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  1. Doug Brents

    Baptism and communion

    There cannot be a Jew or a Gentile in the Church, because those terms have no meaning to those in the Church. The Church transcends all physical, biological, Earthly distinctions. OSAS is a figment of human imagination. Nothing can ever take our salvation from us, but we can abandon it.
  2. Doug Brents

    Baptism and communion

    I am not sure what version/translation of the Bible you are reading, but NEITHER does not mean "can never happen". The word is, "used before the first of two (or occasionally more) alternatives that are being specified (the others being introduced by “nor”) to indicate that they are each untrue...
  3. Doug Brents

    Baptism and communion

    Col 3:11 says nothing about "CANNOT". It says there "IS NOT" any distinction any more. Gal 3:28 means that within the Body of Christ (aka: Bride of Christ), there is no distinction, no separation, no difference between Jew and Gentile, slave and free, etc.; all are equal and on the same...
  4. Doug Brents

    How to be saved and go to Heaven

    No, I would contend that Peter was righteous in his response, but God then told him that He was changing the rules; the unclean of the Law of Moses was no longer unclean, but was now clean and acceptable (both food and Gentiles). This is the same as King Ahab did in 1 Kings 22. The prophets were...
  5. Doug Brents

    How to be saved and go to Heaven

    Peter's resistance was righteous at the time. We are told in the OT to test messengers who claim to be from God, and if their message is not consistent with other messages we already have from God, to reject the message and stone the messenger. So when God's new command contradicted a message...
  6. Doug Brents

    How to be saved and go to Heaven

    We should obey God when He speaks from whatever source at all times. We certainly don't always do so, meaning that we continue to sin all through our life, like stumbling while walking a path through the woods, but God has told us that as long as we are walking in the Light, even though we...
  7. Doug Brents

    How to be saved and go to Heaven

    Faith is not just confidence and certainty. It is confidence to the point of action, thus evidence of what is hoped for. It is certainty to the point of obedience, thus substance of what cannot be seen. Without action there is no faith, because there is no substance/evidence. The actions...
  8. Doug Brents

    How to be saved and go to Heaven

    The Bible is not "Lord", that is only God (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), but the Bible is God's words written by inspiration by His instruments. And as such, it should be followed as if God were speaking directly to us through it. Godly sorrow is not a substitute for obedience, that is...
  9. Doug Brents

    How to be saved and go to Heaven

    And what is the Bible but His Word? The Bible came from Jesus, just as Jesus came from the Father. Just as Cornelius was saved through the words spoken to him by Peter, so we are saved through the words written by the inspired writers of God's Word. There is no such thing as "salvation by...
  10. Doug Brents

    How to be saved and go to Heaven

    Faith means the same before one is saved as it does after one is saved. There is not one faith that saves and then a different faith that one has after receiving salvation. These passages do not negate or cancel out Rom 10:9-10, Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19, Rom 6:1-7, Col 2:11-14, 1 Pet 3:21, and all...
  11. Doug Brents

    How to be saved and go to Heaven

    Faith without works is not real faith; it is dead and worthless. That is exactly the point. Without taking action none of them would have received the blessings at stake. Just saying "I believe" is not faith, and it does not result in the receiving of the blessing. Faith includes doing what is...
  12. Doug Brents

    Baptism and communion

    Jews and Gentiles both can be saved and enter into the Body of Christ. Neither Jew nor Gentile are born a part of the Body of Christ. They only become part of the Body of Christ when they are saved. 2 Cor 3 does tell us that in Christ the veil is lifted from the hearts of the Jews, and that...
  13. Doug Brents

    does baptism have a expiration date?

    Very good. Now what is substance? What is evidence? Is there evidence in a thought? Is a thought admissible in court to convict someone? What does James say about faith? Faith without action is dead. Faith without action cannot save you. Actions are the soul which gives life to faith. Actions...
  14. Doug Brents

    does baptism have a expiration date?

    Forgive me for what I said about the catholic cult. They worship a man that they say is Christ on Earth who has the authority of Christ, have men that they call "Father" in direct contradiction of Scripture, and they have many other practices that are in direct conflict with Scripture, but they...
  15. Doug Brents

    does baptism have a expiration date?

    I didn't ask how faith works. I asked what is faith.
  16. Doug Brents

    does baptism have a expiration date?

    Is that all that faith is... belief in your heart that you're saved? Is that what Scripture says faith is?
  17. Doug Brents

    does baptism have a expiration date?

    Matt 28:19 does not say you have to use these words. It says that baptism must be in the name of the Trinity. Just 10 days later, when Peter preached the first sermon, he didn't include the Father and the Spirit, but only mentioned baptizing the men there in the name of Jesus. Do you think Peter...
  18. Doug Brents

    does baptism have a expiration date?

    How has that been established? Not through Scripture! Rom 10:13-14, 17 "for “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How then are they to call on Him in whom they have not believed? How are they to believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how are they to hear without a...
  19. Doug Brents

    does baptism have a expiration date?

    It is not the baptism that saves, any more than it is the rope that kills when a man is hung by a court/king/law. It is the order of the court that causes the death, the rope is just the tool used to execute the criminal; it is God that saves, baptism is just the tool implemented to carry out...