Recent content by Joni Steele

  1. Joni Steele

    Living proof that I was not "born" that way!

    Let's not continue to argue about this. It's not very Christian and there is already enough unrest in the world. I have no desire to add to it. God bless you.
  2. Joni Steele

    How can any Christian vote for pro-abortion politicians?

    Its truth because it's in the Bible..." Thou shalt not murder."
  3. Joni Steele

    Living proof that I was not "born" that way!

    It really doesnt matter that you dont consider it a miracle. The important thing is that I do.
  4. Joni Steele

    How can any Christian vote for pro-abortion politicians?

    You can't be Christian and vote pro-abortion or for candidates who enforce this hideous practice.
  5. Joni Steele

    How can any Christian vote for pro-abortion politicians?

    Any person claiming that a fetus is not a human being has no right calling themselves a Christian. We are created in Gods image at the moment of conception. We are fearfully and wonderfully made, knitted in the womb in secret.
  6. Joni Steele

    Is Christianity about being a 'Good' person?

    If you mean good by Gods standards, no. We all sin and fall short of the glory. Sin separates us from God. In order to spend eternity with Him we need to be sinless. This is not possible apart from the shed blood of Christ on the cross. You can not get to Heaven by being a good person. We are...
  7. Joni Steele

    60 and seeking

    TY. Happy to be here! God bless you.
  8. Joni Steele

    Prayer for post election patience

    I confess...I'm not good at waiting for election results. I'm used to knowing the day after the election who will be President. Please pray that I wont let stress and anxiety get to me or let the enemy steal my Joy. Also, please pray for ballot tabulation mercies...that the workers who handle...
  9. Joni Steele

    Any singles in their 60s?

    TY. I'm also a word search enthusiast. God bless you in your singleness.
  10. Joni Steele

    Could a Biden presidency be part of Gods will for the end times?

    Wow! So many different perspectives...I think I'll just keep both candidates in prayer and trust God for the results. His plan is best.
  11. Joni Steele

    What would the country be like if Biden won ?

    We would have Socialism. Harris would make certain of that.
  12. Joni Steele

    Could a Biden presidency be part of Gods will for the end times?

    I agree! TY for your perspective.