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  1. Rapture Bound

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    Must vs. Will : 1 John 5:4, For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." It's my assertion that at the point of new birth/regeneration, as a consequence of fully trusting in Christ's atoning work ... a believer has, at...
  2. Rapture Bound

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    Well, if you choose not to defend your position, you're certainly free to do so my friend. Perhaps others here that read this thread would be interested see how I would address your claim/perspective ... so then ... I proceed .... You said, "Here's one the osas crowd cannot explain away: 2...
  3. Rapture Bound

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    The way I see it, it's not so much a matter of ignoring the whole counsel of God on the topic ... they simply disagree with your interpretation of how all the scriptures that pertain to it can best be harmonized ... it's much more a matter of their perception of it ... they perceive it through a...
  4. Rapture Bound

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    You stated, "What did the early church fathers have to say about “eternal security” or “assurance of salvation” Any opinion that an early "church father" held must be weighed in the scales against what the inspired writers of scriptures wrote on the matter. Many of those who identify as...
  5. Rapture Bound

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    Agreed - God will never manipulate anyone into being saved.
  6. Rapture Bound

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    It's tragic, in my opinion, because it's a very critical topic ... one which the scriptures provide us with the answer.
  7. Rapture Bound

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    Are you a universalist? the implication that you are making here is one of a universalist-- which, in a nutshell, asserts that in the end, every person ever born into this world will ultimately spend eternity in Heaven. This promise is clearly limited to only those who have fully placed their...
  8. Rapture Bound

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    Neither death nor *life* will separate God's children from His love!! Romans 8:38-39, "For I am persuaded, that neither death, *nor life*, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate...
  9. Rapture Bound

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    I think what could potentially be misleading on Molinism language pertains to the idea of a possible world ... that is ... it sounds 'flat' to people ... it sounds like a fully defined end state. Whereas, if we use the language of logically possible timelines rather than 'worlds', people could...
  10. Rapture Bound

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    It appears to me that you have not yet quite grasped the fundamental or key distinction between Arminian "Simple Foreknowledge" and Molinist Foreknowledge. The Molinist prototype is built upon the assertion that God possesses "Middle Knowledge" - which entails counter-factual conditionals ... a...
  11. Rapture Bound

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    Not really sure if you are saying that you hold to the Arminian "Simple Foreknowledge" model and reject the Molinist model. In my opinion, the Arminian framework is superior to that of the consistent 5-point Calvinist ... but yet inferior to that of the consistent Molinist. Open Theism is...
  12. Rapture Bound

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    You stated "I do not believe God pre-determines the salvation of any person, though He knows about it before it happens." The consistent Molinist should/would agree with your assertion, but, at the same time, would point out that you have basically described the Arminian "Simple Foreknowledge "...
  13. Rapture Bound

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    You said, "This is the first time i've ever heard about Molinism. I read a little about it on I would just say that a more straightforward view of predestination is that the destiny of all saved people is pre-determined, but a person's decision to place their trust in Christ is...
  14. Rapture Bound

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    Gotta love these verses that provide us with such a priceless promise! The issue here that's commonly misunderstood has to do with the perception of human free moral agency as it relates to the issue of the eternal security of the believer. Once a person has freely [through the utilization of...
  15. Rapture Bound

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    Southern Baptists - Calvinism & Arminianism - historical facts : Baptists have, in fact, historically debated Calvinism and Arminianism. Early English Baptists were also divided over the debate, with General Baptists identifying more with Arminians and Particular Baptists with Calvinists. By...
  16. Rapture Bound

    Pre-tribulation Rapture Believers Safe House

    Are we now witnessing the final steps to the establishment of the Mark of the Beast??!! Revelation 13:17, "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." No MORE Cash in Europe! The Digital Wallet is almost here | Redacted...
  17. Rapture Bound

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    Recently I was asked the following question ... "Do you believe in any form of eternal security?" ... Here was my response : In order to give you a somewhat clearer answer to your question I'll need to give you some of my other soteriological beliefs, since the issue of a believer's eternal...
  18. Rapture Bound

    Obama State Lottery Is 666 Day After Win, Obama Illinois Zipcode 60606

    Who is running the show in the United States? A person doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to understand who is really running the White House ... it's an obvious simple equation ... Barack Obama + Joe Biden [Obama's favorite political puppet] = Mr. O'biden 'Barack Obama is RUNNING THE...
  19. Rapture Bound

    Pre-tribulation Rapture Believers Safe House

    Here's a very ominous short film animation featuring a preview of what life in the soon-to-open detention centers/camps will look like for those who don't comply with the Beast system's commands that will be enforced during the final phases of the current Plandemic [we are now in the "Calm...
  20. Rapture Bound

    Obama State Lottery Is 666 Day After Win, Obama Illinois Zipcode 60606

    Thank you for the offer, but as far as the Covenant of Daniel 9 is concerned, our perspectives are very far apart ... so we will just have to agree to disagree on this one ....God Bless.