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  1. P

    Man with a new, healthy heart says Obamacare saved his life

    Why do "conservatives" immediately bring up either abortion or homosexuality whenever they are faced with having to discuss the REAL issues? What on earth does abortion (which cannot be paid by federal funds) have to do with this man who was able to go on the transplant list and be...
  2. P

    What would you change about/replace Obamacare with?

    Actually you'll have room to talk when you finally figure out what you're talking about. Find out exactly what health insurance covers then come back. It's really Blue Cross Blue Shield, Humana, United Healthcare and you'll get a pretty good idea of what is and isn't covered. I...
  3. P

    I'm Gaining A New Respect For The Catholic Church.

    The poster stated that she left the RCC around 1983. The "New Mass" that was instituted in 1970 pre-dates her leaving the RCC by 13 years. Therefore, she is mistaken in her claim of "never" hearing OT readings at Mass.
  4. P

    I'm Gaining A New Respect For The Catholic Church.

    From the following website: Overview of the Lectionary and Liturgical Seasons Masses for Sundays and Major Feast Days: Three Readings - really five! First Reading - from the Old Testament; except from Acts of the Apostles during Easter Season Responsorial Psalm - mostly from the Book of Psalms...
  5. P

    What would you change about/replace Obamacare with?

    Do you even know what is considered "typical" coverage? Face lifts, cosmetic surgery is NOT covered by ANY health insurance policy. NONE! Health insurance covers what could be considered basic care. It covers preventative care (check-ups, mammograms, colonoscopies). It covers certain...
  6. P

    Please help: Struggling to understand contribution and financial issues with husband.

    Ok...I can see where I misread some of the post...this is what happens when you keep an active toddler all weekend (had our grandson from Friday to last night). However, I do agree that he has some sort of control issue over money. I still would strongly suggest a counselor.
  7. P

    Conservatives and taxes I understand it, conservatives are all for cutting taxes and smaller government, right? So...please explain something to me. I live in one of the most conservative states in the US (in the desert southwest), yet taxes are higher here compared with many other places in the US. Sales tax...
  8. P

    Please help: Struggling to understand contribution and financial issues with husband. said he makes 9000/mo. You use half of that for household bills. That leaves 4500/mo. 50% of that is 2250/mo. If he's only giving you a grand you're getting cheated out of 1250/mo. Bubba better learn how to do his sums better...if he's an Engineer, I'd seriously be worried about his...
  9. P

    I'm Gaining A New Respect For The Catholic Church.

    The poster claimed that up until she left in 1983 she NEVER heard an OT reading at Mass. I demonstrated to her that once again she was wrong. I left in 1981 and I DO remember hearing OT readings at Sunday Mass. The order of readings went: OT Psalm NT/Epistle Gospel. Weekday masses just had...
  10. P

    Doctor: ADHD Does Not Exist

    ADD/ADHD needs to be treated by more than a pill. The person with this disorder also needs learn how to deal with their disorder, learn to cope with the things that set them off, to learn strategies to stay organized. A pill is not a magic cure for it. Dealing with ADD/ADHD takes a...
  11. P

    I'm Gaining A New Respect For The Catholic Church.

    You are remembering pre Vatican 2. I left about the same time you did and I remember the readings...please go research before you tell me I am wrong about the post Vatican 2 Mass readings...I'd really appreciate it. Liturgy "The first reading, usually from the Old Testament, reflects...
  12. P

    Please help: Struggling to understand contribution and financial issues with husband.

    Ummm...this is MESSED UP!!!! We have three accounts. Mine, his and ours. The joint one has bill money in it. His account is for his "stuff" and mine is for my "stuff". I also pay for the kids' school and sports out of my account. That way if I want to get my nails done, get my car worked on or...
  13. P

    go forth and multiply

    We took that whole go forth and multiply thing seriously. They now range in age from 31 to 10. 6 girls, 6 boys. LOVE my family!
  14. P

    What would you change about/replace Obamacare with?

    Oh yeah, that'll work for the woman with breast cancer, the type 1 diabetics who can't afford insulin, the child with leukemia... REAL good solution there...real good.
  15. P

    The role of marriage in having kids

    My kids knew the basic mechanics of sex quite early on in life (probably because mommy was pretty much always pregnant for the better part of 9 years). We just told them that mommies and daddies have special parts that come together and if everything is just right then a baby is made. As they...
  16. P

    restraining order

    The OP, from what I understand, took his own life a little bit ago. Can the mods please close this thread?
  17. P

    What would you change about/replace Obamacare with?

    see post 72 for my response. Good day sir.
  18. P

    What would you change about/replace Obamacare with?

    So tell me...did you EARN your salvation? Should you have paid Christ to die on the cross for you????
  19. P

    What would you change about/replace Obamacare with?

    Reading these replies makes me sad. I see a whole lot of "I want, I need, I won't..." but I have yet to see a single post from those opposed that even THINK about others. What a self-centered bunch of so-called Jesus followers. We probably pay more taxes in a year than most of you do in 10...
  20. P

    What would you change about/replace Obamacare with?

    But...but...that's socialism and poor people will be able to see doctors. You know, druggies, homeless folks, poor folks, minorities...we just can't have that...that would be un-American! (please read with HEAVY sarcasm)