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  1. P

    End times and AI

    I am a senior IT architect, done programming all my life and work with AI. To my eyes the end time pattern seems quite clear but of course it just “seems” and I have no word of God of this. Just as a disclaimer :) I will spill you some of my thoughts on the subject. We see overall decline of...
  2. P

    Eschatology research how to

    I would like to do my own personal eschatology research. I know I can just read bible, make notes, make my own methods of matching world events, signs etc to the Word but since this Is something that’s been done by others there must be some existing databases, tools, interest groups and other...
  3. P

    History of charismatic christians

    From what I have heard the apostle-like Christianity with gifts of Holy Spirit was not really there until maybe 100 years ago. It was dormant for the 1800 years or so in between. Is this correct? Do there exist any materials on the history of charismatic Christianity?
  4. P

    Work stress management

    I have my own IT business and got people working for me. As a sensitive and creative (I like to believe) guy I just tend to take things too much in and my stress is connected with the bank account balance. I dont want it to be so and I want my well being to be based on my faith. I am kind of...
  5. P


    Hi! I am a born again christian since 1991. I have had quite a colourful life and i prefer to be quite straight and honest about things but i am a polite and sensitive guy. God has been faithful, i have not, but He has brought be up to this point and i crave for more of Him all the time. Hope to...