Marching Over To The Capitol Building, To "Peacefully and Patriotically" Make Your Voices Heard

    That is a truthful statement said ihn truth. Didn't you just love the video of the Shaman being escorted through the capitol with the capitol police????
  9. seekingHiswisdom

    Pennsylvania Governor to Veto His Own Campaign Promise

    Not at all unexpected from any politician in the Commonwealth of PA. And not at all unexpected from any politician in PA where the people put John Fetterman as their choice for senator. The politicians work the system to get elected and then do as they please and the people are too stupid...
  10. seekingHiswisdom

    Becoming a member of PCA church

    Going through my files I ran into those I have that talk on the baptism of babies. LOL... glad I did for I have reached the age where I have forgotten a lot of things that are not frequently in front of me. I AM NOT tryiing to convince you or anyone, but just putting some things into the mix...
  11. seekingHiswisdom

    Gender-confused Catholic removed from altar after criticizing priest who denounced drag ‘nuns’

    An Ohio priest is facing outrage in his parish after he publicly denounced the Los Angeles Dodgers for honoring anti-Catholic drag “nuns.” ?????????? Has to be from a group of people lining up to take their toddlers and young grade school kids to their local grag show. God HELP us all.
  12. seekingHiswisdom

    Do members get disciplined for abstaining from an "ordinance"?

    That should be no problem. You should be able to find each church you are interested in basics online. My own... If i search my specific church by name there are lots of minks from their mission statement to what it means to ba a "New Wineshin" And as my specific church follows (no, I did...
  13. seekingHiswisdom

    Communion / Lord's table - will they make it obligatory?

    I receive emails from Messianic Bible, and this I just got and thought you might be interested... as well as other readers. Any text color changes are mine for emphasis. Have you taken communion the Jewish way, as Yeshua taught? "Do this in remembrance of Me." (Luke 22:19) Shalom In...
  14. seekingHiswisdom

    Communion / Lord's table - will they make it obligatory?

    Beyond that, they feel this is important to the forgiveness of sins. Father Michael Van Sloun 0 iStock/Wideonet One of the greatest blessings and least known facts about the Eucharist is that, in the reception of holy Communion, a person's venial sins are forgiven. The Eucharist is one of four...
  15. seekingHiswisdom

    Communion / Lord's table - will they make it obligatory?

    Why would one not want to partake of communion. If it was good enough for the apostles, it is good enough for those of unwavering faith and belief in Jesus.... "OUR" savior. Wiki's description: The Last Supper is the final meal that, in the Gospel accounts, Jesus shared with his apostles in...
  16. seekingHiswisdom

    Becoming a member of PCA church

    As a presbyterian I rarely... no, that is not accurate, I never attend any services any longer. But I still am Presbyterian. I say that only because I was baptized by a Presbyterian minister, and I have never found another church that appeals to me more. Why belong to one then??? Just...
  17. seekingHiswisdom

    Preterism, both full & partial, are false.

    What you say is 100% correct. We need to rely on the bible and not outside interpretations or explanations. But here is the rub. You have been on this forum long enough, and I have been while a short time here, on others for a very long time. There ARE NO solid consensuses among members, no...
  18. seekingHiswisdom

    Why Did Satan Cite the Psalms?

    Okay.... This was a question that I read a couple days ago and it gave me pause as I, admittedly, never thought about it nor remember any "church" teaching on the subject or even televangelist talk on it. My first reaction was that Satan, in trying to entice Jesus quoted scripture... that...
  19. seekingHiswisdom

    Why Did Satan Cite the Psalms?

    Satan was not human, but maybe Satan was attempting to make Jesus prove he was the Son of God. The Messiah. I think it is as simple as that. IOW... Satan’s logic went this way: Psalm 91 is talking about the Messiah, so then Jesus of Nazareth, if you really are the Messiah, then Psalm 91 should...