Recent content by keras

  1. keras


    You make false claims. The Bible never says that the thief or Lazarus actually live in Paradise. Provided their names are found in the Book of Life; they will; but only after the GWT Judgment. Rev 2:7 does not say when that Promise will be fulfilled. It will happen AFTER the Millennium, as...
  2. keras

    Time frames that end on the day that Jesus Returns

    The scriptural precedent for an approximate time is Revelation 8:1, the Seventh Seal which is;.... about a half hour in heaven. In the midst is the same as the mid point, proved by Daniel 9:27a....with one half spent....[of the 7 year treaty.] This means what it says; there is no room to add...
  3. keras

    Revelation 11 and Revelation 12

    God ordained those 7 Mo'eds, or days of celebration and Jesus fulfilled the spring ones. The Fall ones await their final fulfilment. - 1/ the Day of Trumpets: the Sixth Seal, Lords Day of fiery wrath. 2/ The Day of Tabernacles: the glorious Return of Jesus 3/ the Day of Hanukah: the...
  4. keras

    Revelation 11 and Revelation 12

    Yes, I do. It refers to the image of the beast, Revelation 13:14-15 Of course there is time and reason for the armies to gather, as Revelation 16:12-14, says. You do not have the 'correct' understanding. The extra days that Daniel 12 prophesies, must come after Jesus Returns. They fit there...
  5. keras

    Revelation 11 and Revelation 12

    Your reply is confusion, as it seems you think I meant the second period of 1260 days. Re-read #63, I said: after the treaty is signed.... the first half of the 7 years.
  6. keras

    Who are the 144,000

    You didn't prove where they are now., just your opinion. Your explanation fails to prove anything, as we know from Revelation 20:11-15, it is only after the Judgment, that anyone will receive immortality.
  7. keras


    FAIL None of those verses say the Lord will take people to live in heaven. 2 Cor 12:2 (ESV): And I know that this man was caught up into paradise.... That was just Paul; in the Spirit. He didn't stay there. Luke 23:43 (NIV): Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me...
  8. keras

    Time frames that end on the day that Jesus Returns

    Why the KJV should be rejected and ignored, is obvious. Many books and articles show the errors and confusions caused by mis-translations and the archaic language. In the Interlinear transliteration of the original Hebrew of Daniel 8:14 says: evenings and part of days. You have been misled and...
  9. keras

    Revelation 11 and Revelation 12

    Your opinion, not the logical and correct understanding. The AoD will happen at 1260 days after the treaty is signed and after another 1260 days: Jesus will Return. Any other ideas, are just twisting and shuffling scripture. Not advisable.
  10. keras

    Time frames that end on the day that Jesus Returns

    Just another reason for your errors and mistaken beliefs. To make the KJV inerrant was never the intention of those translators in 1600, they knew there were other manuscripts but not available to them, We have the modern advantage of far better and understandable Bibles. Why do you rate the...
  11. keras

    Revelation 11 and Revelation 12

    Because to do that is a contradiction of Daniel 9:27......with one half spent, he will put a stop to the Temple ordinances....... Has to be at day 1260, then after another 1260 days; the glorious Return of Jesus. I just can't see why you need to mess around with scripture like this. The extra...
  12. keras

    Time frames that end on the day that Jesus Returns

    Your beliefs don't fit what the Prophets say and your logic is wakadoodle. 2300 evenings and mornings........ One evening and one morning in a day, one day uses 1 evening and 1 morning, leaving 2298 to go. Total of 2300 evenings and mornings, equals 1150 days. Have you the moral fortitude to...
  13. keras

    Who are the 144,000

    Where are they? Where does any of those examples say they got 'glorified bodies'?
  14. keras


    The scriptures do that. A rapture removal to heaven of anyone, is just never stated in the Bible. Please post a verse that actually states people will go to live in heaven. Only a few people have visited heaven; just in a spiritual way. If you don't or can't, then you are guilty of false...
  15. keras

    Eight views on the RAPTURE and the Tribulation:

    But people who do actually read and study what the Bible says, reject the airy/fairy idea of a 'rapture to heaven' at anytime: Pre, mid or post. The only Prophecy that has any kind of spiritual rising up, is when Jesus Returns and those who have proved their faith and trusted in the Lord...