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  1. Shane R

    The way of salvation

    I took that class through the ILD seminary.
  2. Shane R

    How many synods?

    Define confessional, conservative, and synod separately. That's not a joke or a snide remark. It's the key to the answer and discrepancies in how those words are used account for most of the variation between lists. There are a couple of groups that choose to call themselves a diocese rather...
  3. Shane R

    Seventh Day Baptists

    Interesting. I lived with my grandparents in Eastern Kentucky many years ago and there were many 7th day Baptist churches but none appear in this conference. I know they were not altogether independent because I met and spoke to them a couple of times and was told that the churches operated in a...
  4. Shane R

    What is for dinner?

    I agree. It is, however, one of the dishes my mother pulled off reasonably well when she was ambitious.
  5. Shane R

    Most new U.S. priests ordained in 2024 will be 31 years old or younger

    What is your definition of those terms? What difference do you perceive?
  6. Shane R

    Religious Life

    “Confessional” churches receive more converts than “Missional” churches, and “Traditional” churches receive more converts than “Contemporary” services. Smaller LCMS churches in rural areas or small towns receive higher rates of converts than large urban or suburban congregations. About 1/3 of...
  7. Shane R

    Wild Boar Inn

    Aiming to take my kids to Ontario in July. Crossing from Detroit to Windsor. Is your side of Lake Erie amenable to swimming at that time?
  8. Shane R

    North American Lutheran Church (NALC)

    The most recent data I've seen was more like 400 congregations and 140,000 members. Frankly, the membership number is usually inaccurate to the point of being meaningless. I prefer to look at Average Sunday Attendance but I don't have a figure for that.
  9. Shane R

    North American Lutheran Church (NALC)

    Statements like that and the blither that ACNA released in nearly 300 pages highlight my point that both groups think they are more conservative than they really are. However, both groups are young and still developing. In the case of NALC, the ordination of women may die a slow death simply by...
  10. Shane R

    North American Lutheran Church (NALC)

    I was listed on the supply pastor roster for 3 districts of the NALC for most of the last 2 years (still am in 1). During that time I met a lot of clergy and deans and visited several parishes. I had a fairly productive run up to Easter this year. What I noticed and what kept coming up in...
  11. Shane R

    Theologians have always condemned Palamism

    I just learned a new term to describe this technique in the last week: prosopological exegesis.
  12. Shane R

    On Catholic Schools

    My daughter has not been thriving at the public school. She was referred out to counseling with a licensed social worker. Anyhow, her public school has pretty well given up on her. I went to her last appointment and spoke to the social worker about the local Catholic school. It is widely...
  13. Shane R

    Being Christian in the ELCA

    I've been spending some time visiting small rural churches and have come to understand a couple of things about ELCA. The synod is very urban minded. I don't think most of the bishops care about the little rural churches. The rural churches know this and don't generally pay a whole lot of...
  14. Shane R

    Most annoying misbeliefs about Christianity?

    In the American context, I find it highly annoying that many of the Johnny-come-lately churches believe they are the largest churches (as if that matters). It might be true in a regional context; for example, the area I live in will have four things in even the smallest communities: a Methodist...
  15. Shane R

    Why did Jesus call Judas friend in Matthew 26:50?

    Acts 1.16-17: 16 ‘Friends, the scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit through David foretold concerning Judas, who became a guide for those who arrested Jesus— 17 for he was numbered among us and was allotted his share in this ministry.’ Judas was counted as one of the apostles...
  16. Shane R

    Thank you!

    I don't do many funerals even though most of the churches are full of old people. So many families are foregoing the service or opting for a "celebration of life" now. If I turn on the midday news show, when they run the local obituaries less than half are having any gathering. My colleague in...
  17. Shane R

    Divine Service explained

    I have many colleagues who schedule an "Instructed Eucharist" once a year. I hate that and have never had the desire to do it. There are several reasons: 1) it takes more than one week to cover this topic thoroughly 2) you don't know until 4 minutes after the service starts who is going to be...
  18. Shane R

    Manner of reception

    The Easter lilies were almost as bad. I couldn't get up on the top step in front of the altar yesterday. I suspect I do rather more of the service from that position than most of the previous pastors. But it was my last Sunday at that congregation for the time being so I let it go.
  19. Shane R

    Good Friday Tenebrae Service

    I didn't serve Tenebrae. The church secretary sent me a format the previous pastor had used 2 years ago which was remarkably similar to the non-communion liturgy for Good Friday in Common Worship by the Church of England. So I just reworked that a bit with the Series B propers and a better...