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  1. D

    Why is there suffering if God is real?

    If you can't convince others that it is the truth, it will be a fiction book. If you can't explain it, to enlighten me who is sceptical, it means you're sort of role-playing in a fictional book written in a very convincing way, isn't it? I want to believe, but not blindly believe.
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    Why is there suffering if God is real?

    that's how the bible writes isn't it, the way they phrase things. You can speak in simple terms. Either way, you're not making sense.
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    Why is there suffering if God is real?

    calm down there. you're not jesus. I am skeptical, hence i am trying to seek the truth. you're not making sense, you need to do more than pray.
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    Why is there suffering if God is real?

    Thank you. Of all the reasons posted, this seems a little more believable. Are there more proof or readings regarding Earth being hell?
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    Why is there suffering if God is real?

    Where are all these stats coming from that 1/3 of angels will sin against god and humans are given a larger amount of freewill etc?
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    Why is there suffering if God is real?

    If you have spent mentioned quality time, why can't you explain it? Can't expect someone to read something they are skeptical about
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    Why is there suffering if God is real?

    Did God not create Adam and Eve? If so, why did he let them choose the apple? Why can't it be right the first time, why do we need a second chance when God could've created us with eternal life with no suffering right off the bat.
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    Why is there suffering if God is real?

    Doesn't make sense, does it? God said he gave us free will because he love us and yet, Adam chose for ALL of us, we ALL didn't have or had a choice. How is that fair?
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    Why is there suffering if God is real?

    Sorry but I did not choose to suffer, even just for a "short" time. How is allowing suffering God's grace?
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    Why is there suffering if God is real?

    Hello all, I can't help but to question the existence of God particularly because of suffering in the world. e.g. I read the news regarding 5yo being raped and killed to say the least amongst all the other pain experienced by myself or others in the world. I have read about the Adam and Eve...
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    White man beaten (almost to death), unconscious

    SEE IT: Man beat up after chasing after protesters with machete (WARNING: GRAPHIC VIDEO) Austen Holland on Twitter I just joined the forum and I've been creating threads to learn more or to strengthen my faith in Jesus/God. And yet, i came across these news and wonder where is Jesus/God. Come...
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    Why is Christianity the religion/god

    I have no idea but it seems probable earth is a perfect coincidence from the Big Bang as it seems earth is the only planet that has living things actually on it out of the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets out there. As I heard a quote somewhere before "We're all stardust". With at...
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    Why is Christianity the religion/god

    I am seriously seeking help to believe, but I can’t just believe blindly. That’s why I asked what I didn’t know or can’t see, that you know and can see.
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    Why is Christianity the religion/god

    Sorry if i made you confused. My purpose of the thread is to regain my faith in christ by finding a stronger/compelling reason that he is what he is, the son of God. And yeah, all religions almost advocate the same thing, so why should i believe in christ than let's say Allah or other religions...
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    Why is Christianity the religion/god

    Thank you :). I will continue to pursue this journey of mine.
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    Why is Christianity the religion/god

    That's honestly an insufficient depth to make someone grow in faith? That's what is written, but how much truth there is or is it just another way of binding readers of the bible to Christianity? But fair enough, only Jesus rose from the dead amongst all other religions. The evolution of...
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    Why is Christianity the religion/god

    Fasting from Ramadan is meaningful/loving according to islamic beliefs Fasting is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion and worship. Muslims believe that Ramadan teaches them to practice self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice, and empathy for those who are...
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    Why is Christianity the religion/god

    Is the kingdom you're referring to, heaven? What if the kingdom never comes or in other words doesn't exist? How do you know it does exist?
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    Why is Christianity the religion/god

    I still have burning questions continued from my intro thread. Although some of questions are somewhat answered i want to get more perspectives. A member suggests that i post here as threads in this forum tend to get more views. So here goes my friends. 1. Why Christianity? Even religion has...
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    [MOVED] Hello. I need answers.

    Can I change my info to Christian in the future on the forum so i can have access? Or do i actually have to be baptised to convert myself before I submit a ticket to change my account info? :confused: