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  1. Rescued One

    Are these the last days?

    I just don't get it. Everything seem chaotic.
  2. Rescued One

    Upload a profile banner?

    What does that mean?
  3. Rescued One

    Cutest names on your family tree

    Icy Frost and Uncle Bony (Obadiah Napolean Bonaparte)
  4. Rescued One

    My heart goes out to Texans because of wildfires!

    For those of you who are Golden Eagles, I want you to know I'm praying for you with tears in my eyes. May God protect you and your loved ones and neighbors.[/U
  5. Rescued One

    Pray for Texans: Horrible Wildfires

    May God have mercy on Texans and help any firefighters who trying to put out the spreading fires.
  6. Rescued One

    Am I the only one who...

    collects vintage children's books? My divorced parents were anti-religion. But I bought myself some children's prayer books at the dime store when I had $1.00 a month allowance. :) God works in mysterious ways. My stepfather got rid of the TV, but two of us read a lot of books.
  7. Rescued One

    Just so you'll know...

    I'm grumpy! I'll snap out of it, but I'm spoutin' off. I HAVE TO ORDER A LOT OF THINGS ONLINE I'm aggravated. I get over things rather easily, but I just want to complain. I hate having to order things online. I hate having things arrive and not be...
  8. Rescued One

    Renfrewshire, Scotland 15th Century to Jamestown, Virginia 17th Century

    Earliest ancestor Malcolm Crawford and earliest known Virginia ancestor John Crawford
  9. Rescued One

    What can I watch on TV?

    I have Xfinity Cable Channels. Everything looks boring. I don't like new shows or most movies after the 1950s.
  10. Rescued One

    Help. Please.

    I've tried to learn this for years. I don't know where to post my question or where to find a legitimate answer. I want a definition of child abuse. Why can't it be defined? How can someone ignore a Christian lifestyle, be disobedient to scriptures about treatment of others, and the...
  11. Rescued One

    John 10 for 12-yr-old

    Where can I get a book or Bible with John 10 for a 12-year-old?
  12. Rescued One

    Sad Christmas: No Fruitcake!

    I wasn't able to buy my Claxton Fruitcake! You can complain all you want. You've probably never tried it. Not all fruitcakes are equal! Claxton's is the best store bought fruitcake. But my southern Virginia friend gave me a refrigerated homemade one that was delicious also! ingredients 1 box...
  13. Rescued One

    Some Questions

    Does this apply to pastors? 2 Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; 3 not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to...
  14. Rescued One

    Have a...

    blessed instead of merry Christmas!
  15. Rescued One

    Polish Cookies

    I had delicious Angel Wings from Walmart one year, but they no longer carry them! Chrusciki INGREDIENTS UNITS: US 5tablespoons cream 5egg yolks 1⁄2teaspoon salt 1⁄4cup sugar 2 1⁄4cups flour, plus 1teaspoon vanilla powdered sugar DIRECTIONS Beat eggs until thick. Add salt slowly while...
  16. Rescued One

    Frosted Cranberry Salad!

    1 81/2 oz. can crushed pineapple 1 1-lb. can whole cranberry sauce 2 (3 oz.) pkgs. raspberry gelatin 1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese 2 tblsp. salad dressing (Miracle Whip) 1 c. heavy cream, whipped 1/2 c. nuts, chopped 1 tart apple, peeled and chopped Drain fruit, reserving liquid. Add water to...
  17. Rescued One

    What is your Thanksgiving Menu?

    When I was younger, I always served sweet potatoes and Libby's pumpkin pie (my FAVORITE recipe exactly as on the can). My daughter loved chess pie. Does anyone have a favorite vegetable recipe for Thanksgiving?
  18. Rescued One

    What is Sin to a Person Who Never read the Bible?

    I tried to tell my late Mother that Jesus died to save us from our sins. She said, "I don't sin." She had had a Bible, an old one with sepia toned pictures, for as long as I could remember. Her Bible had names and birthdates of grandparents in it. Towards the end of her life she she didn't...
  19. Rescued One

    Depressing Topic

    Three of my children won't speak to me. Ever. I don't understand. I never disowned my atheist relatives (parents and siblings) . Two are atheists and one Eastern Orthodox. Question: Matthew 18: 17 17 “If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to...
  20. Rescued One

    Leather Britches

    I ran across the recipes in 1970. I'd been married about a year and Mother never taught me to cook. Well, I just had to try these! I knew an older lady from Southern Virginia and got tips from her. Wash your green beans and then let them dry or pat them good and dry with paper towels. Thread a...