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  1. FaithfulPilgrim

    Questions About Theistic Evolution

    1. Am I understanding the process of evolution correctly? From what I have gathered, evolution is the gradual process of changes within a species over time. Evolutionists generally do not make a distinction between macro and micro-evolution. These small changes (what creationists call...
  2. FaithfulPilgrim


    How are we to view the book of Genesis? I was raised a Young Earth Creationist and accepted all of it as literally true, but I started exploring evolution and Old Earth Creationism, and started doubting the credibility of a young earth. I guess I lean towards Old Earth Creationism now, but I...
  3. FaithfulPilgrim

    Return From Exile

    How do we know that the OT prophetic verses of the Bible are about the modern state of Israel and not the return from exile after Babylonian captivity? How would you refute those who say those verses about the return from exile and not the restoration of modern Israel?
  4. FaithfulPilgrim

    Church’s Governance

    The Calvary Chapel has been criticized for its management structure and issues of accountability. How do you remain faithful members in spite of this? I don’t mean to sound confrontational, as I think I agree with most of what the CC believes, I just have issues with their governing structure...
  5. FaithfulPilgrim

    About the Bible

    What do Anglicans believe about how the Scriptures came to be? I have heard Catholic and Orthodox claims that the Bible’s canon was decided by the Church and therefore tradition should be followed or something along those lines, while Protestants (in general) believe in sola scriptura, though...
  6. FaithfulPilgrim

    Some More Questions

    Hello! I have some more questions. 1. I’ve read that the churches of Christ believe that it is the individual who must make a decision on their own to be saved while having knowledge about Jesus and how to he saved, and that the Holy Spirit has very little, if anything to do with conversion? Is...
  7. FaithfulPilgrim

    Missionary Baptists

    Is anyone here a Missionary Baptist or have had experiences with them? In what ways do they differ from other Baptists (especially compared to Independent and Southern Baptists?) I know they put an emphasis on missionary work, hence the name, and from what I have read, they believe in doing...
  8. FaithfulPilgrim

    Christian Existentialist Demominations?

    I have posted threads here a couple of times before, but I want to give an update on my journey. After doing some diligent searching, I think Christian existentialism as espoused by Søren Kierkegaard is closest to what I personally believe. I currently attend a Southern Baptist Church, but I’m...
  9. FaithfulPilgrim


    what is the Lutheran view of soteriology. I have been studying Calvinism and Arminianism, and Lutheranism is it’s own thing, it seems. How does Lutheranism reconcile predestination with Free Will? Also, how do you defend prevenient grace? I’ve studied the Arminian stance on prevenient grace...
  10. FaithfulPilgrim

    Convince me of Arminianism

    Hi! I have deeply studied both Calvinism and Arminianism and could never personally come to a conclusion myself. I believe it is a given that God must predestine things to a degree, though I don’t think he necessarily micromanages the universe or history. I do find the Calvinist Perspective...
  11. FaithfulPilgrim

    Old Catholics

    I read up on on the stickied Old Catholic thread, and while I am aware of some of their stances, I still have questions. 1.) What is the Old Catholic stance on doctrines such as purgatory and praying to saints? Do they differ from what the RCC teaches in any way? 2.) How do they differ from...
  12. FaithfulPilgrim

    Eternal Security

    The doctrine of eternal security goes by various names, including Once Saved, Always Saved, or preserverance of the saints, and there is also conditional security, which isn’t exactly the same thing. What are your thoughts on this doctrine, and how do you define it? As a Southern Baptist, I...
  13. FaithfulPilgrim

    How to Explain These Verses?

    I want to hear the traditional SDA point of view about the Sabbath. To be honest, I see both sides in the Saturday vs. Sunday debate. Those who say that Saturday is no longer required to be observed cite the Romans 14 chapter and the one in Acts about the four laws Gentile believers must...
  14. FaithfulPilgrim

    What is the significance of Jerusalem?

    Is there an eschatological significance about Trump acknowledging Jerusalem as Israel’s capital? If so, what is the biblical evidence for Jerusalem being the capital of the restored Israel?
  15. FaithfulPilgrim

    Life is tough

    I’m becoming an adult. Technically, I’m already one, as I’m 21, but I’m going through a drastic change in life. Firstly, I got a new job and I start training for it tomorrow. While it pays well and has good benefits, I’m still nervous about it. My job isn’t very hard, just detail oriented and I...
  16. FaithfulPilgrim

    Plymouth Brethren and Egalitarianism

    I’m interested in the Plymouth Brethren Movement, particularly the Open Brethren variety, and I’d like to know what their stance on women in the ministry is. Given that they are a conservative denomination, I wouldn’t be surprised if they are complementarians, but given that each congregation...
  17. FaithfulPilgrim

    Feet Washing

    The NT mentions foot washing and Jesus seems to institute it as a command (John 13:14-17) However, how often should it be done and should it be considered a sacrament or ordinance? It is regarded as such by Anabaptists and Free Will Baptists. I think it is practiced by other denominations, but...
  18. FaithfulPilgrim

    Considering Becoming Wesleyan

    I’m a Christian who is in between churches at the moment. I was brought up as an Evangelical in the Southern Baptist Convention. However, after some searching I have been drawn to other groups. I’d say I’m more Mainline than Evangelical and I do believe the Bible is infallible in the areas of...
  19. FaithfulPilgrim

    The New Perspective on Paul

    The New Perspective on Paul (hereafter, NPP) is a movement within academic circles of bible scholars that provides, well, a New Perspective of course on the teachings of the Apostle Paul. According to this view, proponents argue that Paul was not condemning all works or obedience to the law...
  20. FaithfulPilgrim

    Doctrine vs Unity

    How important is having sound doctrine at the expense of unity. It seems both are commanded by God to us from Scripture, but I don’t know if both can be achieved simultaneously in this fallen world. I believe unity is important and we must not split on non-essential issues, though we may not...