Recent content by 9Rock9

  1. 9Rock9

    Amillennialism Safe House

    Maybe it's the circles I hang out in, but from my anecdotal experience, Arminians tend to be premillennial, while Calvinists can be premillennial, amillennial or postmillennial.
  2. 9Rock9

    Did the Founding Fathers get anything Wrong?

    I think relying on a first-past-the-post voting system was a mistake.
  3. 9Rock9

    Amillennialism Safe House

    How common is Amillennialism amongst Arminians? Most of the ones I can think of are Premillennial.
  4. 9Rock9

    Help me find a denomination!!!

    According to what you listed, I would recommend a conservative Baptist church. A lot of them are dispensationalism, but due to local church autonomy, a Baptist church can hold to just about any view of eschatology, and when the ones that lean dispensationalist usually don't require it as a test...
  5. 9Rock9

    Which denomination is the right one?

    The only true church is the Church of Springfield led by Reverend Lovejoy.
  6. 9Rock9


    Ah. Complementarianism is the doctrine that only men can serve in ordained ministry, as opposed to egalitarianism, in which women may be ministers.
  7. 9Rock9

    Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

    Are there any OT examples of the Sabbath being observed prior to the establishment of the Mosaic Covenant? Like, I know God sanctified the Sabbath on the Seventh day or creation, but AFAIK, I don't think people were commanded to keep it until Moses received the 10 Commandments?
  8. 9Rock9

    "Reformed" "Reform" in name of church always mean the Pastor is Calvinistic in doctrine?

    Yeah, somehow Calvinists seem to fall into universalism. I think the Unitarian Universalists are descended from Puritans, iirc, and Primitive Baptist Universalists are a thing.
  9. 9Rock9

    "Reformed" "Reform" in name of church always mean the Pastor is Calvinistic in doctrine?

    I'd reckon it depends on how conservative said Reformed church is. You'd probably be hard pressed to find an Arminian pastor in a PCA or Reformed Baptist church, but they're probably not that uncommon in the PCUSA or the UCC.
  10. 9Rock9


    So, I noticed that all of the Holiness denominations I can think of: United Methodists, Wesleyans and Nazarenes, all affirm women's ordination. Are there any Holiness denominations that affirm complementarian views about the ministry?
  11. 9Rock9

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. endorses unrestricted abortion ‘even if it’s full term’

    I was in the same boat. I strongly considered voting for him, but now I can't.
  12. 9Rock9

    Is it true that Evangelical Churches (for example, Baptist and Pentecostal) are becoming more conservative?

    Not necessarily. I don't think Calvinism nor Arminianism really tell you anything about how conservative or liberal a denomination is. The UMC is Arminian. The PCUSA is Calvinist. Both are quite liberal. The OPC is Calvinist and Assembly of God are both conservatives despite being polar...
  13. 9Rock9

    Is it true that Evangelical Churches (for example, Baptist and Pentecostal) are becoming more conservative?

    Well, I think it depends. I'm Southern Baptist, so I'll be using my denomination as an example. I think it's simultaneously become more conservative and more more moderate. The SBC used to be fairly liberal until the Conservative Resurgence. Now, it takes considervative stances on many...
  14. 9Rock9

    Who do you want for VP?

    I don't personally care who the VP is.