Recent content by Roman57

  1. R

    A rabbi admits an offensive Talmud quote is legit

    From politically correct point of view, the offensive quotes in the Talmud were all made up by antisemites in order to make an excuse to hate the Jews. And in actuality Talmud doesn't say this stuff, it just been twisted, mistranslated, etc. But then what about this youtube video by a Rabbi...
  2. R

    Putin and the Jews

    Which of those two types of Islam do Chechens subscribe to?
  3. R

    Putin and the Jews

    I know that Russians in general are antisemitic, but Putin seems to be an exception to this. That is one of the admirable things about Putin that, despite historic antisemitism of Russia, he seems to be Jew friendly. As far as Jews not liking Putin, Jews not liking someone, is not necessarily...
  4. R

    Proverbs 7

    Thats an interesting thought. Because keep in mind, she uses those spices as part of the advertisement, which makes it feel like she is not even hiding the fact that he will die. Well, in actuality she is hiding the death part, otherwise he won't bite. But the way she sounds in the retrospect is...
  5. R

    Putin and the Jews

    Thats true. But then your argument about Jews being persecutted because religion Judaism supposedly didn't make the list wont work either.
  6. R

    Putin and the Jews

    Actually I read there was four: Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism.
  7. R

    Proverbs 7

    I don't normally read Psalms or Proverbs since I tend to regard it as just a poetry rather than serious scripture, but recently I watched Youtube video that talked about Proverbs 7 and this got my attention. Contrary to what I thought, Proverbs 7 IS a serious chapter, and I find it a lot more...
  8. R

    Putin and the Jews

    Putin had soft place in his heart towards Jewish people. This is because when he was a little boy, the Jewish family gave him food. Also one of his teachers was Jewish and he bought her an apartment in Israel. Also some of his judo coaches were Jewish as well. He put his month's salary to the...
  9. R

    Is there Hebrew Roots churches in Flagstaff AZ

    I moved to Flagstaff AZ because I got teaching job at CCC. I found two churches that meet on Saturday (see 1 and 2 below), but I am not happy with either of them. I also found one more church (item 3) but apparently it moved from Flagstaff to Sacramento. So here is what I found: 1)...
  10. R

    News have time machine

    I thought it was about September 11, 2023. Because on every September 11 anniversary the presidents are supposed to come to Ground 0, and Biden was the first one who planned not to, which made a lot of people upset. So I thought that this article was about Biden changing his story and saying he...
  11. R

    News have time machine

    I read the following article titled "Biden claims without evidence he was at Ground Zero on day after 9/11 attacks" (see MSN ) that claims what Biden said the day after September 11. But guess what, it is still September 11. How could that article ever be written without time machine?
  12. R

    Is it sinful to extract teeth and/or do root canal?

    But hair can regrow while tooth can't. Its the permanent change thats the sin.
  13. R

    A good movie to show Calvinists

    That is good that you double checked if it is correct: a lot of people don't (I don't mean just Calvinists, I mean people in general). So its good you did that. However, the fact that you had this kind of "feeling" is an indication that you might not know much about other faith systems...
  14. R

    A good movie to show Calvinists

    That is probably the greatest misunderstanding on your part right there. I never denied that mankind has fallen into sin, and I don't think any other Christian had denied it either. Now, Jews do deny the original sin, but that is a different story. As far as Christians go, I don't think any...
  15. R

    A good movie to show Calvinists

    Well, there are multiple verses on both sides so I guess we can both add them as we go. But, for starters, consider 2 Peter 3:9. Calvinism teaches that the people that are going to hell were actually predestined for hell. Yet that verse teaches God desires nobody perish which contradicts the...