childeye 2's latest activity

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    childeye 2 reacted to Grip Docility's post in the thread Free will and determinism with Like Like.
    There's merit to what you say about Satan! I always lean on the idea that Satan thought God was weak, because of God's Humility and...
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    childeye 2 replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    Ignorance could also qualify as a disability. How many times do we all do things we later regret doing?
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    childeye 2 replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    Sorry Grip I have to go. As always, it's been great hearing from you. I'm not exactly sure what scriptures you're looking for, but I...
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    childeye 2 replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    I assume you've experienced kindness and you have felt compassion for others. I see these as Spiritual attributes in mankind...
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    childeye 2 replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    I get what you're saying. Although being given dominion doesn't address being deceived, I'm not debating that. On a base level, I'm...
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    childeye 2 replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes...
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    childeye 2 replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    I would like to point out something about the context of the above scripture. First off, it's Joshua speaking, not God. Joshua...
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    childeye 2 replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    Try looking at it this way. Choice can mean "option". Choice can mean "decision". Determinism would apply more to Choice/option. Free...
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    childeye 2 replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    I get what you're saying in the sense that for some reason there can exist a disability impairing someone from doing the right thing...
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    childeye 2 replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    I can relate to what you're describing. "I can live with the idea that there is no free will". I get the intended sentiment of the...
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    childeye 2 replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    Thanks, that was an interesting read. I still think the positive/negative aspects of determinism are not being fully addressed. I don't...
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    childeye 2 replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    In the moral/immoral paradigm, we make decisions because we have to share a planet. Knowing right from wrong is not the same as caring...
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    childeye 2 replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    In my view, the terminology "free will" never gets qualified in these discussions. What exactly the will is supposedly free from is...
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    childeye 2 replied to the thread Is the Eucharist cannibalism?.
    I'm not sure how to respond to this. I'm going to say that there's judgment at the cup for a reason.
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    childeye 2 replied to the thread Is the Eucharist cannibalism?.
    The meaning of this is my flesh and blood body which is crucified for you doesn't contradict the symbolic meaning of the bread, even...