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  1. HopeSings

    Judgment begins at God's house. Wisdom speaks.

    Judging outsiders is not sound doctrine according to Paul. We are supposed to judge the church instead, as Paul said. We need to judge the Church for its political division, factions, contention, bitterness, discontent, complaints, covetousness, greed, envy, clamor, gossip, suspicions...
  2. HopeSings

    New evangelism!

    Maybe this isn't exactly new but it seems like it. I hear preachers talking about financial blessing, physical healing, hell, or prophecy. Instead of all that, teach and give out literature about the commands of love, forgiveness and mercy. This is the pure gospel. Right? The rest is mostly...
  3. HopeSings

    God never changes. We do. This is Christ's Law

    What law did Adam and Eve obey? What law did Noah obey? We might conclude that they obeyed what Jesus and his apostles command us because God never changes What is Jesus law in my opinion? Its this: Avoid sexual immorality and foolishness like drunkenness. I'm not saying alcoholism is sin...
  4. HopeSings

    A sound mind is a fleshy carnal mind.

    A sound mind is misunderstood. People think that having mental illness means that you don't have sound judgment. However unbelievers dont have mental illness, so is their judgment sound? The apostle Paul was actually of his mind at times and he had that thorn in the flesh. That's not exactly...
  5. HopeSings

    Theology of Simplicity

    I keep everything simple. I love Jesus simple commands and simple theology. Even life is basic and simple. I see people doing all sorts of things on YouTube and in life and I remind myself to keep it simple. Or perhaps the Lord reminds me.
  6. HopeSings

    The manly weapons of warfare. CAUTION: parental advisory.

    This is for the adults who can handle the meat of the word. Our shield and sword for this bloody heart❤️ battle are love, gentleness, humility, meekness in wisdom, lowliness of mind and heart, forgiveness, servitude, compassion, mercy, tenderness, long suffering, and enduring all things even...
  7. HopeSings

    My testimony

    People hate me because of my religious beliefs, mental illness and sin. I'm feel despised, rejected, scorned, mocked, walked on, lorded over, disliked and hated. I have no friends but Jesus and I'm an imperfect sinner. I repent of everything but I struggle with lustful thoughts still. I'm...
  8. HopeSings

    Why healing is not holiness

    I thought I would make my own thread so I don't derail the other thread on healing Why did Paul boast in his infirmities? Why did he tell Timothy to drink a little wine for his often infirmities? Why does Romans chapter 8 say that pestilence can't separate us from God's love? Please realize...
  9. HopeSings

    David and Goliath, or me and my fleshy mind?

    Paul said that he didn't judge himself but waited on God to judge. How is it that this man the apostle Paul who built churches and judges them doesn't judge himself? It's a mystery, is it not? It means that Paul seen his own mind as his enemy. In my opinion anyway. He had a messenger of Satan...
  10. HopeSings

    Hello. Im new here.

    I have psychosis and it may come from depression but I'm unsure. Anyway I've seen visions or something and I experience times of confusion and fear. This experience leaves me scared but I put on Christ my redeemer and my older brother who is my friend and my God. He strengthens me. I don't...
  11. HopeSings

    God's family in Christ

    In Christ, God is our father and mother. He refers to himself as a mother hen. We are all siblings. In a way we are like fathers and mothers to each other but in an older sibling kind of way. We lead each ither to Christ always but we are Christ as well. We weep and care for each other in our...
  12. HopeSings

    Symbolic sins.

    Often sin seems to have two meanings. We see this in spiritual adultery, witches, murderers, wolves, and drunkards. Even wealth has two meanings. It's money and spirit. A rich and well fed man is glad but a poor man is sad. We see this in illness and nature as well. Blindness for example is...
  13. HopeSings

    People heap up politicians and teachers to tickle their ears

    In these last days, people hear what they want to hear. They heap up teachers to tell them what they want to hear. They heap up politicians as well for the same reason. We should reject teachers and politicians. We should follow Jesus and the apostles in scripture. 1 John 2:27 and 1 Corinthians...
  14. HopeSings

    Giving to the rich brings a curse.

    Is giving to rich politicians and preachers a sin? Priverbs 22:16 One who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth and one who gives gifts to the rich—both come to poverty.
  15. HopeSings

    The modern blind church and Job.

    This was a post I made. I would like to ask everyone this question and get their opinion of my understanding. Do we ever talk about Jobs family and friend's? Why do we always talk about Job instead? Why do we crush him into dust with our judgment? If your best friend gets sick and his family...
  16. HopeSings

    One man church

    Me and my wife are our own church. Jesus took me in when I was forsaken. I built my own little church at home. Matthew chapters 5-7 and Isaiah chapters 55 and 66. Praise the Lord my soul. Praise the Lord.
  17. HopeSings

    Is the modern world the kingdom of the beast?

    In my opinion the world is the kingdom of the beast. False doctrine is e everywhere because no one can buy or sell the truth in the beast kingdom. This doesn't necesarily mean that anyone has taken the mark of the beast however because Satan defeated them and they're dead. Colossians chapter 3...
  18. HopeSings

    What is the mind of Christ?

    What is the mind of Christ? In my opinion It dies and lives daily. It doesn't desire or have wealth or political ambition, care, worries, or fears. It suffers many afflictions. It's content in all situations and wants only basic needs. It's simplistic not luxurious. It's humble, gentle...
  19. HopeSings

    Gossip or Gospel?

    I don't see the gospel of peace in political gossip. How is gossiping about Trump or Biden living at peace with all men? Their own gossip is wrong and they lead us to gossip like they do. The blind are leading the blind. Matthew 5: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called...
  20. HopeSings

    Minding your own business at home

    We are not supposed to dress up and party. We are not to have luxury. We are not to make a million dollars. We are not to rule America or fight with neighbors, democrats, republicans, family or unbelievers. We are supposed to instead seek peace with all men and holiness. We are to mind our...