Recent content by Good King Edward VI

  1. Good King Edward VI

    My denomination is in error!

    Dear Good Sir, I hope you won't be offended by a non-Calvinist (who is a graduate of Calvin College, if that don't beat all) butting in on your forum, but I would say that you should have plenty of non-PC(USA) Presbyterian choices available in your area. Right off hand, I'm sure there are...
  2. Good King Edward VI

    Black/death metal fans

    That one Scandinavian Nazi dude that stabbed that other rival metaller to death in Scandinavia is pretty cool but he's in jail now. Yours, Jeff
  3. Good King Edward VI

    Frank Sinatra

    "In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning" is one of the saddest songs ever recorded. Yours, Jeff
  4. Good King Edward VI

    Conservative Methodists?

    I certainly hope that wasn't meant to be taken as anything resembling a thought or an argument. It's rather more reminiscent of words tumbling out of one's mouth. And before you accuse me of an ad hominem attack in the above paragraph, reflect on what you had written. Compassionate...
  5. Good King Edward VI

    Classic Rock

    Wow! You actually live somewhere that E.C. is played on the radio, hey? I mean, I grew up near Detroit, not exactly a small market, and don't think I've ever heard an Elvis Costello song on the radio. And that's including the "alternative rock" station over in Windsor, Ontario. All this...
  6. Good King Edward VI


    First, seajoy, thx for the welcome. Don't know how much you'll be seeing me around here, but I guess I'm just an incorrigible forum flirt. Right, AFLC isn't a synod/denomination. It is an association (go figure, hey) of independent congregations. It's in the pietist tradition, and I think...
  7. Good King Edward VI


    Hello all, Any members of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations frequent these forums? Just like to hear your thoughts on it, if so. Yours, Jeff
  8. Good King Edward VI

    What are YOU currently reading? (5)

    Intruder In The Dust, William Faulkner.
  9. Good King Edward VI

    Theological Diversity/Freedom in Disciples of Christ

    Hello all my new best friends forever, Quick question. I am wondering how much theological freedom is allowed, in terms of ministers/ministerial leaders in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). For instance, and specifically, would someone who believes that the ordination of women is...
  10. Good King Edward VI

    Last Show You Attended

    This past summer, at the DTE Energy Pavilion outside Detroit (formerly known as Pine Knob). My sister bought the tickets and coerced me into going. I wonder if ol' Johnny Cougar will "fight authority" so much nowadays since the People's Republic of West Europe has now replaced the old...
  11. Good King Edward VI

    Useful Links

    Rediculous to call Anglicans Online "fair". Yours, Jeff
  12. Good King Edward VI

    Classic Rock

    It is so wrong to call Elvis Costello or The Clash "classic rock" ... The Man was essentially (until he became the preening pop queen he was originally out to destroy) New Wave, and the point of New Wave was to kill dead the bloated dinosaur rock represented by Led Zep, E.L.P., etc. I believe...
  13. Good King Edward VI

    Classic Rock

    That's exactly right! My sister sells ad time for a "classic rock" station in one of the largest markets in the United States, so I have a direct pipeline for complaint. I have asked her repeatedly why it is that I have begun hearing more and more often bands such as Van Halen/Van Hagar and U2...
  14. Good King Edward VI

    "My" "Mission"

    A simple plug for the small website I run. You can find the address in my signature. I'm still working on developing it. Quote marks in the subject line because it's not my mission, it's God's, and it's hardly a mission (yet), but I hope to someday at least gather a small Bible study...
  15. Good King Edward VI

    Classic Rock

    It's just strange to know that music you listened to in high school is now considered "classic rock". Kinda like "I Am The Walrus" was when I was a sophomore. Whew. Yours, Jeff