
  1. Q

    Is this a good way to think ?

    What helps me make Godly decisions is always thinking God wants what is best for me. Is this a good way of thinking or is it unrealistic
  2. Q

    How much of our lives we actually control ?

    How much of our lives yall think we actually control is it 60% of 50% or less or more ?
  3. Q

    Anyone dealing with Bitterness as a Christian?

    Im currently battling with Bitterness im grateful for everything God has blessed me with but there’s something I lack and it’s bothering me. People especially a ill-minded family member often lets me know im lacking in this department and often makes me even more bitter about it. How to deal...
  4. Q

    Am I wrong for this as a Christian?

    I asked my boss to put me on a certain time shift I told him my performance would be better at this shift so he gives me the shift and my performance starts off good and then the week later my performance on the shift becomes very inconsistent and worst than what it was on the original shift. My...
  5. Q

    Is a person a Christian once they believe Jesus Christ is Lord ?

    If a person believes Jesus is God are they now saved ?
  6. Q

    What does the Bible count as a Teacher ?

    In James 3:1 it says not many of us should be teachers because teachers would be judged more strictly. My question is what counts as a teacher. If im reading the bible to someone am I a teacher ? If I am evangelising am I a Teacher ? What counts ?
  7. Q

    Are most mega-churches preaching prosperity?

    Are most Mega Churches preaching the false gospel ?
  8. Q

    Is it me or MOST Churches in America will preach about how Men & kids should honor God specifically but no sermons about how Women should act ?

    I hear plenty of sermons about how children should honor their parents. I hear plenty of sermons about how men should be respectful and not live in lust and be sexual immorality But for women………….. I rarely hear anything specifically about them in most church sermons. I hear more Churches...
  9. Q

    Should I leave a Church because the social life there is horrible ?

    I’ve been attending the same church for about 8 years and these last few years the social life of the church been getting worst and worst. Im a young man in a single group that is mostly male we got 11 members and 8 are men and 4 are female and only 1 out of the 4 is under 40 and single. The...
  10. A


    Would someone know if they had a reprobate mind or would they'd be too far gone to even realize they were in that state?
  11. endofdayz

    Transgression of the law vs sinful nature

    I've been debating a few "we're under the law" people lately and one of the things that's clearly misunderstood is what trangression of the law is. There's sinful acts which we wrestle with. This is our sinful nature. Paul talks about how we want to follow our mind in Christ but we wrestle...
  12. I

    A test of losing a father turns into a TESTIMONY of how Great OUR GOD is…

    ~2 am, Jul 14th 2019 “I (for AI – my nickname in family), please take me to hospital. I fell from my bed” “HA? You’re bleeding ‘pah’. How can you fall?” Never thought that it would happen and be the last conversion between me and him. After that, he was in coma and went to his eternal home in...
  13. N

    I Don’t Know What God Is Telling Me

    I need help with this dilemma that I found quite ironic. I had a scheduling for my first tattoo which is a memorial for my deceased God-Mother and God-Father who were near and dear to me on Friday, March 30th. I work under my father, being the business owner who was working the time of the...
  14. Gabe7587

    A new person

    Hello I am Gabriel, I want to be used by God so badly, in miraculous ways. I'm just not sure I'm praying correctly about that. Just hope that if anyone is reading this, that they can pray for me for that.