Recent content by com7fy8

  1. com7fy8

    I cant beat this one particular sin.

    If people care about us, we should not treat them like they are trustworthy.
  2. com7fy8

    I (an atheist) dreamt about becoming a Christian and I can’t stop thinking about it

    Welcome to Christian Forums. It looks like the moderator has kept you here. We have compassionate and wise and knowledgeable people in this advice section, where we keep checking for new people to help. So, here could be a good place for you to be. But also you could check some other sections...
  3. com7fy8

    Here is detailed information about the court case Trump is currently involved in

    I can see that if a person is ok with killing unborn people and surgically maiming children . . . such a person has the character to do dirty political things. And I have been told that two planks of the Democrats are killing unborn Americans and maiming children, as rights. So, there is no...
  4. com7fy8

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    It can be only as good as the character and ability of the ones who use it. There are ones claiming to be Christians who are upset that the Constitution is used to cancel them. But what would they be doing if they had the power? There are ones who would cancel me. There are ones who are part...
  5. com7fy8

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    No. Who you are now with God is what matters. And how we are now is what decides who we are with God. God wants us to be all-loving, gentle and humble, kind and personal with people as their example so they can find out how to love. Even if you have had slaves - - if you have repented of this...
  6. com7fy8

    Neale Donald Walshe and his Revelation of God?

    So, people need to know God's word about forgiveness, and what is right judging and wrong judging. You have to teach children right from wrong so they do not do what is wrong. And we need how God's word tells us how to love. "Do all things without complaining and disputing," (Philippians...
  7. com7fy8

    The Development of the Subjective and Political use of the English language

    Well, I think of this > Worldly people have been changing and adapting English for doing what they want. They have not been developing English for making sure we understand and live the word of God. However, God is able to turn our English for His use!!! We could have turned words and their...
  8. com7fy8

    How can Christians graciously & compassionately argue against homosexuality, adultery, perversion, sexual assualt, rape, abortion alcohol and/or drug

    The Bible does condemn homosexuality; so this is part of our message . . . including > "For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret." (Ephesians 5:12) And yes in Romans 1:18-32 we see how ones rejecting God were turned over to evil drives, and Paul says...
  9. com7fy8

    My step mum is getting baptised into the Mormon church. As a Christian should I attend?

    Have you talked with her about how Mormonism is not God's way, and have you shown this from scripture? If she has been shown scripture for how Mormonism is wrong, why has she made this choice? If she knows about scripture challenging her decision, you can advise her that if you go it will be...
  10. com7fy8

    Is this a good way to think ?

    He does. "casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7) But > our Heavenly Father is all-loving. So, what He does with you will fit with how He also is loving any and all people. Have you read about Joseph, in Genesis chapters 37-50? God had things work out for Joseph...
  11. com7fy8

    I have a Very Legalistic friend

    I thought legalism is when people make up a lot of rules for outward stuff, then judge you by if you make the outward show that their church is putting on. This person seems different than that. I think this is different than legalism. Revelation, by the way, does not directly name Roman...
  12. com7fy8

    Is this idolization?

    It seems you are saying he stops answering when you start arguing. Arguing can be wrong. After all, God's word says > "Do all things without complaining and disputing," (Philippians 2:14) And > "be clothed with humility" (in 1 Peter 5:5) And > "nor as being lords over those entrusted to...
  13. com7fy8

    Feeling stuck and unsettled. Very difficult living situation.

    It is possible that God has His reasons for you to be where you are, except you are not content. In case you got yourself into this situation, but without making sure with God, then first you need to get wise to your ways that got you here. And learn how to make sure with God so you don't just...
  14. com7fy8

    Feeling stuck and unsettled. Very difficult living situation.

    How about a trailer home in the mix? I mean one that can comfortably house two longterm and can easily travel with four happy campers.
  15. com7fy8

    Sins that lead to death ,Vengeance, and unrepentance

    Well, if you did something very vile to someone, it is possible the Lord will avenge this. But the perfect revenge is you be humble to know it is wrong, and you trust God to change you so you are loving, instead. Look at Ezekiel 33:11 and tell us what you find God is telling us.